Fail to get quality profiles during scan

During our first scan of a new project we keep getting

“Failed to load the quality profiles of project ‘acs-bridge’: Component key ‘acs-bridge’ not found”

I’ve run it with -X as well and then we get the following (truncated) output

19:23:50.487 DEBUG: GET 404 | time=95ms
19:23:50.499 INFO: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
19:23:50.499 INFO: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
19:23:50.499 INFO: Total time: 33.609s
19:23:51.040 INFO: Final Memory: 29M/855M
19:23:51.040 INFO: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
19:23:51.041 ERROR: Error during SonarQube Scanner execution
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Unable to load component class
	at org.sonar.core.platform.ComponentContainer$ExtendedDefaultPicoContainer.getComponent(
	at org.picocontainer.DefaultPicoContainer.getComponent(
	at ....
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Unable to load component class org.sonar.scanner.rule.QualityProfiles
	at org.sonar.core.platform.ComponentContainer$ExtendedDefaultPicoContainer.getComponent(
	at org.picocontainer.DefaultPicoContainer.getComponent(
	at ...

Any ideas how we can resolve this? What have we forgotten when setting up the project?

Btw, a couple of lines before we see “GET 200 | time=96ms” so it seems the project exists at least.


I see your project has a 3-day old analysis: does it mean that you managed to fix the issue on your own?

We had spelled organisations wrong (we didn’t spell it with a Z). Started to work when we finally found that

I seem to have the same problem but I have no idea what is wrong.

Where did you spell organisations wrong?

Most probably in the following analysis parameter: sonar.organization

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That solved it. But it isn’t mentioned anywhere in the documentation. Should be listed as mandatory parameter here