ERROR web[][o.s.s.p.Platform] Background initialization failed. Stopping SonarQube java.lang.Illega

Must-share information (formatted with Markdown):

  • which versions are you using (SonarQube, Scanner, Plugin, and any relevant extension) 8.4.1
  • what are you trying to achieve
    I was trying to upgrade it to 8.9.9 LTS
  • what have you tried so far to achieve this
    Change the image and it was giving the error about svn and git incompatible plugin.
    Tried sonarqube official image. and it broke the older set up too.

Now giving below error with prevision version deployment pointing to restored db.
ERROR web[o.s.s.p.Platform] Background initialization failed. Stopping SonarQube

java.lang.IllegalStateException: Fail to create the directory: /opt/sonarqube/extensions/downloads

at org.sonar.server.plugins.PluginDownloader.start(

at org.sonar.core.platform.StartableCloseableSafeLifecyleStrategy.start(

at org.picocontainer.injectors.AbstractInjectionFactory$LifecycleAdapter.start(

at org.picocontainer.behaviors.AbstractBehavior.start(

at org.picocontainer.behaviors.Stored$RealComponentLifecycle.start(

at org.picocontainer.behaviors.Stored.start(

at org.picocontainer.DefaultPicoContainer.potentiallyStartAdapter(

at org.picocontainer.DefaultPicoContainer.startAdapters(

at org.picocontainer.DefaultPicoContainer.start(

at org.sonar.core.platform.ComponentContainer.startComponents(

at org.sonar.server.platform.platformlevel.PlatformLevel.start(

at org.sonar.server.platform.platformlevel.PlatformLevel4.start(

at org.sonar.server.platform.PlatformImpl.start(

at org.sonar.server.platform.PlatformImpl.startLevel34Containers(

at org.sonar.server.platform.PlatformImpl.access$500(

at org.sonar.server.platform.PlatformImpl$1.lambda$doRun$0(

at org.sonar.server.platform.PlatformImpl$AutoStarterRunnable.runIfNotAborted(

at org.sonar.server.platform.PlatformImpl$1.doRun(

at org.sonar.server.platform.PlatformImpl$

at java.base/ Source)

Caused by: Unable to create directory /opt/sonarqube/extensions/downloads


at org.sonar.server.plugins.PluginDownloader.start(

... 19 common frames omitted

2022.08.30 20:16:18 INFO web[][o.s.p.ProcessEntryPoint] Hard stopping process

2022.08.30 20:16:18 INFO app[][o.s.a.SchedulerImpl] Process[web] is stopped

2022.08.30 20:16:19 WARN app[][o.s.a.p.AbstractManagedProcess] Process exited with exit value [es]: 143

2022.08.30 20:16:19 INFO app[][o.s.a.SchedulerImpl] Process[es] is stopped

2022.08.30 20:16:19 INFO app[][o.s.a.SchedulerImpl] SonarQube is stopped


Welcome to the community!

So first, by 8.9.* all SonarSource-provided functionality is already in the bundle. No need to install/carry-over those plugins.

Beyond that, though, you should make sure the user running SonarQube has full read/write/execute rights to the SonarQube directory, recursive.


Thank you for the quick response Ann.

Just wanted to make sure I understand right so in version where plugins are provided at this path /extension/plugin and in version is at this path lib/extensions so in the newer version jar plugin files shouldn’t be moving over to this path /extension/plugin in order to install? is that correct? it will be installed by default for all the plugins that live at the /lib/extensions?

just wanted to clarify when I upgrade the image to 8.9.9 version. I moved the plugin from the same version which is at /lib/extension path to /extensino/plugin in order to install those plugins and start the deployment and it gave me an error about svn and git which doesn’t exist in the 8.9.9 version. I didn’t carry over from the older version.

Thank you so much for your quick response on this.


Hi Zenith,

Yes, correct.

For 8.9 & later (and actually some earlier, but I honestly don’t remember anymore when we started bundling everything) you don’t need to do any extra installs for SonarSource-provided functionality.


