Error during SonarScanner execution error - java.lang.StackOverflowError (python)

Hello, i have a problem with a python project analysis. when i start a analyse broke my pipeline with this error:

build	16-May-2023 10:25:30	INFO: 64 files indexed
build	16-May-2023 10:25:30	INFO: 36751 files ignored because of inclusion/exclusion patterns
build	16-May-2023 10:25:30	INFO: Quality profile for py: Sonar way - Analytics D.R
build	16-May-2023 10:25:30	INFO: ------------- Run sensors on module myproject
build	16-May-2023 10:25:30	INFO: Load metrics repository
build	16-May-2023 10:25:30	INFO: Load metrics repository (done) | time=20ms
build	16-May-2023 10:25:33	INFO: Sensor C# Project Type Information [csharp]
build	16-May-2023 10:25:33	INFO: Sensor C# Project Type Information [csharp] (done) | time=1ms
build	16-May-2023 10:25:33	INFO: Sensor C# Analysis Log [csharp]
build	16-May-2023 10:25:33	INFO: Sensor C# Analysis Log [csharp] (done) | time=17ms
build	16-May-2023 10:25:33	INFO: Sensor C# Properties [csharp]
build	16-May-2023 10:25:33	INFO: Sensor C# Properties [csharp] (done) | time=0ms
build	16-May-2023 10:25:33	INFO: Sensor HTML [web]
build	16-May-2023 10:25:33	INFO: Sensor HTML [web] (done) | time=4ms
build	16-May-2023 10:25:33	INFO: Sensor Text Sensor [text]
build	16-May-2023 10:25:33	INFO: 9 source files to be analyzed
build	16-May-2023 10:25:33	INFO: 9/9 source files have been analyzed
build	16-May-2023 10:25:33	INFO: Sensor Text Sensor [text] (done) | time=87ms
build	16-May-2023 10:25:33	INFO: Sensor VB.NET Project Type Information [vbnet]
build	16-May-2023 10:25:33	INFO: Sensor VB.NET Project Type Information [vbnet] (done) | time=1ms
build	16-May-2023 10:25:33	INFO: Sensor VB.NET Analysis Log [vbnet]
build	16-May-2023 10:25:33	INFO: Sensor VB.NET Analysis Log [vbnet] (done) | time=15ms
build	16-May-2023 10:25:33	INFO: Sensor VB.NET Properties [vbnet]
build	16-May-2023 10:25:33	INFO: Sensor VB.NET Properties [vbnet] (done) | time=0ms
build	16-May-2023 10:25:33	INFO: Sensor Python Sensor [python]
build	16-May-2023 10:25:33	WARN: Your code is analyzed as compatible with python 2 and 3 by default. This will prevent the detection of issues specific to python 2 or python 3. You can get a more precise analysis by setting a python version in your configuration via the parameter "sonar.python.version"
build	16-May-2023 10:25:33	INFO: Starting global symbols computation
build	16-May-2023 10:25:33	INFO: 9 source files to be analyzed
build	16-May-2023 10:25:34	INFO: 9/9 source files have been analyzed
build	16-May-2023 10:25:34	INFO: Starting rules execution
build	16-May-2023 10:25:34	INFO: 9 source files to be analyzed
build	16-May-2023 10:25:36	INFO: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
build	16-May-2023 10:25:36	INFO: EXECUTION FAILURE
build	16-May-2023 10:25:36	INFO: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
build	16-May-2023 10:25:36	INFO: Total time: 11.656s
build	16-May-2023 10:25:36	INFO: Final Memory: 45M/160M
build	16-May-2023 10:25:36	INFO: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
error	16-May-2023 10:25:36	ERROR: Error during SonarScanner execution
error	16-May-2023 10:25:36	java.lang.StackOverflowError
error	16-May-2023 10:25:36		at
error	16-May-2023 10:25:36		at
error	16-May-2023 10:25:36		at
error	16-May-2023 10:25:36		at
error	16-May-2023 10:25:36		at
|error|16-May-2023 10:25:40|ERROR: |
|error|16-May-2023 10:25:40|ERROR: Re-run SonarScanner using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.|
|simple|16-May-2023 10:25:40|Failing task since return code of [/opt/sonar-scanner/current/bin/sonar-scanner -Dsonar.projectKey=myproject -Dsonar.projectName=myproject -Dsonar.sources=. -Dsonar.projectVersion=2.2.7 user xP) -Dsonar.login=******] was 1 while expected 0|
|simple|16-May-2023 10:25:40|SONAR4BAMBOO: was not able to find a SonarQube result URL|
|simple|16-May-2023 10:25:40|SONAR4BAMBOO: Checking quality gate for None...|
|simple|16-May-2023 10:25:40|SONAR4BAMBOO: Analysis successful.|
|simple|16-May-2023 10:25:40|Finished task 'validacao sonar scanner' with result: Failed|

the project dashboard do not populate with data analysis, because pipes broken before this step (repport analysis result)

i was trying to find some information about this error, i found some similar ones in community forum, but the resolution did not yield a positive result.

my enviroment data:
sonarqube enterprise * Version 9.6.1 (build 59531)
ssm: bitbucket * v7.21.4
ci/cd: bamboo * version 8.2.4 build 80210 (with sonar4bamboo plugin)
All onpremised

someone can help me?
thx for attention


Your version is past EOL. You should upgrade to either the latest version or the current LTS at your earliest convenience. Your upgrade path is:

9.6.1 → 9.9 → 10.0 (last step optional)

You may find these resources helpful:

If you have questions about upgrading, feel free to open a new thread for that here.

If your error persists after upgrade, please come back to us.

Thx, i will upgrade to 9.9lts and report later if it worked!

Upgrade to 9.9lts do not working, the error to scan python projects persist, same log error:

|4-May-2023 10:38:35|        at|
|24-May-2023 10:38:35|        at|
|24-May-2023 10:38:35|        at|
|24-May-2023 10:38:35|        at|
|24-May-2023 10:38:35|        at|
|24-May-2023 10:38:35|        at|
|24-May-2023 10:38:35|ERROR:|
|24-May-2023 10:38:35|ERROR: Re-run SonarScanner using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.|
|24-May-2023 10:38:35|Failing task since return code of [/opt/sonar-scanner/current/bin/sonar-scanner -Dsonar.projectKey=myproject -Dsonar.projectName=myproject -Dsonar.sources=. -Dsonar.projectVersion=2.2.8 -Dsonar.login=******] was 1 while expected 0|
|24-May-2023 10:38:41|SONAR4BAMBOO: was not able to find a SonarQube result URL|
|24-May-2023 10:38:41|Finished task 'validacao sonar scanner' with result: Failed|


Somebody should be in touch to ask for logs. I suggest preparing DEBUG level logs (sonar-scanner -X to share.

