Get metrics for specific analysis scan date-time

Running SonarCube 9.9.3
Trying to retrieve metrics for two specific dates (sprint begin, end) in order to calculate DIFF between metrics so that I show increase/decrease during development window or sprint review.

Trying to generate a rough “new_code” type delta between any given adhoc dates as I may not be able to adjust new_code window and/or would like to pull snapshots for multiple dates (not all) to show analysis state at given milestones in our development window.

Example Result - Metrics at end of Development

metric 23.31 23.41 24.11 24.21 24.31
bugs 120 125 128 95 98
coverage 30.5 30.1 29.5 33.2 33.2


  • invoke “api/measures/search_history” with single metric
  • extract closest BEGIN/END dates from returned analysis results
  • invoke "api/measures/search_history with multiple metrics and [from,to] with both explicitly set to BEGIN date
  • invoke "api/measures/search_history with multiple metrics and [from,to] with both explicitly set to END date
  • manual comparison between BEGIN/END analysis results to show trends

Are there other endpoints that I can use to retrieve this data? The api/project/analyses/search payload appears to be quite large in comparison to single measures/search_history response.

It would be nice to have a few helpers like

Or perhaps a way to add custom tags to the analysis under activity so that measure snapshots can be retrieved by tags
ah — perhaps that is what Creating “Custom Events” is all about, but this would only give me a way to filter to get the analysis dates but would require a separate api call to retrieve each events metrics

Hi @Steven_Moberg,
How about tagging your sources at the start of each sprint and generating an analysis of each tag as a branch in Sonar?
You could then extract your indicators with api/measures/component , passing the branch (sprint) as a parameter.