FP S1848: Incorrect detection for CDK constructs

Make sure to read this post before raising a thread here:

Then tell us:

  • What language is this for?

    • Typescript with cdk8s framework.
  • Which rule?

  • Why do you believe it’s a false-positive/false-negative?

    • The cdk constructs require to declare constructors for the resources being created in the code without being any assignment.
  • Are you using

    • SonarCloud
  • How can we reproduce the problem? Give us a self-contained snippet of code (formatted text, no screenshots)

  • Setup a cdk8s project and try to create any resource. Example:

import { KubeIngress } from "../../imports/k8s";
import { Chart, ChartProps } from "cdk8s";
import { HttpIngressPathType } from "cdk8s-plus-29";
import { Construct } from "constructs";
export type LocalKongIngressProps = ChartProps & {};
export class LocalKongIngressChart extends Chart {
  constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, props: LocalKongIngressProps) {
    const { namespace } = props;
    super(scope, id, props);
     * Create ingress
    new KubeIngress(this, "kong-ingress", {
Either remove this useless object instantiation of "KubeIngress" or use it.

      metadata: {
        name: "kong-ingress",
      spec: {
        ingressClassName: "loc00-nginx",
        rules: [
            host: "school.bettermarks.loc",
            http: {
              paths: [
                  path: "/",
                  pathType: HttpIngressPathType.PREFIX,
                  backend: {
                    service: {
                      name: "kong-authx",
                      port: {
                        number: 8000,

Hello Saurabh,

Thank you for the feedback. As you have noticed, our rule raises for all constructor calls that are not assigned to a variable. In general, it is a bad pattern to perform an action inside the constructor, but a few high-profile libraries do this, so we have extended the rule to accommodate these exceptions. We could consider doing it for this case as well, and I would need more information about your use case.
What is that folder ../../imports/k8s from which you import the KubeIngress class?
Is it somewhere you re-export a specific library like cdk8s?


Hi Ilia,
Thanks for your answer.
I think broadly it is the case for every Infrastructure as Code libraries. Currently we use three of them:

    • In this case, things are imported from generated providers as well.
  • CDK8S
    • This is the example I shared, and imports can happen from the generated imports or cdk8-plus libraries.

Probably, it is even less about exceptions for specific libraries but more about either guiding us to ignore specific constructors and infrastructure as code frameworks,

With Regards