Hello @Truber

As Colin mentioned, it would be useful to see the debug logs (using -X).
In addition, do you have the full stacktrace of the StackOverflowError? It seems to be truncated in the logs you provided.

The next step will be to identify the code generating the error. I suspect the 9 Python files are private, but is there any chance you could share with us a minimal code sample reproducing the error?


hello, i have 2 updates to this case.
when i deactivated 205 of 206 rules of python qualityprofile used on this project scanner, the scan was succesfull. If i use all rules activated the scan brokes, that return indicates a ‘bug/problem’ with interpretation of one or more rules of python profile.
i`ll start a minuncial analysis rule per rule, when a found the ‘broken rule’ a will report here.

here a debug log of broken analysis with all 206 rules activated of python profile (sonarway - Enterprise EditionVersion 9.9.1 (build 69595))

sorry but a cant upload a log files (corporate security) :confused:
and this page accept only 50k characters :smiley:

but i still analysing the python rules, when a found it i`ll report here the ‘solution’…

No need to do this investigation, we already know that it is coming from the frontend.python. It means that if any of the rules

S2076, S2078, S2083, S2091, S2631, S3649, S5131, S5135, S5144, S5145, S5146, S5147, S5167, S5334, S5883, S6096, S6287, S6350, S6384, S6173, S6390, S6398, S6399

is enabled, the error will happen.

What is missing to progress is to understand more precisely what is causing the stack overflow.
I understand that sharing logs is sensitive. Maybe you could share only (part) of the stacktrace of the error?