Thank you Ann. This is so much helpful. I appreciate your quick response, you guys are much better than paid support with some of the other tools. lol


1 Like

Hi, I am using sonarqube:9.8.0-community image and getting the same elastic error, I couldn’t understand the result of the conversation can anyone clarify this?
here are my logs:

Dropping Privileges

1/23/2023 2:42:06 PM 2023.01.23 09:12:06 INFO app[][o.s.a.AppFileSystem] Cleaning or creating temp directory /opt/sonarqube/temp

1/23/2023 2:42:06 PM 2023.01.23 09:12:06 INFO app[][] Elasticsearch listening on [HTTP:, TCP:]

1/23/2023 2:42:06 PM 2023.01.23 09:12:06 INFO app[][o.s.a.ProcessLauncherImpl] Launch process[ELASTICSEARCH] from [/opt/sonarqube/elasticsearch]: /opt/sonarqube/elasticsearch/bin/elasticsearch

1/23/2023 2:42:06 PM warning: ignoring JAVA_OPTS=-Duser.timezone=Asia/Jakarta -Xmx2048m; pass JVM parameters via ES_JAVA_OPTS

1/23/2023 2:42:06 PM 2023.01.23 09:12:06 INFO app[][o.s.a.SchedulerImpl] Waiting for Elasticsearch to be up and running

1/23/2023 2:42:08 PM 2023.01.23 09:12:08 INFO es[][o.e.n.Node] version[7.17.6], pid[46], build[default/tar/f65e9d338dc1d07b642e14a27f338990148ee5b6/2022-08-23T11:08:48.893373482Z], OS[Linux/4.15.0-197-generic/amd64], JVM[Alpine/OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM/17.0.5/17.0.5+8-alpine-r0]

1/23/2023 2:42:08 PM 2023.01.23 09:12:08 INFO es[][o.e.n.Node] JVM home [/usr/lib/jvm/java-17-openjdk]

1/23/2023 2:42:08 PM 2023.01.23 09:12:08 INFO es[][o.e.n.Node] JVM arguments [-XX:+UseG1GC,, -XX:ErrorFile=../logs/es_hs_err_pid%p.log, -Des.networkaddress.cache.ttl=60, -Des.networkaddress.cache.negative.ttl=10, -XX:+AlwaysPreTouch, -Xss1m, -Djava.awt.headless=true, -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8, -Djna.nosys=true, -Djna.tmpdir=/opt/sonarqube/temp, -XX:-OmitStackTraceInFastThrow, -Dio.netty.noUnsafe=true, -Dio.netty.noKeySetOptimization=true, -Dio.netty.recycler.maxCapacityPerThread=0, -Dio.netty.allocator.numDirectArenas=0, -Dlog4j.shutdownHookEnabled=false, -Dlog4j2.disable.jmx=true, -Dlog4j2.formatMsgNoLookups=true, -Djava.locale.providers=COMPAT, -Dcom.redhat.fips=false, -Des.enforce.bootstrap.checks=true, -Xmx512m, -Xms512m, -XX:MaxDirectMemorySize=256m, -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError, -Des.path.home=/opt/sonarqube/elasticsearch, -Des.path.conf=/opt/sonarqube/temp/conf/es, -Des.distribution.flavor=default, -Des.distribution.type=tar, -Des.bundled_jdk=false]

1/23/2023 2:42:09 PM 2023.01.23 09:12:09 INFO es[][o.e.p.PluginsService] loaded module [analysis-common]

1/23/2023 2:42:09 PM 2023.01.23 09:12:09 INFO es[][o.e.p.PluginsService] loaded module [lang-painless]

1/23/2023 2:42:09 PM 2023.01.23 09:12:09 INFO es[][o.e.p.PluginsService] loaded module [parent-join]

1/23/2023 2:42:09 PM 2023.01.23 09:12:09 INFO es[][o.e.p.PluginsService] loaded module [reindex]

1/23/2023 2:42:09 PM 2023.01.23 09:12:09 INFO es[][o.e.p.PluginsService] loaded module [transport-netty4]

1/23/2023 2:42:09 PM 2023.01.23 09:12:09 INFO es[][o.e.p.PluginsService] no plugins loaded

1/23/2023 2:42:09 PM 2023.01.23 09:12:09 INFO es[][o.e.e.NodeEnvironment] using [1] data paths, mounts [[/opt/sonarqube/data (overlay)]], net usable_space [143.1gb], net total_space [914.3gb], types [overlay]

