Error during SonarScanner execution - java.lang.NoSuchMethodError

I encountered an error during the execution of SonarScanner with the following message:

java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: ‘org.sonar.api.batch.AnalysisMode org.sonar.api.batch.postjob.PostJobContext.analysisMode()’
at com.uipath.sonar.plugin.hooks.DisplayIssuesInScanner.execute(

It seems to be related to a missing method in the execution context. The error occurs while attempting to execute the SonarScanner for a project. Here are some key details:

SonarScanner version:
Java version: 17.0.7 Eclipse Adoptium (64-bit)
Operating system: Windows 10 10.0 amd64
Steps to reproduce:

Execute SonarScanner with the provided configuration.
Observe the error during execution.

Sounds like you rissue is with the community-supported GitHub - KeithEmanuel/sonar-uipath-plugin: SonarQube pluging for UiPath projects.

You should try and get in touch with the maintainer, or uninstall it.