12:05:14.331 INFO: Scanner configuration file: /opt/sonar-scanner/sonar-scanner-
12:05:14.339 INFO: Project root configuration file: NONE
12:05:14.397 INFO: SonarScanner
12:05:14.397 INFO: Java 11.0.17 Eclipse Adoptium (64-bit)
12:05:14.397 INFO: Linux 4.4.73-5-default amd64
12:05:14.896 DEBUG: keyStore is : 
12:05:14.896 DEBUG: keyStore type is : pkcs12
12:05:14.896 DEBUG: keyStore provider is : 
12:05:14.897 DEBUG: init keystore
12:05:14.897 DEBUG: init keymanager of type SunX509
12:05:15.220 DEBUG: Create: /home/bamboo/.sonar/cache
12:05:15.222 INFO: User cache: /home/bamboo/.sonar/cache
12:05:15.223 DEBUG: Create: /home/bamboo/.sonar/cache/_tmp
12:05:15.228 DEBUG: Extract sonar-scanner-api-batch in temp...
12:05:15.234 DEBUG: Get bootstrap index...
12:05:15.236 DEBUG: Download: https://mysonarlink/sonarqubeenterprise/batch/index
12:05:15.765 DEBUG: Get bootstrap completed
12:05:15.776 DEBUG: Create isolated classloader...
12:05:15.819 DEBUG: Start temp cleaning...
12:05:15.825 DEBUG: Temp cleaning done
12:05:15.826 DEBUG: Execution getVersion
12:05:15.866 INFO: Analyzing on SonarQube server
12:05:15.866 INFO: Default locale: "en_US", source code encoding: "US-ASCII" (analysis is platform dependent)
12:05:15.867 DEBUG: Work directory: /atlassian/mybambooagent/xml-data/build-dir/myjob-JOB1/.scannerwork
12:05:15.869 DEBUG: Execution execute
12:05:16.910 DEBUG: Enterprise
12:05:17.619 INFO: Load global settings
12:05:17.908 DEBUG: GET 200 https://mysonarlink/sonarqubeenterprise/api/settings/values.protobuf | time=287ms
12:05:17.973 INFO: Load global settings (done) | time=354ms
12:05:17.982 INFO: Server id: myserverid
12:05:17.995 INFO: User cache: /home/bamboo/.sonar/cache
12:05:18.001 INFO: Load/download plugins
12:05:18.001 INFO: Load plugins index
12:05:18.027 DEBUG: GET 200 https://mysonarlink/sonarqubeenterprise/api/plugins/installed | time=26ms
12:05:18.149 INFO: Load plugins index (done) | time=147ms
12:05:18.638 INFO: Load/download plugins (done) | time=637ms
12:05:19.304 DEBUG: Plugins:
12:05:19.305 DEBUG:   * Crowd 2.2.0 (crowd)
12:05:19.305 DEBUG:   * IaC Code Quality and Security (iac)
12:05:19.305 DEBUG:   * PL/SQL Code Quality and Security (plsql)
12:05:19.305 DEBUG:   * Scala Code Quality and Security (sonarscala)
12:05:19.305 DEBUG:   * C# Code Quality and Security (csharp)
12:05:19.305 DEBUG:   * Vulnerability Analysis (security)
12:05:19.305 DEBUG:   * Java Code Quality and Security (java)
12:05:19.305 DEBUG:   * HTML Code Quality and Security (web)
12:05:19.305 DEBUG:   * Flex Code Quality and Security (flex)
12:05:19.306 DEBUG:   * XML Code Quality and Security (xml)
12:05:19.306 DEBUG:   * Text file Code Quality and Security (text)
12:05:19.306 DEBUG:   * VB.NET Code Quality and Security (vbnet)
12:05:19.306 DEBUG:   * Swift Code Quality and Security (swift)
12:05:19.306 DEBUG:   * CFamily Code Quality and Security (cpp)
12:05:19.306 DEBUG:   * Python Code Quality and Security (python)
12:05:19.306 DEBUG:   * Dataflow Bug Detection Rules for Python (dbdpythonfrontend)
12:05:19.306 DEBUG:   * Dataflow Bug Detection (dbd)
12:05:19.306 DEBUG:   * Go Code Quality and Security (go)
12:05:19.306 DEBUG:   * JaCoCo (jacoco)
12:05:19.307 DEBUG:   * Kotlin Code Quality and Security (kotlin)
12:05:19.307 DEBUG:   * RPG Code Quality (rpg)
12:05:19.307 DEBUG:   * Dataflow Bug Detection Rules for Java (dbdjavafrontend)
12:05:19.307 DEBUG:   * PL/I Code Quality and Security (pli)
12:05:19.307 DEBUG:   * T-SQL Code Quality and Security (tsql)
12:05:19.307 DEBUG:   * VB6 Code Quality and Security (vb)
12:05:19.307 DEBUG:   * Apex Code Quality and Security (sonarapex)
12:05:19.307 DEBUG:   * JavaScript/TypeScript/CSS Code Quality and Security (javascript)
12:05:19.307 DEBUG:   * Ruby Code Quality and Security (ruby)
12:05:19.308 DEBUG:   * Vulnerability Rules for C# (securitycsharpfrontend)
12:05:19.308 DEBUG:   * Vulnerability Rules for Java (securityjavafrontend)
12:05:19.308 DEBUG:   * Findbugs 4.1.4 (findbugs)
12:05:19.308 DEBUG:   * Vulnerability Rules for JS (securityjsfrontend)
12:05:19.308 DEBUG:   * Groovy 1.8 (groovy)
12:05:19.308 DEBUG:   * COBOL Code Quality (cobol)
12:05:19.308 DEBUG:   * Vulnerability Rules for Python (securitypythonfrontend)
12:05:19.308 DEBUG:   * PHP Code Quality and Security (php)
12:05:19.308 DEBUG:   * ABAP Code Quality and Security (abap)
12:05:19.309 DEBUG:   * Configuration detection fot Code Quality and Security (config)
12:05:19.309 DEBUG:   * Vulnerability Rules for PHP (securityphpfrontend)
12:05:19.696 INFO: Loaded core extensions: developer-scanner
12:05:19.764 DEBUG: Installed core extension: developer-scanner
12:05:21.958 INFO: Process project properties
12:05:21.999 INFO: Process project properties (done) | time=41ms
12:05:22.004 INFO: Execute project builders
12:05:22.005 DEBUG: Execute project builder: org.sonar.plugins.csharp.CSharpGlobalProtobufFileProcessor
12:05:22.007 DEBUG: Execute project builder: org.sonar.plugins.vbnet.VbNetGlobalProtobufFileProcessor
12:05:22.009 INFO: Execute project builders (done) | time=5ms
12:05:22.159 INFO: Project key: myproject
12:05:22.160 INFO: Base dir: /atlassian/mybambooagent/xml-data/build-dir/myjob-JOB1
12:05:22.160 INFO: Working dir: /atlassian/mybambooagent/xml-data/build-dir/myjob-JOB1/.scannerwork
12:05:22.160 DEBUG: Project global encoding: US-ASCII, default locale: en_US
12:05:22.172 INFO: Load project settings for component key: 'myproject'
12:05:22.192 DEBUG: GET 200 https://mysonarlink/sonarqubeenterprise/api/settings/values.protobuf?component=myproject | time=20ms
12:05:22.195 INFO: Load project settings for component key: 'myproject' (done) | time=23ms
12:05:22.550 INFO: Load project branches
12:05:22.564 DEBUG: GET 200 https://mysonarlink/sonarqubeenterprise/api/project_branches/list?project=myproject | time=13ms
