Failed to fetch server version: Error: unable to verify the first certificate


  • Sonar Community Edition Version 10.2.1 (build 78527)
  • Sonar is running in Docker.
  • Scanner NPM installation 4.2.0
  • node version: v20.10.0
  • npm version: 10.8.2
  • As part of Jenkins pipeline

We use Sonar for analysis of Java and Javascript/Typescript code.

Few weeks ago we changed TLS certificate Authority for our domain

Using Maven there is no problem with connecting and performing Analysis.

However the connection to Sonar server fails for sonar-scanner when we are trying to analyse the code with …

Server URL:
Version: 4.2.0 [ERROR] Bootstrapper: Failed to fetch server version:
Error:unable to verify the first certificate
[ERROR] Verify that is a valid SonarQube server
[ERROR] An error occurred: Error: unable to verify the first certificate

I tried to follow Manage-tls-certificates docs

I added the certificate authority for the instance to java truststore

RUN usr/java21/jdk-21.0.1+12/bin/keytool -import -trustcacerts -noprompt -storepass changeit -alias zerossl-ca -file /tmp/zerossl-ca.cer -keystore /usr/java21/jdk-21.0.1+12/lib/security/cacerts && \

and when troubleshooting I did the same for fullchain certificate file and the instance itself but to no avail.

./sonar-scanner'' -Dsonar.scanner.keystorePath='/usr/java21/jdk-21.0.1+12/lib/security/cacerts' -Dsonar.scanner.keystorePassword='my_pass'


Welcome to the community!

This was the first time I’d seen that particular error, so it sent me searching, which led me to StackOverflow
