Exclusions Ignored


With SonarQube 9.9 LTS Enterprise Edition analysis of 3 branches of a microservice all have identical settings apart from the branch name. The branches are master, develop and a feature branch. The exclusions list is respected by the master and develop branch analyses but ignored for the feature branch.

The log lists the “Excluded sources” correctly but when the analysis completes issues are raised on the excluded files when they should not be.

We have deleted the project, recreated it, reanalysed it and tried a simplified exclusions list of of just one exclusion: **/qatests/**/*

None of these things make any difference, the same problem remains.

Advice appreciated.


This was resolved with the use of: sonar.test.exclusions=**/qatests/**/*.

I don’t recall this being required before with these microservices so either a recent upgrade from 9.6 to 9.9 or upgrading to the latest MSBuild Runner may be a reason. The code hasn’t changed substantially in that time.

Either way, it is now fixed.


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