Housekeeping / version event


We are using version numbers with 4 digits, the last number is the build number. Forwarding this to SQ creates in bigger teams typically more than one version event per day. As a result housekeeping is not working ( because snapshots have version events assigned.

Is there a possibility to clean-up ignoring version events?

On the same day this version number with build number is very useful. But after a day/week, … it could be ignored.


Hi Guenter,

We’re discussing this subject internally, but it’s still early days.

In the meantime, I’d recommend a little CI-side scripting to trim the build number off the version string you pass into analysis. That’s what we do.


Hi Ann,

Thx for your fast answer.

Two cents from my side:

  • Would be good if feature works (clean-up) existing projects.
  • Different projects have different version number formats. So maybe you can provide a filter to define the “long-living” part of the version string.
  • Or simple flag: Keep only one version per day / week / month / year, …

Looking forward to see your solution.
