Just in case, I give the whole execution timeline for this analysis
Extract report | status=SUCCESS | time=9811ms
Persist scanner context | status=SUCCESS | time=50ms
Propagate analysis warnings from scanner report | status=SUCCESS | time=45ms
Generate analysis UUID | status=SUCCESS | time=0ms
Load analysis metadata | status=SUCCESS | time=71ms
Initialize | status=SUCCESS | time=0ms
Build tree of components | components=10799 | status=SUCCESS | time=930ms
Validate project | status=SUCCESS | time=70ms
Load quality profiles | status=SUCCESS | time=222ms
Load Quality gate | status=SUCCESS | time=26ms
Load new code period | status=SUCCESS | time=25ms
Detect file moves | reportFiles=9425 | dbFiles=9425 | addedFiles=0 | status=SUCCESS | time=487ms
Load duplications | duplications=14903 | status=SUCCESS | time=594ms
Compute cross project duplications | status=SUCCESS | time=0ms
Compute size measures | status=SUCCESS | time=798ms
Compute new coverage | status=SUCCESS | time=452616ms
Compute coverage measures | status=SUCCESS | time=895ms
Compute comment measures | status=SUCCESS | time=28ms
Copy custom measures | status=SUCCESS | time=30ms
Compute duplication measures | status=SUCCESS | time=51ms
Compute size measures on new code | status=SUCCESS | time=34ms
Compute language distribution | status=SUCCESS | time=18ms
Compute test measures | status=SUCCESS | time=15ms
Compute complexity measures | status=SUCCESS | time=32ms
Load measure computers | status=SUCCESS | time=0ms
Compute Quality Profile status | status=SUCCESS | time=37ms
Execute component visitors | status=SUCCESS | time=650754ms
Checks executed after computation of measures | status=SUCCESS | time=0ms
Compute Quality Gate measures | status=SUCCESS | time=44ms
Compute Quality profile measures | status=SUCCESS | time=4ms
Generate Quality profile events | status=SUCCESS | time=31ms
Generate Quality gate events | status=SUCCESS | time=118ms
Check upgrade possibility for not analyzed code files. | status=SUCCESS | time=0ms
Persist components | status=SUCCESS | time=709ms
Persist analysis | status=SUCCESS | time=172ms
Persist analysis properties | status=SUCCESS | time=290ms
Persist measures | inserts=61 | status=SUCCESS | time=3412ms
Persist live measures | insertsOrUpdates=412570 | status=SUCCESS | time=1175250ms
Persist duplication data | insertsOrUpdates=3030 | status=SUCCESS | time=111970ms
Persist new ad hoc Rules | status=SUCCESS | time=0ms
Persist issues | cacheSize=328 KB | inserts=6 | updates=554 | merged=0 | status=SUCCESS | time=9569ms
Persist project links | status=SUCCESS | time=0ms
Persist events | status=SUCCESS | time=504ms
Persist sources | status=SUCCESS | time=14070ms
Persist cross project duplications | status=SUCCESS | time=0ms
Enable analysis | status=SUCCESS | time=320ms
Update last usage date of quality profiles | status=SUCCESS | time=411ms
time=17ms | sql=select p.prop_key as "key", p.is_empty as empty, p.text_value as textValue, p.clob_value as clobValue, p.component_uuid as componentUuid, p.user_uuid as userUuid from properties p where p.prop_key=? and p.component_uuid is null and p.user_uuid is null | params=sonar.showProfiling
Purge db | status=SUCCESS | time=4195068ms
time=13ms | sql=SELECT p.uuid, p.kee, p.name, s.created_at, p.tags, p.qualifier FROM projects p LEFT OUTER JOIN snapshots s ON s.component_uuid=p.uuid AND s.islast=? WHERE p.qualifier in (?, ?) AND p.uuid=? | params=true, TRK, APP, AYM2BLmXbSX6o6UkLjo8