12:05:22.571 INFO: Load project branches (done) | time=21ms
12:05:22.574 INFO: Load project pull requests
12:05:22.592 DEBUG: GET 200 https://mysonarlink/sonarqubeenterprise/api/project_pull_requests/list?project=myproject | time=12ms
12:05:22.597 INFO: Load project pull requests (done) | time=23ms
12:05:22.598 INFO: Load branch configuration
12:05:22.599 INFO: Found manual configuration of branch/PR analysis. Skipping automatic configuration.
12:05:22.601 INFO: Load branch configuration (done) | time=3ms
12:05:22.626 DEBUG: Creating module hierarchy
12:05:22.627 DEBUG:   Init module 'myproject'
12:05:22.627 DEBUG:     Base dir: /atlassian/mybambooagent/xml-data/build-dir/myjob-JOB1
12:05:22.628 DEBUG:     Working dir: /atlassian/mybambooagent/xml-data/build-dir/myjob-JOB1/.scannerwork
12:05:22.628 DEBUG:     Module global encoding: US-ASCII, default locale: en_US
12:05:22.679 DEBUG: Available languages:
12:05:22.695 DEBUG:   * Terraform => "terraform"
12:05:22.695 DEBUG:   * CloudFormation => "cloudformation"
12:05:22.695 DEBUG:   * Kubernetes => "kubernetes"
12:05:22.695 DEBUG:   * PL/SQL => "plsql"
12:05:22.695 DEBUG:   * Scala => "scala"
12:05:22.695 DEBUG:   * C# => "cs"
12:05:22.695 DEBUG:   * Java => "java"
12:05:22.695 DEBUG:   * HTML => "web"
12:05:22.695 DEBUG:   * JSP => "jsp"
12:05:22.696 DEBUG:   * Flex => "flex"
12:05:22.696 DEBUG:   * XML => "xml"
12:05:22.696 DEBUG:   * Text => "text"
12:05:22.696 DEBUG:   * VB.NET => "vbnet"
12:05:22.696 DEBUG:   * Swift => "swift"
12:05:22.696 DEBUG:   * C => "c"
12:05:22.696 DEBUG:   * C++ => "cpp"
12:05:22.696 DEBUG:   * Objective-C => "objc"
12:05:22.696 DEBUG:   * Python => "py"
12:05:22.696 DEBUG:   * Go => "go"
12:05:22.696 DEBUG:   * Kotlin => "kotlin"
12:05:22.697 DEBUG:   * RPG => "rpg"
12:05:22.697 DEBUG:   * PL/I => "pli"
12:05:22.697 DEBUG:   * T-SQL => "tsql"
12:05:22.697 DEBUG:   * Vb => "vb"
12:05:22.697 DEBUG:   * Apex => "apex"
12:05:22.697 DEBUG:   * JavaScript => "js"
12:05:22.697 DEBUG:   * TypeScript => "ts"
12:05:22.697 DEBUG:   * CSS => "css"
12:05:22.697 DEBUG:   * Ruby => "ruby"
12:05:22.697 DEBUG:   * Groovy => "grvy"
12:05:22.697 DEBUG:   * COBOL => "cobol"
12:05:22.698 DEBUG:   * PHP => "php"
12:05:22.698 DEBUG:   * ABAP => "abap"
12:05:22.698 DEBUG:   * YAML => "yaml"
12:05:22.698 DEBUG:   * JSON => "json"
12:05:22.727 DEBUG: SCM Step is disabled by configuration
12:05:22.742 INFO: Load quality profiles
12:05:22.780 DEBUG: GET 200 https://mysonarlink/sonarqubeenterprise/api/qualityprofiles/search.protobuf?project=myproject | time=36ms
12:05:22.818 INFO: Load quality profiles (done) | time=76ms
12:05:22.833 INFO: Load active rules
12:05:22.851 DEBUG: GET 200 https://mysonarlink/sonarqubeenterprise/api/rules/search.protobuf?f=repo,name,severity,lang,internalKey,templateKey,params,actives,createdAt,updatedAt,deprecatedKeys&activation=true&qprofile=AYYFjlR_fNbl3njsw0-Q&ps=500&p=1 | time=17ms
12:05:23.010 DEBUG: GET 200 https://mysonarlink/sonarqubeenterprise/api/rules/search.protobuf?f=repo,name,severity,lang,internalKey,templateKey,params,actives,createdAt,updatedAt,deprecatedKeys&activation=true&qprofile=AYFjCk0B18H-KHqTTh3o&ps=500&p=1 | time=19ms
12:05:23.046 DEBUG: GET 200 https://mysonarlink/sonarqubeenterprise/api/rules/search.protobuf?f=repo,name,severity,lang,internalKey,templateKey,params,actives,createdAt,updatedAt,deprecatedKeys&activation=true&qprofile=AYFjCk2D18H-KHqTTh5F&ps=500&p=1 | time=24ms
12:05:23.066 DEBUG: GET 200 https://mysonarlink/sonarqubeenterprise/api/rules/search.protobuf?f=repo,name,severity,lang,internalKey,templateKey,params,actives,createdAt,updatedAt,deprecatedKeys&activation=true&qprofile=AYFjCk4U18H-KHqTTh6Q&ps=500&p=1 | time=12ms
12:05:23.137 DEBUG: GET 200 https://mysonarlink/sonarqubeenterprise/api/rules/search.protobuf?f=repo,name,severity,lang,internalKey,templateKey,params,actives,createdAt,updatedAt,deprecatedKeys&activation=true&qprofile=AYFjCk5z18H-KHqTTh_9&ps=500&p=1 | time=69ms
12:05:23.260 DEBUG: GET 200 https://mysonarlink/sonarqubeenterprise/api/rules/search.protobuf?f=repo,name,severity,lang,internalKey,templateKey,params,actives,createdAt,updatedAt,deprecatedKeys&activation=true&qprofile=AYFjCk8R18H-KHqTTiHh&ps=500&p=1 | time=58ms
12:05:23.341 DEBUG: GET 200 https://mysonarlink/sonarqubeenterprise/api/rules/search.protobuf?f=repo,name,severity,lang,internalKey,templateKey,params,actives,createdAt,updatedAt,deprecatedKeys&activation=true&qprofile=AYFjCk9_18H-KHqTTiLQ&ps=500&p=1 | time=20ms
12:05:23.396 DEBUG: GET 200 https://mysonarlink/sonarqubeenterprise/api/rules/search.protobuf?f=repo,name,severity,lang,internalKey,templateKey,params,actives,createdAt,updatedAt,deprecatedKeys&activation=true&qprofile=AYFjCk_L18H-KHqTTiQW&ps=500&p=1 | time=44ms
12:05:23.541 DEBUG: GET 200 https://mysonarlink/sonarqubeenterprise/api/rules/search.protobuf?f=repo,name,severity,lang,internalKey,templateKey,params,actives,createdAt,updatedAt,deprecatedKeys&activation=true&qprofile=AYFjClCb18H-KHqTTihX&ps=500&p=1 | time=125ms
12:05:23.644 DEBUG: GET 200 https://mysonarlink/sonarqubeenterprise/api/rules/search.protobuf?f=repo,name,severity,lang,internalKey,templateKey,params,actives,createdAt,updatedAt,deprecatedKeys&activation=true&qprofile=AYFjClCb18H-KHqTTihX&ps=500&p=2 | time=26ms
12:05:23.680 DEBUG: GET 200 https://mysonarlink/sonarqubeenterprise/api/rules/search.protobuf?f=repo,name,severity,lang,internalKey,templateKey,params,actives,createdAt,updatedAt,deprecatedKeys&activation=true&qprofile=AYFjClTX18H-KHqTTjt6&ps=500&p=1 | time=32ms
12:05:23.705 DEBUG: GET 200 https://mysonarlink/sonarqubeenterprise/api/rules/search.protobuf?f=repo,name,severity,lang,internalKey,templateKey,params,actives,createdAt,updatedAt,deprecatedKeys&activation=true&qprofile=AYFjClVs18H-KHqTTjwi&ps=500&p=1 | time=23ms
