Get quality gate result from SonarCloud analysis with GitHub Actions

My team and I are using SonarCloud with GitHub Actions in order to scan a cdk typescript App. We were able to create the project in SonarCloud, set the Quality Gate using Sonar way and for the integration we are using SonarCloud Scan.

Is it possible to get the result from the quality gate when the analysis has finished? i am using sonarsource/sonarqube-quality-gate-action@master to show the status the QG, it is working fine, and i can see the report in sonar also, but looks like it if for SonarQube not for sonarcloud.

My question is can i use sonarsource/sonarqube-quality-gate-action@master for sonarcloud ?


I believe what you’re looking for is sonar.qualitygate.wait.


hi Ann
thank you for your quick reply. i think i didn’t mention clearly, what i am asking is can i use sonarsource/sonarqube-quality-gate-action@master in github action for sonarcloud to check the QG status?
This is the screenshot for sonarcloud ci check in cicd pipeline that i am currently using:


Sorry, but no. You’ll need to use the analysis property I listed.


hi Ann
Sorry for the late response, so based on your reply, i don’t need to use sonarsource/sonarqube-quality-gate-action@master to check the QG status, just need to add the argument: sonar.qualitygate.wait=true, and then the scan action can check the status and fail the pipeline if it does not pass. so technically, we just need one action to the scan and QG check.thank you so much.