1/23/2023 2:42:09 PM 2023.01.23 09:12:09 INFO es[][o.e.e.NodeEnvironment] heap size [512mb], compressed ordinary object pointers [true]

1/23/2023 2:42:09 PM 2023.01.23 09:12:09 INFO es[][o.e.n.Node] node name [sonarqube], node ID [XJVF9GJ0Twe-xcokuaU04Q], cluster name [sonarqube], roles [data_frozen, master, remote_cluster_client, data, data_content, data_hot, data_warm, data_cold, ingest]

1/23/2023 2:42:12 PM 2023.01.23 09:12:12 INFO es[][o.e.t.NettyAllocator] creating NettyAllocator with the following configs: [name=unpooled, suggested_max_allocation_size=256kb, factors={es.unsafe.use_unpooled_allocator=null, g1gc_enabled=true, g1gc_region_size=1mb, heap_size=512mb}]

1/23/2023 2:42:12 PM 2023.01.23 09:12:12 INFO es[][o.e.i.r.RecoverySettings] using rate limit [40mb] with [default=40mb, read=0b, write=0b, max=0b]

1/23/2023 2:42:12 PM 2023.01.23 09:12:12 INFO es[][o.e.d.DiscoveryModule] using discovery type [zen] and seed hosts providers [settings]

1/23/2023 2:42:12 PM 2023.01.23 09:12:12 INFO es[][o.e.g.DanglingIndicesState] gateway.auto_import_dangling_indices is disabled, dangling indices will not be automatically detected or imported and must be managed manually

1/23/2023 2:42:12 PM 2023.01.23 09:12:12 INFO es[][o.e.n.Node] initialized

1/23/2023 2:42:12 PM 2023.01.23 09:12:12 INFO es[][o.e.n.Node] starting ...

1/23/2023 2:42:12 PM 2023.01.23 09:12:12 INFO es[][o.e.t.TransportService] publish_address {}, bound_addresses {}

1/23/2023 2:42:26 PM 2023.01.23 09:12:26 INFO es[][o.e.b.BootstrapChecks] explicitly enforcing bootstrap checks

1/23/2023 2:42:26 PM 2023.01.23 09:12:26 INFO es[][o.e.c.c.Coordinator] cluster UUID [DVIutAZ9TM-yYbUXGymzjQ]

1/23/2023 2:42:36 PM 2023.01.23 09:12:36 INFO es[][o.e.c.s.MasterService] elected-as-master ([1] nodes joined)[{sonarqube}{XJVF9GJ0Twe-xcokuaU04Q}{tg7l-Fb3QLeeRbiYl3bTeA}{}{}{cdfhimrsw} elect leader, _BECOME_MASTER_TASK_, _FINISH_ELECTION_], term: 57, version: 310, delta: master node changed {previous [], current [{sonarqube}{XJVF9GJ0Twe-xcokuaU04Q}{tg7l-Fb3QLeeRbiYl3bTeA}{}{}{cdfhimrsw}]}

1/23/2023 2:42:36 PM 2023.01.23 09:12:36 WARN es[][o.e.c.s.MasterService] failing [elected-as-master ([1] nodes joined)[{sonarqube}{XJVF9GJ0Twe-xcokuaU04Q}{tg7l-Fb3QLeeRbiYl3bTeA}{}{}{cdfhimrsw} elect leader, _BECOME_MASTER_TASK_, _FINISH_ELECTION_]]: failed to commit cluster state version [310]

1/23/2023 2:42:36 PM org.elasticsearch.cluster.coordination.FailedToCommitClusterStateException: node is no longer master for term 57 while handling publication

1/23/2023 2:42:36 PM at org.elasticsearch.cluster.coordination.Coordinator.publish( ~[elasticsearch-7.17.6.jar:7.17.6]

1/23/2023 2:42:36 PM at org.elasticsearch.cluster.service.MasterService.publish( [elasticsearch-7.17.6.jar:7.17.6]

1/23/2023 2:42:36 PM at org.elasticsearch.cluster.service.MasterService.runTasks( [elasticsearch-7.17.6.jar:7.17.6]

1/23/2023 2:42:36 PM at org.elasticsearch.cluster.service.MasterService.access$100( [elasticsearch-7.17.6.jar:7.17.6]