12:05:23.728 DEBUG: GET 200 https://mysonarlink/sonarqubeenterprise/api/rules/search.protobuf?f=repo,name,severity,lang,internalKey,templateKey,params,actives,createdAt,updatedAt,deprecatedKeys&activation=true&qprofile=AYFjClUh18H-KHqTTjuw&ps=500&p=1 | time=20ms
12:05:23.743 DEBUG: GET 200 https://mysonarlink/sonarqubeenterprise/api/rules/search.protobuf?f=repo,name,severity,lang,internalKey,templateKey,params,actives,createdAt,updatedAt,deprecatedKeys&activation=true&qprofile=AYYFjluHfNbl3njsw1Hv&ps=500&p=1 | time=14ms
12:05:23.755 DEBUG: GET 200 https://mysonarlink/sonarqubeenterprise/api/rules/search.protobuf?f=repo,name,severity,lang,internalKey,templateKey,params,actives,createdAt,updatedAt,deprecatedKeys&activation=true&qprofile=AYYFjluOfNbl3njsw1Hz&ps=500&p=1 | time=11ms
12:05:23.794 DEBUG: GET 200 https://mysonarlink/sonarqubeenterprise/api/rules/search.protobuf?f=repo,name,severity,lang,internalKey,templateKey,params,actives,createdAt,updatedAt,deprecatedKeys&activation=true&qprofile=AYFjClXT18H-KHqTTj1D&ps=500&p=1 | time=38ms
12:05:23.852 DEBUG: GET 200 https://mysonarlink/sonarqubeenterprise/api/rules/search.protobuf?f=repo,name,severity,lang,internalKey,templateKey,params,actives,createdAt,updatedAt,deprecatedKeys&activation=true&qprofile=AYYFjlwmfNbl3njsw1I1&ps=500&p=1 | time=35ms
12:05:23.878 DEBUG: GET 200 https://mysonarlink/sonarqubeenterprise/api/rules/search.protobuf?f=repo,name,severity,lang,internalKey,templateKey,params,actives,createdAt,updatedAt,deprecatedKeys&activation=true&qprofile=AYeUJ8IBUpfgfXRK0NT2&ps=500&p=1 | time=25ms
12:05:23.912 DEBUG: GET 200 https://mysonarlink/sonarqubeenterprise/api/rules/search.protobuf?f=repo,name,severity,lang,internalKey,templateKey,params,actives,createdAt,updatedAt,deprecatedKeys&activation=true&qprofile=AYFjClYe18H-KHqTTj5B&ps=500&p=1 | time=28ms
12:05:23.928 DEBUG: GET 200 https://mysonarlink/sonarqubeenterprise/api/rules/search.protobuf?f=repo,name,severity,lang,internalKey,templateKey,params,actives,createdAt,updatedAt,deprecatedKeys&activation=true&qprofile=AYYFjlxUfNbl3njsw1JR&ps=500&p=1 | time=10ms
12:05:24.036 DEBUG: GET 200 https://mysonarlink/sonarqubeenterprise/api/rules/search.protobuf?f=repo,name,severity,lang,internalKey,templateKey,params,actives,createdAt,updatedAt,deprecatedKeys&activation=true&qprofile=AYFjClaK18H-KHqTTkF2&ps=500&p=1 | time=108ms
12:05:24.148 DEBUG: GET 200 https://mysonarlink/sonarqubeenterprise/api/rules/search.protobuf?f=repo,name,severity,lang,internalKey,templateKey,params,actives,createdAt,updatedAt,deprecatedKeys&activation=true&qprofile=AYFjClc018H-KHqTTkSO&ps=500&p=1 | time=68ms
12:05:24.176 DEBUG: GET 200 https://mysonarlink/sonarqubeenterprise/api/rules/search.protobuf?f=repo,name,severity,lang,internalKey,templateKey,params,actives,createdAt,updatedAt,deprecatedKeys&activation=true&qprofile=AYFjClf118H-KHqTTkZd&ps=500&p=1 | time=19ms
12:05:24.212 DEBUG: GET 200 https://mysonarlink/sonarqubeenterprise/api/rules/search.protobuf?f=repo,name,severity,lang,internalKey,templateKey,params,actives,createdAt,updatedAt,deprecatedKeys&activation=true&qprofile=AYFjClfA18H-KHqTTkYD&ps=500&p=1 | time=35ms
12:05:24.234 DEBUG: GET 200 https://mysonarlink/sonarqubeenterprise/api/rules/search.protobuf?f=repo,name,severity,lang,internalKey,templateKey,params,actives,createdAt,updatedAt,deprecatedKeys&activation=true&qprofile=AYFjCleO18H-KHqTTkWd&ps=500&p=1 | time=18ms
12:05:24.251 DEBUG: GET 200 https://mysonarlink/sonarqubeenterprise/api/rules/search.protobuf?f=repo,name,severity,lang,internalKey,templateKey,params,actives,createdAt,updatedAt,deprecatedKeys&activation=true&qprofile=AYFjClif18H-KHqTTkem&ps=500&p=1 | time=15ms
12:05:24.283 DEBUG: GET 200 https://mysonarlink/sonarqubeenterprise/api/rules/search.protobuf?f=repo,name,severity,lang,internalKey,templateKey,params,actives,createdAt,updatedAt,deprecatedKeys&activation=true&qprofile=AYFjClhk18H-KHqTTkdI&ps=500&p=1 | time=31ms
12:05:24.304 DEBUG: GET 200 https://mysonarlink/sonarqubeenterprise/api/rules/search.protobuf?f=repo,name,severity,lang,internalKey,templateKey,params,actives,createdAt,updatedAt,deprecatedKeys&activation=true&qprofile=AYFjClgg18H-KHqTTkay&ps=500&p=1 | time=19ms
12:05:24.324 DEBUG: GET 200 https://mysonarlink/sonarqubeenterprise/api/rules/search.protobuf?f=repo,name,severity,lang,internalKey,templateKey,params,actives,createdAt,updatedAt,deprecatedKeys&activation=true&qprofile=AYFjCljU18H-KHqTTkf8&ps=500&p=1 | time=19ms
12:05:24.412 DEBUG: GET 200 https://mysonarlink/sonarqubeenterprise/api/rules/search.protobuf?f=repo,name,severity,lang,internalKey,templateKey,params,actives,createdAt,updatedAt,deprecatedKeys&activation=true&qprofile=AYFjClk318H-KHqTTko9&ps=500&p=1 | time=87ms
12:05:24.468 DEBUG: GET 200 https://mysonarlink/sonarqubeenterprise/api/rules/search.protobuf?f=repo,name,severity,lang,internalKey,templateKey,params,actives,createdAt,updatedAt,deprecatedKeys&activation=true&qprofile=AYFjClnI18H-KHqTTkwE&ps=500&p=1 | time=44ms
12:05:24.532 DEBUG: GET 200 https://mysonarlink/sonarqubeenterprise/api/rules/search.protobuf?f=repo,name,severity,lang,internalKey,templateKey,params,actives,createdAt,updatedAt,deprecatedKeys&activation=true&qprofile=AYFjClon18H-KHqTTk2C&ps=500&p=1 | time=61ms
12:05:24.585 DEBUG: GET 200 https://mysonarlink/sonarqubeenterprise/api/rules/search.protobuf?f=repo,name,severity,lang,internalKey,templateKey,params,actives,createdAt,updatedAt,deprecatedKeys&activation=true&qprofile=AYYFjmB-fNbl3njsw1SO&ps=500&p=1 | time=30ms
12:05:24.616 DEBUG: GET 200 https://mysonarlink/sonarqubeenterprise/api/rules/search.protobuf?f=repo,name,severity,lang,internalKey,templateKey,params,actives,createdAt,updatedAt,deprecatedKeys&activation=true&qprofile=AYFjClrs18H-KHqTTk9U&ps=500&p=1 | time=29ms
