Get encryption error on env value - "Fail to decrypt the property" on unrelated Sonar propertie

Hi all, got the same issue as Bruce with the maven plugin and not with the sonar cli.

no resolution after +2 years!

I’m asking why sonar plugin scan all properties (aka windows environment variables) and try to decode all value (as mentionned in Potential Workaround 2 of Bruce post) ?

I try to run
mvn clean package sonar:sonar -Dsonar.projectKey={xxxx} -Dsonar.projectName={ghrepo}{sonarUrl} -Dsonar.token={theToken}

and get the error stack
Failed to execute goal org.sonarsource.scanner.maven:sonar-maven-plugin: (default-cli) on project {project_name}: Fail to decrypt the property env.{AES property value, NOT RELATED TO SONAR*}. Please check your secret key.: The property sonar.secretKeyPath does not link to a valid file: C:\Users{myid}.sonar\sonar-secret.txt → [Help 1]

so with le code starting at SonarSource : L40 to L45
it’s clear that the code dont check if is a sonar env related… Please open a issue on sonarqube
/sonar-scanner-engine to add sonar prefix to the key before test for encrypted value.

Hey @loblanch

Thanks for the report. That old thread got lost in the shuffle between teams.

What a strange behavior! I’ve flagged this for attention.

Can you just confirm what version of SonarQube you’re using?

We tried both
with the same issue.

Our server instance run sonarqube datacenter version v9.9.4

Hey @loblanch,
Thank you for resurfacing the topic. I create a ticket to track the issue.