1/23/2023 2:42:36 PM at org.elasticsearch.cluster.service.MasterService$ [elasticsearch-7.17.6.jar:7.17.6]

1/23/2023 2:42:36 PM at org.elasticsearch.cluster.service.TaskBatcher.runIfNotProcessed( [elasticsearch-7.17.6.jar:7.17.6]

1/23/2023 2:42:36 PM at org.elasticsearch.cluster.service.TaskBatcher$ [elasticsearch-7.17.6.jar:7.17.6]

1/23/2023 2:42:36 PM at org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.ThreadContext$ [elasticsearch-7.17.6.jar:7.17.6]

1/23/2023 2:42:36 PM at org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.PrioritizedEsThreadPoolExecutor$TieBreakingPrioritizedRunnable.runAndClean( [elasticsearch-7.17.6.jar:7.17.6]

1/23/2023 2:42:36 PM at org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.PrioritizedEsThreadPoolExecutor$ [elasticsearch-7.17.6.jar:7.17.6]

1/23/2023 2:42:36 PM at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker( [?:?]

1/23/2023 2:42:36 PM at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ [?:?]

1/23/2023 2:42:36 PM at [?:?]

1/23/2023 2:42:36 PM 2023.01.23 09:12:36 INFO es[][o.e.c.s.MasterService] elected-as-master ([1] nodes joined)[{sonarqube}{XJVF9GJ0Twe-xcokuaU04Q}{tg7l-Fb3QLeeRbiYl3bTeA}{}{}{cdfhimrsw} elect leader, _BECOME_MASTER_TASK_, _FINISH_ELECTION_], term: 58, version: 310, delta: master node changed {previous [], current [{sonarqube}{XJVF9GJ0Twe-xcokuaU04Q}{tg7l-Fb3QLeeRbiYl3bTeA}{}{}{cdfhimrsw}]}

1/23/2023 2:42:41 PM 2023.01.23 09:12:41 INFO es[][o.e.c.s.ClusterApplierService] master node changed {previous [], current [{sonarqube}{XJVF9GJ0Twe-xcokuaU04Q}{tg7l-Fb3QLeeRbiYl3bTeA}{}{}{cdfhimrsw}]}, term: 58, version: 310, reason: Publication{term=58, version=310}

1/23/2023 2:42:41 PM 2023.01.23 09:12:41 INFO es[][o.e.h.AbstractHttpServerTransport] publish_address {}, bound_addresses {}

1/23/2023 2:42:41 PM 2023.01.23 09:12:41 INFO es[][o.e.n.Node] started

1/23/2023 2:42:46 PM 2023.01.23 09:12:46 INFO es[][o.e.g.GatewayService] recovered [7] indices into cluster_state

1/23/2023 2:43:16 PM 2023.01.23 09:13:16 WARN es[][o.e.g.PersistedClusterStateService] writing cluster state took [15206ms] which is above the warn threshold of [10s]; wrote global metadata [false] and metadata for [1] indices and skipped [6] unchanged indices

1/23/2023 2:43:16 PM 2023.01.23 09:13:16 INFO es[][o.e.c.c.C.CoordinatorPublication] after [15.2s] publication of cluster state version [313] is still waiting for {sonarqube}{XJVF9GJ0Twe-xcokuaU04Q}{tg7l-Fb3QLeeRbiYl3bTeA}{}{}{cdfhimrsw}{rack_id=sonarqube} [SENT_PUBLISH_REQUEST]

1/23/2023 2:43:29 PM 2023.01.23 09:13:29 WARN es[][o.e.g.PersistedClusterStateService] writing cluster state took [10604ms] which is above the warn threshold of [10s]; wrote global metadata [false] and metadata for [3] indices and skipped [4] unchanged indices

1/23/2023 2:43:29 PM 2023.01.23 09:13:29 INFO es[][o.e.c.c.C.CoordinatorPublication] after [10.5s] publication of cluster state version [315] is still waiting for {sonarqube}{XJVF9GJ0Twe-xcokuaU04Q}{tg7l-Fb3QLeeRbiYl3bTeA}{}{}{cdfhimrsw}{rack_id=sonarqube} [SENT_PUBLISH_REQUEST]