12:05:24.680 DEBUG: GET 200 https://mysonarlink/sonarqubeenterprise/api/rules/search.protobuf?f=repo,name,severity,lang,internalKey,templateKey,params,actives,createdAt,updatedAt,deprecatedKeys&activation=true&qprofile=AYFjCluz18H-KHqTTlM3&ps=500&p=1 | time=61ms
12:05:24.760 DEBUG: GET 200 https://mysonarlink/sonarqubeenterprise/api/rules/search.protobuf?f=repo,name,severity,lang,internalKey,templateKey,params,actives,createdAt,updatedAt,deprecatedKeys&activation=true&qprofile=AYFjCltQ18H-KHqTTlDr&ps=500&p=1 | time=67ms
12:05:24.820 INFO: Load active rules (done) | time=1987ms
12:05:24.837 INFO: Load analysis cache
12:05:24.851 DEBUG: GET 404 https://mysonarlink/sonarqubeenterprise/api/analysis_cache/get?project=myproject&branch=master | time=14ms
12:05:24.853 INFO: Load analysis cache (404) | time=16ms
12:05:24.958 INFO: Branch name: release/esteira
12:05:25.000 INFO: Load project repositories
12:05:25.016 DEBUG: GET 200 https://mysonarlink/sonarqubeenterprise/batch/project.protobuf?key=myproject&branch=master | time=15ms
12:05:25.026 INFO: Load project repositories (done) | time=26ms
12:05:25.080 DEBUG: Declared extensions of language Terraform were converted to sonar.lang.patterns.terraform : **/*.tf
12:05:25.080 DEBUG: Declared extensions of language CloudFormation were converted to sonar.lang.patterns.cloudformation : 
12:05:25.080 DEBUG: Declared extensions of language Kubernetes were converted to sonar.lang.patterns.kubernetes : 
12:05:25.081 DEBUG: Declared extensions of language PL/SQL were converted to sonar.lang.patterns.plsql : **/*.sql,**/*.pks,**/*.pkb
12:05:25.081 DEBUG: Declared extensions of language Scala were converted to sonar.lang.patterns.scala : **/*.scala
12:05:25.081 DEBUG: Declared extensions of language C# were converted to sonar.lang.patterns.cs : **/*.cs
12:05:25.081 DEBUG: Declared extensions of language Java were converted to : **/*.java,**/*.jav
12:05:25.082 DEBUG: Declared extensions of language HTML were converted to sonar.lang.patterns.web : **/*.html,**/*.xhtml,**/*.cshtml,**/*.vbhtml,**/*.aspx,**/*.ascx,**/*.rhtml,**/*.erb,**/*.shtm,**/*.shtml,**/*.cmp,**/*.twig
12:05:25.082 DEBUG: Declared extensions of language JSP were converted to sonar.lang.patterns.jsp : **/*.jsp,**/*.jspf,**/*.jspx
12:05:25.083 DEBUG: Declared extensions of language Flex were converted to sonar.lang.patterns.flex : **/*.as
12:05:25.083 DEBUG: Declared extensions of language XML were converted to sonar.lang.patterns.xml : **/*.xml,**/*.xsd,**/*.xsl
12:05:25.083 DEBUG: Declared extensions of language Text were converted to sonar.lang.patterns.text : **/*.sonarshouldnotexistextension
12:05:25.083 DEBUG: Declared extensions of language VB.NET were converted to sonar.lang.patterns.vbnet : **/*.vb
12:05:25.083 DEBUG: Declared extensions of language Swift were converted to sonar.lang.patterns.swift : **/*.swift
12:05:25.084 DEBUG: Declared extensions of language C were converted to sonar.lang.patterns.c : **/*.c,**/*.h
12:05:25.084 DEBUG: Declared extensions of language C++ were converted to sonar.lang.patterns.cpp : **/*.cc,**/*.cpp,**/*.cxx,**/*.c++,**/*.hh,**/*.hpp,**/*.hxx,**/*.h++,**/*.ipp
12:05:25.084 DEBUG: Declared extensions of language Objective-C were converted to sonar.lang.patterns.objc : **/*.m
12:05:25.085 DEBUG: Declared extensions of language Python were converted to : **/*.py
12:05:25.085 DEBUG: Declared extensions of language Go were converted to sonar.lang.patterns.go : **/*.go
12:05:25.085 DEBUG: Declared extensions of language Kotlin were converted to sonar.lang.patterns.kotlin : **/*.kt
12:05:25.085 DEBUG: Declared extensions of language RPG were converted to sonar.lang.patterns.rpg : **/*.rpg,**/*.rpgle,**/*.sqlrpgle,**/*.rpg,**/*.rpgle,**/*.sqlrpgle
12:05:25.085 DEBUG: Declared extensions of language PL/I were converted to sonar.lang.patterns.pli : **/*.pli
12:05:25.086 DEBUG: Declared extensions of language T-SQL were converted to sonar.lang.patterns.tsql : **/*.tsql
12:05:25.086 DEBUG: Declared extensions of language Vb were converted to sonar.lang.patterns.vb : **/*.vb,**/*.bas,**/*.frm,**/*.ctl,**/*.vb,**/*.bas,**/*.frm,**/*.ctl
12:05:25.086 DEBUG: Declared extensions of language Apex were converted to sonar.lang.patterns.apex : **/*.cls,**/*.trigger
12:05:25.086 DEBUG: Declared extensions of language JavaScript were converted to sonar.lang.patterns.js : **/*.js,**/*.jsx,**/*.mjs,**/*.vue
12:05:25.088 DEBUG: Declared extensions of language TypeScript were converted to sonar.lang.patterns.ts : **/*.ts,**/*.tsx
12:05:25.089 DEBUG: Declared extensions of language CSS were converted to sonar.lang.patterns.css : **/*.css,**/*.less,**/*.scss
12:05:25.089 DEBUG: Declared extensions of language Ruby were converted to sonar.lang.patterns.ruby : **/*.rb
12:05:25.089 DEBUG: Declared extensions of language Groovy were converted to sonar.lang.patterns.grvy : **/*.groovy
12:05:25.089 DEBUG: Declared extensions of language COBOL were converted to sonar.lang.patterns.cobol : 
12:05:25.090 DEBUG: Declared extensions of language PHP were converted to sonar.lang.patterns.php : **/*.php,**/*.php3,**/*.php4,**/*.php5,**/*.phtml,**/*.inc
12:05:25.090 DEBUG: Declared extensions of language ABAP were converted to sonar.lang.patterns.abap : **/*.abap,**/*.ab4,**/*.flow,**/*.asprog
12:05:25.090 DEBUG: Declared extensions of language YAML were converted to sonar.lang.patterns.yaml : **/*.yaml,**/*.yml
12:05:25.090 DEBUG: Declared extensions of language JSON were converted to sonar.lang.patterns.json : **/*.json
12:05:25.096 DEBUG: Will ignore generated code
12:05:25.097 DEBUG: Will ignore generated code
12:05:25.121 INFO: Indexing files...
12:05:25.126 INFO: Project configuration:
12:05:25.127 INFO:   Excluded sources: node_modules/**, coverage/**, test/**, automacao/**, app/config/**, externalfiles/**, docker/**, env/**, src/test/**, src/tests/**, dvop-kubernetes-populate-json/**, target/**, scripts-automacao/**, scripts-automacao-snapshot/**, tests/**, fortify_results/**, fortify-scan/**, pip_packages/**, dvop-fortify-gate-rules/**, scripts-automacao/helpers/gates/libs-nodejs.js, scripts-automacao-snapshot/helpers/gates/libs-nodejs.js, dvop-gate-config/**, **/*.spec.ts, ng/node_modules/**
12:05:25.128 INFO:   Excluded sources for coverage: fortify-scan/**, fortify-scan/src/app, scripts-automacao/**, scripts-automacao-snapshot/**, scripts-automacao-snapshot/helpers/gates/libs-nodejs.js, dvop-gate-config/**, **/*.spec.ts
12:05:25.128 INFO:   Excluded sources for duplication: **/db-analytics/**/dml/*.sql, **/db-analytics/**/dml/*.hql, **/db-analytics/**/ddl/*.sql, **/db-analytics/**/ddl/*.hql, src/routes.ts
12:05:25.172 DEBUG: 'config.cfg' indexed with no language
12:05:25.196 DEBUG: 'config/default.conf' indexed with no language
12:05:25.200 DEBUG: 'config/default.exp.conf' indexed with no language
12:05:25.203 DEBUG: 'config/env.desenv.hdp3.conf' indexed with no language
12:05:25.206 DEBUG: 'config/env.exp.hdp3.conf' indexed with no language
12:05:25.209 DEBUG: 'config/' indexed with no language
12:05:25.212 DEBUG: 'data_prep/anac_propostas/' indexed with language 'py'
12:05:25.214 DEBUG: 'data_prep/anac_propostas/' indexed with no language
12:05:25.217 DEBUG: 'data_prep/anac_propostas/' indexed with no language
12:05:25.220 DEBUG: 'data_prep/convivencia_migracao/' indexed with no language
12:05:25.222 DEBUG: 'data_prep/convivencia_migracao/' indexed with language 'py'
12:05:25.225 DEBUG: 'data_prep/convivencia_migracao/' indexed with no language
12:05:25.226 DEBUG: 'ddl/create_table_ajustes_hdp2.hql' indexed with no language
12:05:25.228 DEBUG: 'ddl/create_table_ajustes_hdp3.hql' indexed with no language
12:05:25.229 DEBUG: 'ddl/create_table_anac_mis_hdp2.hql' indexed with no language
12:05:25.231 DEBUG: 'ddl/create_table_anac_mis_hdp3.hql' indexed with no language
12:05:25.233 DEBUG: 'ddl/create_table_migracao_mis_hdp2.hql' indexed with no language
12:05:25.234 DEBUG: 'ddl/create_table_migracao_mis_hdp3.hql' indexed with no language
12:05:25.235 DEBUG: '' indexed with no language
12:05:25.237 DEBUG: 'dry_functions/' indexed with language 'py'
12:05:25.238 DEBUG: 'dry_functions/' indexed with language 'py'
12:05:25.240 DEBUG: 'dry_functions/' indexed with language 'py'
12:05:25.241 DEBUG: 'dry_functions/' indexed with language 'py'
12:05:25.243 DEBUG: 'dry_functions/' indexed with language 'py'
12:05:25.244 DEBUG: 'dry_functions/' indexed with language 'py'
12:05:25.246 DEBUG: 'imagens_documentacao/fluxo_propostas.png' indexed with no language
12:05:25.247 DEBUG: 'lib/scripts/' indexed with no language
12:05:25.248 DEBUG: 'lib/scripts/' indexed with no language
12:05:25.249 DEBUG: 'lib/scripts/' indexed with no language
12:05:25.250 DEBUG: 'lib/scripts/' indexed with no language
12:05:25.251 DEBUG: 'lib/scripts/' indexed with no language
12:05:25.252 DEBUG: 'lib/scripts/' indexed with no language
12:05:25.254 DEBUG: 'lib/scripts/' indexed with no language
12:05:25.255 DEBUG: 'lib/scripts/' indexed with no language
12:05:25.256 DEBUG: 'lib/scripts/' indexed with no language
12:05:25.257 DEBUG: 'lib/scripts/' indexed with no language
12:05:25.258 DEBUG: '' indexed with no language
12:05:25.259 DEBUG: 'requirements.txt' indexed with no language
12:05:25.260 DEBUG: '' indexed with language 'py'
12:05:25.260 DEBUG: '' indexed with no language
12:05:25.261 DEBUG: '' indexed with no language
12:05:25.262 DEBUG: '' indexed with no language
12:05:25.354 DEBUG: 'pip.conf' indexed with no language
12:05:26.543 DEBUG: 'env.tar.gz' indexed with no language
12:05:26.544 DEBUG: 'fortify-scripts/' indexed with no language
12:05:26.545 DEBUG: 'fortify-scripts/' indexed with no language
12:05:26.546 DEBUG: 'fortify-scripts/' indexed with no language
12:05:26.547 DEBUG: 'fortify-scripts/' indexed with no language
12:05:26.547 DEBUG: 'fortify-scripts/' indexed with no language
12:05:26.553 DEBUG: 'fortify-scripts/' indexed with no language
12:05:26.554 DEBUG: 'fortify-scripts/' indexed with no language
12:05:26.554 DEBUG: 'fortify-scripts/' indexed with no language
12:05:26.558 DEBUG: 'fortify-scripts/' indexed with no language
12:05:26.558 DEBUG: 'fortify-scripts/' indexed with no language
12:05:26.559 DEBUG: 'fortify-scripts/' indexed with no language
12:05:26.560 DEBUG: 'fortify-scripts/' indexed with no language
12:05:26.560 DEBUG: 'fortify-debug/error_message.txt' indexed with no language
12:05:26.561 DEBUG: 'fortify-debug/fortify-criar-projeto-trace-1-GET-projectVersions.txt' indexed with no language
12:05:26.568 DEBUG: 'fortify-debug/fortify-configurar-projeto-trace-1-POST-bulk.txt' indexed with no language
12:05:26.569 DEBUG: 'fortify-debug/fortify-configurar-projeto-trace-2-PUT-resultProcessingRules.txt' indexed with no language
12:05:26.571 DEBUG: 'fortify-output/' indexed with no language
12:05:26.572 DEBUG: 'fortify-output/arquivos_excluidos.txt' indexed with no language
12:05:26.572 DEBUG: 'fortify-output/arquivos_copiados.txt' indexed with no language
12:05:26.573 DEBUG: 'fortify-output/saida_cloudscan.txt' indexed with no language
12:05:26.573 DEBUG: 'sonar_result.log' indexed with no language
12:05:26.599 INFO: 65 files indexed
12:05:26.599 INFO: 36753 files ignored because of inclusion/exclusion patterns
12:05:26.601 INFO: Quality profile for py: Sonar way
12:05:26.601 INFO: ------------- Run sensors on module myproject
12:05:27.446 INFO: Load metrics repository
12:05:27.472 DEBUG: GET 200 https://mysonarlink/sonarqubeenterprise/api/metrics/search?ps=500&p=1 | time=10ms
12:05:27.498 INFO: Load metrics repository (done) | time=52ms
12:05:33.900 DEBUG: Adding rules for repository 'jssecurity', language: JAVASCRIPT, [class, class, class, class, class, class, class, class, class, class, class, class, class, class, class] from
