Get no. of blocker/critical severity code smells from SonarCloud API

I would like to be able to query the following metrics from the SonarCloud web API:

  • number of Code Smells with severity Blocker, and
  • number of Code Smells with severity Critical.

This appears to be unsupported.

I can retrieve values for various metrics, as listed here:

…and it does allow me to query the total number of code smells and the number of new code smells. But it does not provide a standard metric for the things I’m looking for.

I can get actual values (measures) using this API:

…but that does not allow filtering by severity.

Any hints would be appreciated !

Hey there.

While there’s no specific metric for “Blocker Code Smells”, you can use GET api/issues/search to filter for the issues and add facets=severities to get a breakdown by severity.

For example, at the bottom of this API call:


Awesome, that’s exactly what I was looking for! Thanks, @Colin.

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