1/23/2023 2:43:55 PM 2023.01.23 09:13:55 WARN es[][o.e.g.PersistedClusterStateService] writing cluster state took [22008ms] which is above the warn threshold of [10s]; wrote global metadata [false] and metadata for [1] indices and skipped [6] unchanged indices

1/23/2023 2:43:55 PM 2023.01.23 09:13:55 INFO es[][o.e.c.c.C.CoordinatorPublication] after [21.8s] publication of cluster state version [316] is still waiting for {sonarqube}{XJVF9GJ0Twe-xcokuaU04Q}{tg7l-Fb3QLeeRbiYl3bTeA}{}{}{cdfhimrsw}{rack_id=sonarqube} [SENT_PUBLISH_REQUEST]

1/23/2023 2:44:13 PM 2023.01.23 09:14:13 WARN es[][o.e.g.PersistedClusterStateService] writing cluster state took [11005ms] which is above the warn threshold of [10s]; wrote global metadata [false] and metadata for [2] indices and skipped [5] unchanged indices

1/23/2023 2:44:13 PM 2023.01.23 09:14:13 INFO es[][o.e.c.c.C.CoordinatorPublication] after [11s] publication of cluster state version [318] is still waiting for {sonarqube}{XJVF9GJ0Twe-xcokuaU04Q}{tg7l-Fb3QLeeRbiYl3bTeA}{}{}{cdfhimrsw}{rack_id=sonarqube} [SENT_PUBLISH_REQUEST]

1/23/2023 2:44:46 PM 2023.01.23 09:14:46 WARN es[][o.e.g.PersistedClusterStateService] writing cluster state took [12605ms] which is above the warn threshold of [10s]; wrote global metadata [false] and metadata for [2] indices and skipped [5] unchanged indices

1/23/2023 2:44:46 PM 2023.01.23 09:14:46 INFO es[][o.e.c.c.C.CoordinatorPublication] after [12.4s] publication of cluster state version [320] is still waiting for {sonarqube}{XJVF9GJ0Twe-xcokuaU04Q}{tg7l-Fb3QLeeRbiYl3bTeA}{}{}{cdfhimrsw}{rack_id=sonarqube} [SENT_PUBLISH_REQUEST]

1/23/2023 2:45:45 PM 2023.01.23 09:15:45 WARN es[][o.e.g.PersistedClusterStateService] writing cluster state took [10805ms] which is above the warn threshold of [10s]; wrote global metadata [false] and metadata for [2] indices and skipped [5] unchanged indices

1/23/2023 2:45:45 PM 2023.01.23 09:15:45 INFO es[][o.e.c.c.C.CoordinatorPublication] after [10.8s] publication of cluster state version [327] is still waiting for {sonarqube}{XJVF9GJ0Twe-xcokuaU04Q}{tg7l-Fb3QLeeRbiYl3bTeA}{}{}{cdfhimrsw}{rack_id=sonarqube} [SENT_PUBLISH_REQUEST]

1/23/2023 2:46:08 PM 2023.01.23 09:16:08 WARN es[][o.e.g.PersistedClusterStateService] writing cluster state took [13408ms] which is above the warn threshold of [10s]; wrote global metadata [false] and metadata for [2] indices and skipped [5] unchanged indices

1/23/2023 2:46:08 PM 2023.01.23 09:16:08 INFO es[][o.e.c.c.C.CoordinatorPublication] after [13.5s] publication of cluster state version [328] is still waiting for {sonarqube}{XJVF9GJ0Twe-xcokuaU04Q}{tg7l-Fb3QLeeRbiYl3bTeA}{}{}{cdfhimrsw}{rack_id=sonarqube} [SENT_PUBLISH_REQUEST]

1/23/2023 2:46:08 PM 2023.01.23 09:16:08 INFO es[][o.e.c.r.a.AllocationService] Cluster health status changed from [RED] to [GREEN] (reason: [shards started [[components][1], [components][0]]]).

