Failed find: EPERM: operation not permitted, stat 'E:\BuildAgents\agent1\_work\1\.sonarqube\out\.sonar\.sonartmp\'

In the past week the following error started happening in the “Publish Analysis” steps using the MSBuild Scanner in Azure DevOps build pipeline.

Failed find: EPERM: operation not permitted, stat ‘E:\BuildAgents\agent1_work\1.sonarqube\out.sonar.sonartmp\’

Even though the previous “Run Analysis” step succeeded, it does show the following error (which started happening in tandem with the above message and is probably related).

[error]java.nio.file.DirectoryNotEmptyException: E:\BuildAgents\agent3_work\1.sonarqube\out.sonar.sonartmp

I have manually deleted the build agent work folders and with no luck. Short term I have disable the SonarQube steps in the build pipeline so our team can move forward.

We are using a private build agent.

I would appreciate any help in getting this resolved.