Failed to load quality profiles - Sonarqube docker container

Hi @astump
welcome to the community!

I can share hints about what is happening but without the full logs from both sides (scanner and SonarQube), it’s difficult to provide you with a definitive answer. The -X scanner parameter activates DEBUG logs; but you only shared (partially) a single log at ERROR level.

There are two known causes for such problem:

  • Network connectivity (certificates, proxy, address…), to check your connectivity you may look for the scanner requests in the SonarQube server access.log file, then your proxy logs.
  • ElasticSearch index corruption. This is also a likely root cause for such problem. If the case you would solve it by removing the ES data so that SonarQube recreates it:
    • stop your SonarQube instance
    • remove the /opt/sonarqube/data/es7 folder (or recreate the docker sonarqube_data volume)
    • start SonarQube

And let us know.

Embedded H2 DB:
The embedded H2 database is only suitable for throw-away test instances; it provides no upgrade nor export path for your SonarQube data. If you intend to keep any data from a SonarQube instance, you shall use an external DB (and on docker it’s very easy to define one).