1/23/2023 2:46:25 PM 2023.01.23 09:16:25 WARN es[][o.e.g.PersistedClusterStateService] writing cluster state took [16207ms] which is above the warn threshold of [10s]; wrote global metadata [false] and metadata for [1] indices and skipped [6] unchanged indices

1/23/2023 2:46:25 PM 2023.01.23 09:16:25 INFO es[][o.e.c.c.C.CoordinatorPublication] after [16.1s] publication of cluster state version [329] is still waiting for {sonarqube}{XJVF9GJ0Twe-xcokuaU04Q}{tg7l-Fb3QLeeRbiYl3bTeA}{}{}{cdfhimrsw}{rack_id=sonarqube} [SENT_PUBLISH_REQUEST]

1/23/2023 2:46:25 PM 2023.01.23 09:16:25 INFO app[][o.s.a.SchedulerImpl] Process[es] is up

1/23/2023 2:46:25 PM 2023.01.23 09:16:25 INFO app[][o.s.a.ProcessLauncherImpl] Launch process[WEB_SERVER] from [/opt/sonarqube]: /usr/lib/jvm/java-17-openjdk/bin/java -Djava.awt.headless=true -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -XX:-OmitStackTraceInFastThrow --add-opens=java.base/java.util=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens=java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens=java.base/ --add-opens=java.rmi/sun.rmi.transport=ALL-UNNAMED --add-exports=java.base/jdk.internal.ref=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens=java.base/java.nio=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens=java.base/ -Dcom.redhat.fips=false -Xmx512m -Xms128m -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -Dhttp.nonProxyHosts=localhost|127.*|[::1] -cp ./lib/sonar-application- /opt/sonarqube/temp/sq-process16973017534646944properties

1/23/2023 2:46:25 PM WARNING: A terminally deprecated method in java.lang.System has been called

1/23/2023 2:46:25 PM WARNING: System::setSecurityManager has been called by org.sonar.process.PluginSecurityManager (file:/opt/sonarqube/lib/sonar-application-

1/23/2023 2:46:25 PM WARNING: Please consider reporting this to the maintainers of org.sonar.process.PluginSecurityManager

1/23/2023 2:46:25 PM WARNING: System::setSecurityManager will be removed in a future release

1/23/2023 2:46:25 PM 2023.01.23 09:16:25 INFO web[][o.s.p.ProcessEntryPoint] Starting Web Server

1/23/2023 2:46:26 PM 2023.01.23 09:16:26 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.LogServerVersion] SonarQube Server / / 6498415c5112d868f6206d8bcc043a1dac92d1c4

1/23/2023 2:46:26 PM 2023.01.23 09:16:26 INFO web[][o.sonar.db.Database] Create JDBC data source for jdbc:postgresql://postgres:5432/sonar_db

1/23/2023 2:46:26 PM 2023.01.23 09:16:26 INFO web[][c.z.h.HikariDataSource] HikariPool-1 - Starting...

1/23/2023 2:46:26 PM 2023.01.23 09:16:26 INFO web[][c.z.h.p.HikariPool] HikariPool-1 - Added connection org.postgresql.jdbc.PgConnection@8a62297

1/23/2023 2:46:26 PM 2023.01.23 09:16:26 INFO web[][c.z.h.HikariDataSource] HikariPool-1 - Start completed.

1/23/2023 2:46:27 PM 2023.01.23 09:16:27 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.ServerFileSystemImpl] SonarQube home: /opt/sonarqube

1/23/2023 2:46:27 PM 2023.01.23 09:16:27 INFO web[][o.s.s.u.SystemPasscodeImpl] System authentication by passcode is disabled

1/23/2023 2:46:27 PM 2023.01.23 09:16:27 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.ServerPluginManager] Deploy C# Code Quality and Security / / b62663db2d01b29e5ead5073eeedc844afa9f810

1/23/2023 2:46:27 PM 2023.01.23 09:16:27 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.ServerPluginManager] Deploy Configuration detection fot Code Quality and Security / / 4f37ba9ffb37a96d5883e52ad392ed32c5c6eaab

1/23/2023 2:46:27 PM 2023.01.23 09:16:27 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.ServerPluginManager] Deploy Flex Code Quality and Security / / 01f66bdddc678966c81a9064ed139156a6a89c97

1/23/2023 2:46:27 PM 2023.01.23 09:16:27 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.ServerPluginManager] Deploy Go Code Quality and Security / / e1f28bc000e04ca01881e84218d01d464a17a36f

1/23/2023 2:46:27 PM 2023.01.23 09:16:27 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.ServerPluginManager] Deploy HTML Code Quality and Security / / d720acc6860c6d8b69ec4d17570a398a1e216da1

