Helm chart 8.x.x test is using a non-existent container image

Must-share information (formatted with Markdown):

  • LTS
  • Helm chart ~8
  • be able to run helm test without it blowing up
  • looked at the helm chart to see what is configurable

The image being used by default is bitnami/minideb-extras, which no longer appears to be available on docker hub.

The image can be overridden, but I would either have to find or build an image with bats at the /tools/bats/bin/bats path.

The test should be updated to work with the defaults.

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Dear @krmichelos,

thanks a lot for raising this issue! It has been fixed in the context of [SONAR-20407] - Jira and released with sonarqube 8.0.2+754 · sonarsource/sonarqube.

Please let me know if it solves your problem.