False positives for sonarjs/new-cap with Intl.DateTimeFormat()

With eslint-plugin-sonarjs, this expression triggers sonarjs/new-cap


Presumably it dislikes DateTimeFormat not being a constructor, but the name is beyond my control as it’s part of the EcmaScript standard Intl.DateTimeFormat - JavaScript | MDN

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Welcome to the community and thanks for this report!

Just to be sure, are you using the latest version of the plugin?


Issue is reproducible with eslint-plugin-sonarjs@2.0.4

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Thanks for confirming. I’ve flagged this for the language experts.


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I was gonna report the same, almost didn’t see this was already reported. Would you mind adding the eslint tag ?

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Hello @geoffswift and @Avasam,

Sorry, can you please further explain what snippet is raising the issue?

If it’s only this


then I would not say is a false positive, as DateTimeFormat is a constructor, and the samples in the MDN linked page show that.

This Sonar rule modifies the behaviour of the ESLint rule new-cap, which also covers calling an uppercase function without new. I think our rule description should be completed to also explain that use case. I created a ticket to complete it.


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I think I just didn’t realize Intl.DateTimeFormat is a constructor and the code that triggered sonarjs/no-cap on our side is indeed missing a new keyword as the rule would suggest.