ES refresh request on indices 'projectmeasures' | time=25ms
time=1560ms | sql=select p.uuid as uuid, p.uuid_path as uuidPath, p.project_uuid as projectUuid, p.module_uuid as moduleUuid, p.module_uuid_path as moduleUuidPath, p.main_branch_project_uuid as mainBranchProjectUuid, p.kee as kee, p.name as name, p.long_name as longName, p.description as description, p.qualifier as qualifier, p.scope as scope, p.language as language, p.root_uuid as rootUuid, p.path as path, p.enabled as enabled, p.copy_component_uuid as copyComponentUuid, p.private as isPrivate, p.created_at as createdAt from components p where p.enabled=1 and p.copy_component_uuid is null and p.main_branch_project_uuid is null and p.scope = 'PRJ' and p.qualifier in ('TRK','VW','SVW','APP') and p.project_uuid = ? | params=AYM2BLmXbSX6o6UkLjo8
ES refresh request on indices 'components' | time=6ms
time=61644ms | sql=select i.kee,i.assignee,i.line,i.resolution,i.severity,i.status,i.effort,i.author_login,i.issue_close_date,i.issue_creation_date,i.issue_update_date,r.uuid,r.language,c.uuid,c.module_uuid_path,c.path,c.scope,c.project_uuid,c.main_branch_project_uuid,i.tags,i.issue_type,r.security_standards,c.qualifier from issues i inner join rules r on r.uuid = i.rule_uuid inner join components c on c.uuid = i.component_uuid and c.project_uuid = ? and i.project_uuid = ? | params=AYM2BLmXbSX6o6UkLjo8, AYM2BLmXbSX6o6UkLjo8
ES refresh request on indices 'issues' | time=1226ms
Index analysis | status=SUCCESS | time=89329ms
time=8ms | sql=update project_branches set need_issue_sync = ?, updated_at = ? where uuid = ? | params=false, 1663065878134, AYM2BLmXbSX6o6UkLjo8
Update need issue sync for branch | status=SUCCESS | time=629ms
time=28ms | sql=SELECT count(1) FROM properties pp left outer join components pj on pp.component_uuid = pj.uuid where pp.user_uuid is not null and (pp.component_uuid is null or pj.uuid=?) and (pp.prop_key like ? or pp.prop_key like ? or pp.prop_key like ? or pp.prop_key like ?) | params=AX6-6hQsppfvE64_SHmb, notification.NewIssues.%, notification.NewFalsePositiveIssue.%, notification.SQ-MyNewIssues.%, notification.ChangesOnMyIssue.%
time=180ms | sql=SELECT u.uuid as uuid, u.login as login, u.name as name, u.email as email, u.active as "active", u.scm_accounts as "scmAccounts", u.salt as "salt", u.crypted_password as "cryptedPassword", u.hash_method as "hashMethod", u.external_id as "externalId", u.external_login as "externalLogin", u.external_identity_provider as "externalIdentityProvider", u.user_local as "local", u.is_root as "root", u.onboarded as "onboarded", u.reset_password as "resetPassword", u.homepage_type as "homepageType", u.homepage_parameter as "homepageParameter", u.last_connection_date as "lastConnectionDate", u.last_sonarlint_connection as "lastSonarlintConnectionDate", u.created_at as "createdAt", u.updated_at as "updatedAt" FROM users u WHERE u.uuid in ( ? , ? , ? , ? ) | params=AX6w8Jo-FCelE9T__prn, AX6wcdXsFCelE9T__prk, AX_UsPXEquyHVjbuQw_k, AYGpcnujKqdpu3J1DRku
