ERROR: Quality Gate failed: Could not fetch quality gate status: b'{"errors":[{"msg":"Analysis with

Getting below ERROR message while running sonar cloud with bitbucket. I’m not using code more thank 100k. What might cause this issue?

ERROR: ✖ Quality Gate failed: Could not fetch quality gate status: b’{“errors”:[{“msg”:“Analysis with id \u0027None\u0027 is not found”}]}’

Error message was found in pipeline.

Hey there.

It would probably be useful for you to post your bitbucket-pipelines.yml file, along with the full logs from the end of your SonarCloud analysis + checking for Quality Gate status.

sonar-bitbucketpipeline.txt (670 Bytes)

Attached bitbucket pipeline.

I’m not an admin, please let us know where I can find these logs( SonarCloud analysis + checking for Quality Gate status). A screenshot would be definitely helpful.

First, I would suggest bumping these up to the latest versions (1.4.0 and 0.1.6`

      - pipe: sonarsource/sonarcloud-scan:1.2.1
      - pipe: sonarsource/sonarcloud-quality-gate:0.1.4

These are the logs I’m referring to.

Made the changes as requested.
Attaching the bitbucket pipeline yaml and log file for your reference.

This is bit urgent. Please let us know if we can have a call?

pipelineLog-{433ee59f-b59d-4fe3-9550-44a851f9f470}.txt (29.7 KB)
bitbucketyaml.txt (16.2 KB)

Any update on this?

This is very critical for us. Appreciate your help on this…!!

Hey @Mohd_Yasreeb

It looks like there are some issues analyzing a particular Javascript file that is causing the analysis to run out of memory. I’ve flagged this topic for expert attention.

In the meantime, you might try running a local analysis with the SonarScanner CLI to see if the problem persists locally, or only appears in Bitbucket Pipelines. You can also follow a tutorial in the SonarCloud UI by going to Administraiton > Analysis Method > Manually

hello @Mohd_Yasreeb

Are you still experiencing the issue?

It seems that there is problem to analyze tmc.tailwind.config.js. Could you share this file with us?

I can faced same issue with change version as per

pipe: sonarsource/sonarcloud-scan:2.0.0
pipe: sonarsource/sonarcloud-quality-gate:0.1.4

also share the files related to the issue

pipelineLog-{200c9e57-d3ec-447f-bd46-e18e15a52ca0}.txt (6.6 KB)

pipelineLog-{200c9e57-d3ec-447f-bd46-e18e15a52ca0}.txt (6.6 KB)


Please don’t bump very old threads.

Since you’ve created a new one, I’ll close this one.