Facing issue in language rules in feature branch

We are using SonarQube 10.4.1 in our project.
I am facing issue in language rules in feature branch under the issue section. Even languages were added explicitly added for the feature branch under Quality Profiles still JavaScript is not enabled for feature branch.

We can see the languages added in the Quality profiles but languages are not reflected under the issue section.

Thank you!

Hi @Colin same issue here, can you please help us to resolve the issue.


Hi @Colin , can you please help on this

Hey @balaji_g and @Kiruthiga1

Please do not tag users in threads they are not involved in. The FAQ is very clear on this.

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You may think this bumps a thread up to the top of my list, but it does the exact opposite.


As Colin said, don’t @ users not already involved in a thread. It doesn’t move your thread up their priority list. Just the opposite.

That’s… not actually possible.

Analysis is multi-language by default*. A profile will be applied automatically for each language detected in the analysis. If you’re not seeing JavaScript in the list of languages on the issues page, then either no JS files were detected or … they were perfect. Since that’s not likely (no offence, we’re all human), the question is why they weren’t analyzed.

So, how are you analyzing? And with which scanner?


* Most of the time. It needs to be turned on for Java with sonar.gradle.scanAll / sonar.maven.scanAll. Previous versions of SonarScanner for .NET weren’t multi-language, but if you’re on the latest version, this is handled.