time=13ms | sql=SELECT u.login as "login", 1 as "global", u.email as "email" FROM users u INNER JOIN properties p ON p.user_uuid = u.uuid and p.prop_key = ? and p.text_value = 'true' and p.component_uuid IS NULL WHERE u.email is not null UNION SELECT u.login as "login", 0 as "global", u.email as "email" FROM users u INNER JOIN components c on c.kee = ? INNER JOIN properties p ON p.user_uuid = u.uuid and p.prop_key = ? and p.text_value = 'true' and p.component_uuid = c.uuid WHERE u.email is not null | params=notification.NewIssues.EmailNotificationChannel, legacy:module:my-project-name, notification.NewIssues.EmailNotificationChannel
Send issue notifications | newIssuesNotifs=1 | newIssuesDeliveries=0 | myNewIssuesNotifs=0 | myNewIssuesDeliveries=0 | changesNotifs=1 | changesDeliveries=0 | status=SUCCESS | time=1260ms
Publish task results | status=SUCCESS | time=0ms
Trigger refresh of Portfolios and Applications | status=SUCCESS | time=0ms
time=8ms | sql=SELECT p.uuid as uuid, p.kee as kee, p.qualifier as qualifier, p.name as name, p.description as description, p.tags as tagsString, p.private as isPrivate, p.created_at as createdAt, p.updated_at as updatedAt FROM projects p where p.uuid=? | params=AX6-6hQsppfvE64_SHmb
time=4ms | sql=select uuid, name, url, project_uuid as projectUuid, secret, created_at as createdAt, updated_at as updatedAt from webhooks where project_uuid = ? order by name asc | params=AX6-6hQsppfvE64_SHmb
time=8ms | sql=select uuid, name, url, project_uuid as projectUuid, secret, created_at as createdAt, updated_at as updatedAt from webhooks where project_uuid is null order by name asc
Webhooks | globalWebhooks=0 | projectWebhooks=0 | status=SUCCESS | time=170ms
Pull Request Decoration | status=SUCCESS | time=0ms
time=8ms | sql=select cq.uuid, cq.task_type as taskType, cq.component_uuid as componentUuid, cq.main_component_uuid as mainComponentUuid, cq.status as status, cq.submitter_uuid as submitterUuid, cq.worker_uuid as workerUuid, cq.started_at as startedAt, cq.created_at as createdAt, cq.updated_at as updatedAt from ce_queue cq where cq.uuid=? | params=AYM2CUAYbSX6o6UkLjpA
time=349ms | sql=update ce_activity set is_last=0, updated_at=? where is_last=1 and is_last_key=? | params=1663065887332, REPORTAYM2BLmXbSX6o6UkLjo8
time=42ms | sql=update ce_activity set main_is_last=0, updated_at=? where main_is_last=1 and main_is_last_key=? | params=1663065887332, REPORTAX6-6hQsppfvE64_SHmb
time=184ms | sql=insert into ce_activity ( uuid, component_uuid, main_component_uuid, analysis_uuid, status, task_type, is_last, is_last_key, main_is_last, main_is_last_key, submitter_uuid, submitted_at, worker_uuid, execution_count, started_at, executed_at, created_at, updated_at, execution_time_ms, error_message, error_stacktrace, error_type ) values ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, 0, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? ) | params=AYM2CUAYbSX6o6UkLjpA, AYM2BLmXbSX6o6UkLjo8, AX6-6hQsppfvE64_SHmb, AYM2DQ2hQQsOMcHf_c9_, SUCCESS, REPORT, true, REPORTAYM2BLmXbSX6o6UkLjo8, true, REPORTAX6-6hQsppfvE64_SHmb, AX6wOXdZFCelE9T__prB, 1663058920054, AYKIRPqiQQsOMcHfBPFO, 1663059158705, 1663065887332, 1663065887332, 1663065887332, 6728627, 12, 2005, 12
time=212838ms | sql=delete from ce_task_input where task_uuid in ( ? ) | params=AYM2CUAYbSX6o6UkLjpA
time=16ms | sql=delete from ce_queue where uuid=? and status = ? | params=AYM2CUAYbSX6o6UkLjpA, IN_PROGRESS
Executed task | project=legacy:module:my-project-name | type=REPORT | branch=FEATURE-VIA-14828-3 | branchType=BRANCH | id=AYM2CUAYbSX6o6UkLjpA | submitter=gitlab_integration | status=SUCCESS | time=6942242ms