1/23/2023 2:46:27 PM 2023.01.23 09:16:27 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.ServerPluginManager] Deploy IaC Code Quality and Security / / f946157f4bbec5a6a1d40cf3418a0360c8c9c1f6

1/23/2023 2:46:27 PM 2023.01.23 09:16:27 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.ServerPluginManager] Deploy JaCoCo / / 83478572b9f23efac29de15e30c7758bbb0c0e47

1/23/2023 2:46:27 PM 2023.01.23 09:16:27 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.ServerPluginManager] Deploy Java Code Quality and Security / / 38560b895cd402ea27f83282bd3a70f932e4ba5b

1/23/2023 2:46:27 PM 2023.01.23 09:16:27 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.ServerPluginManager] Deploy JavaScript/TypeScript/CSS Code Quality and Security / / a7588a17b691ac320d92028de2a67c8b408948a9

1/23/2023 2:46:27 PM 2023.01.23 09:16:27 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.ServerPluginManager] Deploy Kotlin Code Quality and Security / / a6df1ae252bd62d63f8673c28f87ad14258a7904

1/23/2023 2:46:27 PM 2023.01.23 09:16:27 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.ServerPluginManager] Deploy PHP Code Quality and Security / / 62146fca3dce550eb1dde73881a14c7af4988269

1/23/2023 2:46:27 PM 2023.01.23 09:16:27 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.ServerPluginManager] Deploy Python Code Quality and Security / / 1f02297794b3358650c48d069eb8ef4d7dd0f63c

1/23/2023 2:46:27 PM 2023.01.23 09:16:27 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.ServerPluginManager] Deploy Ruby Code Quality and Security / / e1f28bc000e04ca01881e84218d01d464a17a36f

1/23/2023 2:46:27 PM 2023.01.23 09:16:27 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.ServerPluginManager] Deploy Scala Code Quality and Security / / e1f28bc000e04ca01881e84218d01d464a17a36f

1/23/2023 2:46:27 PM 2023.01.23 09:16:27 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.ServerPluginManager] Deploy Text file Code Quality and Security / / 376c635a3c13737fa70b3dd30e2d6ac39e4a9f9e

1/23/2023 2:46:27 PM 2023.01.23 09:16:27 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.ServerPluginManager] Deploy VB.NET Code Quality and Security / / b62663db2d01b29e5ead5073eeedc844afa9f810

1/23/2023 2:46:27 PM 2023.01.23 09:16:27 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.ServerPluginManager] Deploy XML Code Quality and Security / / 8935c6f8341cd50defba2d8245d91dc4d07e24d0

1/23/2023 2:46:28 PM 2023.01.23 09:16:28 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.c.PostgresCharsetHandler] Verify that database charset supports UTF8

1/23/2023 2:46:28 PM 2023.01.23 09:16:28 INFO web[][o.s.s.e.EsClientProvider] Connected to local Elasticsearch: [http://localhost:9001]

1/23/2023 2:46:28 PM 2023.01.23 09:16:28 WARN web[][o.s.a.s.w.WebService$Action] Description is not set on action api/monitoring/metrics

1/23/2023 2:46:28 PM 2023.01.23 09:16:28 WARN web[][o.s.a.s.w.WebService$Action] Since is not set on action api/monitoring/metrics

1/23/2023 2:46:28 PM 2023.01.23 09:16:28 WARN web[][o.s.a.s.w.WebService$Action] The response example is not set on action api/monitoring/metrics

1/23/2023 2:46:28 PM 2023.01.23 09:16:28 WARN web[][o.s.a.s.w.WebService$Action] The response example is not set on action api/system/liveness

1/23/2023 2:46:28 PM 2023.01.23 09:16:28 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.w.MasterServletFilter] Initializing servlet filter org.sonar.server.platform.web.WebServiceFilter@240f350a [pattern=UrlPattern{inclusions=[/api/system/migrate_db.*, ...], exclusions=[/api/components/update_key, ...]}]

1/23/2023 2:46:28 PM 2023.01.23 09:16:28 INFO web[][o.s.s.a.EmbeddedTomcat] HTTP connector enabled on port 9000

