(Michael Artmann)
January 16, 2025, 10:51am
Make sure to read this post before raising a thread here:
Hey SonarSource Community!
False-positives happen , as do false-negatives, and we’re eager to fix them. We are thrilled when our users report problems, so we can make our products better.
What is a false-positive (FP)?
A false-positive is when an issue is raised unexpectedly on code that should not trigger an issue, or where the suggested action doesn’t make any sense for the code.
What is a false-negative (FN)?
A false-negative is when an issue should be raised on a piece of code, but isn’t.
Then tell us:
What language is this for? C++
Which rule? S1271
Why do you believe it’s a false-positive/false-negative? Because it complains everytime but it is IMHO ok.
Are you using
SonarQube Server / Community Build - which version? How can I find this information
How can we reproduce the problem? Give us a self-contained snippet of code (formatted text, no screenshots)
template<size_t SIZE>
inline void Abs<SIZE>::doSomething(char *const value) const
then Sonar complains: Use “::” to access SIZE
January 20, 2025, 9:09am
Michael Artmann:
SonarQube Server / Community Build - which version? How can I find this information
Typically this information is available in the footer of your instance.
(Michael Artmann)
January 20, 2025, 10:22am
Thanks now I found it. It’s the Enterprise Edition Version 10.4
Hi @Michael1 ,
Welcome to the community and thanks for raising this ticket. It is indeed a false-positive of our implementation.
I created a ticket to track the problem on our side: Jira