Error in code analysis

sonar scanner =
SonarQube Enterprise Edition = 8.9.6 (build 50800)

When code analysis is performed with the sonar scanner, the following error is displayed on the console and the results are not displayed on the dashboard.
I have reviewed the sonar logs and the following is shown:


Could you describe your scanner, please? Are you using the Docker image for SonarScanner, v4.7? (And is so, why when you’ve tagged this with csharp?)


We use SonarQube onpremise and code analysis is performed through sonarscanner at the cmd level
Add C# because the projects we are analyzing are developed in that language


We’re actively investigating this problem, but we need some more information. Are you using GitLab? And if so, is it self-managed, and what version is your runner?

Regarding which scanner you use, to analyze C# you should really be using the SonarScanner for .NET.


How are you Ann?
We do not use GitLab or any similar tool, the code analysis is done in the windows cmd and we actually use sonar scanner for .net (SonarScanner_MSBuild-

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