False positive `java:S2699` "Add at least one assertion to this test case" for `RestAssuredMockMvc`

  • Language is Java, test framework is REST Assured, specifically its Spring Mock MVC module
  • The rule is S2699
  • False positive because then().status(...) is an assertion in REST Assured
  • Using SonarQube 9.9.4 Developer Edition
  • See SONARJAVA-4260 for a snippet of code, mine would be very similar

The false positive occurs only when using RestAssuredMockMvc, not with RestAssured.

I’m posting this despite that already filed ticket to show that the issue still or again exists after two years with the current versions. I’m using rest-assured and spring-mock-mvc in version 5.4.0.

You might also want to update the rule description because it says that “Rest-assured 2.x, 3.x and 4.x” is supported – no mention of 5.x.

Hi @trad,
Thanks for bumping the topic; we will try and address that in upcoming sprints.



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Thank you very much, Dorian!