1/23/2023 2:46:29 PM 2023.01.23 09:16:29 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.DetectPluginChange] Detect plugin changes

1/23/2023 2:46:29 PM 2023.01.23 09:16:29 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.DetectPluginChange] No plugin change detected

1/23/2023 2:46:30 PM 2023.01.23 09:16:30 WARN web[][o.s.c.a.AnnotationConfigApplicationContext] Exception encountered during context initialization - cancelling refresh attempt: org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'jdk.internal.loader.ClassLoaders$': Initialization of bean failed; nested exception is java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "org.elasticsearch.common.document.DocumentField.getValue()" because "field" is null

1/23/2023 2:46:30 PM 2023.01.23 09:16:30 ERROR web[][o.s.s.p.Platform] Background initialization failed. Stopping SonarQube

1/23/2023 2:46:30 PM org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'jdk.internal.loader.ClassLoaders$': Initialization of bean failed; nested exception is java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "org.elasticsearch.common.document.DocumentField.getValue()" because "field" is null

1/23/2023 2:46:30 PM at

1/23/2023 2:46:30 PM at

1/23/2023 2:46:30 PM at$doGetBean$0(

1/23/2023 2:46:30 PM at

1/23/2023 2:46:30 PM at

1/23/2023 2:46:30 PM at

1/23/2023 2:46:30 PM at

1/23/2023 2:46:30 PM at

1/23/2023 2:46:30 PM at

1/23/2023 2:46:30 PM at org.sonar.core.platform.SpringComponentContainer.startComponents(

1/23/2023 2:46:30 PM at org.sonar.server.platform.platformlevel.PlatformLevel.start(

1/23/2023 2:46:30 PM at org.sonar.server.platform.platformlevel.PlatformLevel4.start(

1/23/2023 2:46:30 PM at org.sonar.server.platform.PlatformImpl.start(

1/23/2023 2:46:30 PM at org.sonar.server.platform.PlatformImpl.startLevel34Containers(

1/23/2023 2:46:30 PM at org.sonar.server.platform.PlatformImpl$1.lambda$doRun$0(

1/23/2023 2:46:30 PM at org.sonar.server.platform.PlatformImpl$AutoStarterRunnable.runIfNotAborted(

1/23/2023 2:46:30 PM at org.sonar.server.platform.PlatformImpl$1.doRun(

1/23/2023 2:46:30 PM at org.sonar.server.platform.PlatformImpl$

1/23/2023 2:46:30 PM at java.base/

1/23/2023 2:46:30 PM Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "org.elasticsearch.common.document.DocumentField.getValue()" because "field" is null

1/23/2023 2:46:30 PM at

1/23/2023 2:46:30 PM at

1/23/2023 2:46:30 PM at

1/23/2023 2:46:30 PM at

1/23/2023 2:46:30 PM at

1/23/2023 2:46:30 PM at org.sonar.core.platform.StartableBeanPostProcessor.postProcessBeforeInitialization(

1/23/2023 2:46:30 PM at

1/23/2023 2:46:30 PM at

1/23/2023 2:46:30 PM at

1/23/2023 2:46:30 PM ... 18 common frames omitted

1/23/2023 2:46:30 PM 2023.01.23 09:16:30 INFO web[][o.s.p.ProcessEntryPoint] Hard stopping process

1/23/2023 2:46:30 PM 2023.01.23 09:16:30 INFO web[][c.z.h.HikariDataSource] HikariPool-1 - Shutdown initiated...

1/23/2023 2:46:30 PM 2023.01.23 09:16:30 INFO web[][c.z.h.HikariDataSource] HikariPool-1 - Shutdown completed.

1/23/2023 2:46:32 PM 2023.01.23 09:16:32 INFO app[][o.s.a.SchedulerImpl] Process[Web Server] is stopped

1/23/2023 2:46:32 PM 2023.01.23 09:16:32 INFO app[][o.s.a.SchedulerImpl] Process[ElasticSearch] is stopped

1/23/2023 2:46:32 PM 2023.01.23 09:16:32 WARN app[][o.s.a.p.AbstractManagedProcess] Process exited with exit value [ElasticSearch]: 143

1/23/2023 2:46:32 PM 2023.01.23 09:16:32 INFO app[][o.s.a.SchedulerImpl] SonarQube is stopped