False positive: for-loop in template class

The counter variable is not changed in the body of the for-loop!

Hey there @Skotty

Can you please provide a text-based sample of code rather than a screenshot?

(!) Your version is also past EOL. You should upgrade to either the latest version or the current LTA (long-term active version) at your earliest convenience. Your upgrade path is:

10.3 → 2025.1

You may find these resources helpful:

If the false-positive persists after upgrade, please come back to us.

Hey Colin,

Thank you for your prompt response. No, sorry, I am not allowed to share more than a code snippet in public. (If you provide your email address, I can see what I can do.)
Also, the effort to isolate the code to a minimum example is rather high. (A build and scan cycle needs approximately an hour.) I have enough work to get our own software clean.
I would expect that you can find the problem if you look in the related check code. It is very suspicious that the command _nextIndexTable[i] = i + 1; triggers the issue. If it was i = i + 1;, the issue was justified. So, please ask yourself (with a look in your code) what could lead to this misinterpretation.

The Sonar updates are rolled out by another department. There may be dependencies why updates must be delayed. I can ask.

Regarding the update to 2025.1, I got the response from a colleague:
If the performance issues are fixed in this version, they are gladly willing to do the update. (There were Sonar versions where the scan time increased by a factor of 20 to 25.)