Error starting new version 10.6 install

I’m working with a new install of SonarQube version on Windows Server 2022 10.0.20348 Build 20348. JDK version 17.0.12. This installation was from a zip file. I’ve installed the Windows service from the command line, and the service is running under a unique service account. The SQL back end is Azure SQL. I’ve tested this using both Entra authentication and SQL authentication in the config file, with the same results. I did download the .DLL for integrated authentication and have placed it in a directory that is in the PATH statement.

When I start the SonarQube service, in the app logs on the server it says that the service was started successfully. Then directly after that I receive this warning:

Child process [8636 - java.exe -Xms8m -Xmx32m -Djava.awt.headless=true --add-exports=java.base/jdk.internal.ref=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens=java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens=java.base/java.nio=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens=java.base/ -cp "..\..\..\lib\sonar-application-" "org.sonar.application.App" ] finished with 0

Directly after that, this error:

Thread failed unexpectedly

The SonarQube user interface is not available from the local server.

I see no other relevant errors in the logs directory of the install path for SonarQube.

The end goal is to have the service start successfully, and to use integrated security for Azure SQL.

Any recommendations?


What do your server logs say?


I see no other relevant errors in the logs directory for the install path for SonarQube. In fact, the only thing I see if /logs is the README file and SonarServiceWrapper.wrapper. This is all I see in the SonarServiceWrapper log:

2024-08-07 12:45:47,261 DEBUG - Starting WinSW in console mode
2024-08-07 12:45:47,261 FATAL - Unhandled exception
System.Exception: Unknown command: -install
at WinSW.Program.Run(String argsArray, IServiceConfig config)
at WinSW.Program.Main(String args)
2024-08-07 12:45:58,074 DEBUG - Starting WinSW in console mode
2024-08-07 12:45:58,089 INFO - Installing service ‘SonarQube (SonarQube)’…
2024-08-07 12:45:58,121 INFO - Service ‘SonarQube (SonarQube)’ was installed successfully.


What service wrapper?


I think I’ve found part of the issue here. I had the SonarQube base directory in “program files”. Pretty sure something along the way did not like the space in the path. I changed it to a path with no space and now it is loading farther.

I’m still running into issues though with the integrated login for SQL. Specifically, this message in the web.log file:

“Windows logins are not supported in this version of SQL Server. ClientConnectionId:8b2e38d5-9406-4db8-802e-5d677a9a7452”

Which is true for Azure SQL. You must use SQL auth or Entra. I was hoping that setting the integrated security to true would try to use Entra but perhaps that’s not supported yet?

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It’s been so long since I’d run into this that I’d kinda assumed it wasn’t a problem anymore. But yeah, I’ve seen Java (in general, not just SonarQube-related) not go well on Windows when there was a space in the path.

For the DB login, the docs show what we support.


I think what is happening here is that integrated authentication works differently than Entra authentication. Looks like the documentation is saying the only supported authentication methods are integrated and SQL auth. Azure SQL does not support Windows (integrated) auth. I’m coming to the conclusion that If you are using Azure SQL (not a managed instance) that integrated auth is not an option.