False Positive on sonar qube with C language

We are using sonarQube 10.4.
we are getting a finding from sonarqube that seem to me a false positive:
sonar give a finding in the line password[strcspn(password, “\n”)] = ‘\0’

out of bound memory access (indez is tainted)

I can’t understand why:for me this code can’t cause the buffer overflow

here the full code:

void myTestFunction()
    char password[1024] = {};

    FILE *file = fopen("myFile", "r");
    if(file == NULL)
    if(fgets(password, sizeof(password), file) == NULL)
        CGC_LOGERROR("CMT", "Failed to get password file content");
        password[strcspn(password, "\n")] = '\0';





Which rule is raising this issue? The rule ID will look something like S123.

Also, your screenshot seems to be from SonarLint. Just to verify, you’re in connected mode to a SonarQube 10.4 server?


Thank you Ann for replaying.
The rose rule is c:S3519.

I’m in connected mode, I’m using sonarlint in eclipse (connect mode is the only way to have C language support on eclipse sonarlint ).

I’ve got the same finding in the sonarQube WEB interface.


Thanks for the rule ID. I’ve flagged this for the language experts.


Hi, Alessandro

Thank you for this report. I confirm that it is indeed a false positive, and I created a ticket to work on it: CPP-5829, which you can refer to to track our progress.

Here is what is going wrong with our analyzer in this case:

  • As you can see in the bug report, analyzer assumes that a malicious user can control “myFile” (taint origin) and through that the value stored in password and the return value of strcspn (taint propagation). This attacker-controlled value is then used as an index to a memory buffer password, which theoretically could cause out-of-bound memory access.
  • However, in this particular case, fgets guarantees a null terminator somewhere within password, so strcspn(password, ...) return value is bound by sizeof(password) and cannot cause out-of-bound memory access.
  • Our analyzer does not model fgets and strcspn accurately enough to recover the condition above and loses the upper bound on the accessed index.

Thank you @necto

Looking forward for the fix

Hi All
any news about it :slight_smile:

Hi Alessandro

At the moment, we have no specific plans regarding this false positive.

Hi Arseniy,

Thank you for the feedback