12:05:33.930 DEBUG: Adding rules for repository 'tssecurity', language: TYPESCRIPT, [class, class, class, class, class, class, class, class, class, class, class, class, class, class, class] from
12:05:35.412 DEBUG: 'JavaSensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project
12:05:35.413 DEBUG: 'CobolSquidSensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project
12:05:35.414 DEBUG: 'Import external issues report' skipped because one of the required properties is missing
12:05:35.415 DEBUG: 'IaC Terraform Sensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project
12:05:35.415 DEBUG: 'IaC CloudFormation Sensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project
12:05:35.416 DEBUG: 'IaC Kubernetes Sensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project
12:05:35.416 DEBUG: 'PL/SQL Sensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project
12:05:35.417 DEBUG: 'Scala Sensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project
12:05:35.418 DEBUG: 'Scoverage sensor for Scala coverage' skipped because there is no related file in current project
12:05:35.419 DEBUG: 'Import of Scalastyle issues' skipped because there is no related file in current project
12:05:35.419 DEBUG: 'Import of Scapegoat issues' skipped because there is no related file in current project
12:05:35.420 DEBUG: 'Import of Checkstyle issues' skipped because there is no related file in current project
12:05:35.421 DEBUG: 'Import of PMD issues' skipped because one of the required properties is missing
12:05:35.421 DEBUG: 'Import of SpotBugs issues' skipped because there is no related file in current project
12:05:35.422 DEBUG: 'SurefireSensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project
12:05:35.422 DEBUG: 'Removed properties sensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project
12:05:35.423 DEBUG: 'Flex' skipped because there is no related file in current project
12:05:35.424 DEBUG: 'Flex Cobertura' skipped because there is no related file in current project
12:05:35.428 DEBUG: 'XML Sensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project
12:05:35.429 DEBUG: 'Swift Code Quality and Security' skipped because there is no related file in current project
12:05:35.430 DEBUG: 'Import of SwiftLint issues' skipped because there is no related file in current project
12:05:35.431 DEBUG: 'gcov' skipped because there is no related file in current project
12:05:35.431 DEBUG: 'llvm-cov' skipped because there is no related file in current project
12:05:35.432 DEBUG: 'cppunit' skipped because there is no related file in current project
12:05:35.433 DEBUG: 'VisualStudioCoverage' skipped because there is no related file in current project
12:05:35.433 DEBUG: 'bullseye' skipped because there is no related file in current project
12:05:35.435 DEBUG: 'Import of Pylint issues' skipped because one of the required properties is missing
12:05:35.435 DEBUG: 'Import of Bandit issues' skipped because one of the required properties is missing
12:05:35.435 DEBUG: 'Import of Flake8 issues' skipped because one of the required properties is missing
12:05:35.436 DEBUG: 'Code Quality and Security for Go' skipped because there is no related file in current project
12:05:35.437 DEBUG: 'Go Unit Test Report' skipped because there is no related file in current project
12:05:35.437 DEBUG: 'Go Cover sensor for Go coverage' skipped because one of the required properties is missing
12:05:35.438 DEBUG: 'Import of go vet issues' skipped because there is no related file in current project
12:05:35.438 DEBUG: 'Import of Golint issues' skipped because there is no related file in current project
12:05:35.438 DEBUG: 'Import of GoMetaLinter issues' skipped because there is no related file in current project
12:05:35.439 DEBUG: 'Import of GolangCI-Lint issues' skipped because there is no related file in current project
12:05:35.439 DEBUG: 'Kotlin Sensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project
12:05:35.439 DEBUG: 'KotlinSurefireSensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project
12:05:35.440 DEBUG: 'Import of detekt issues' skipped because there is no related file in current project
12:05:35.440 DEBUG: 'Import of Android Lint issues' skipped because one of the required properties is missing
12:05:35.440 DEBUG: 'Import of ktlint issues' skipped because there is no related file in current project
12:05:35.441 DEBUG: 'RPG sensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project
12:05:35.441 DEBUG: 'PliSquidSensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project
12:05:35.442 DEBUG: 'T-SQL Sensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project
12:05:35.442 DEBUG: 'VbSquidSensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project
12:05:35.443 DEBUG: 'Apex Sensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project
12:05:35.443 DEBUG: 'Test coverage Sensor for Apex' skipped because there is no related file in current project
12:05:35.444 DEBUG: 'Import of PMD issues' skipped because there is no related file in current project
12:05:35.444 DEBUG: 'JavaScript analysis' skipped because there is no related file in current project
12:05:35.444 DEBUG: 'TypeScript analysis' skipped because there is no related file in current project
12:05:35.444 DEBUG: 'JavaScript inside YAML analysis' skipped because there is no related file in current project
12:05:35.445 DEBUG: 'JavaScript/TypeScript Coverage' skipped because there is no related file in current project
12:05:35.446 DEBUG: 'Import of ESLint issues' skipped because one of the required properties is missing
12:05:35.446 DEBUG: 'Import of TSLint issues' skipped because one of the required properties is missing
12:05:35.446 DEBUG: 'CSS Metrics' skipped because there is no related file in current project
12:05:35.447 DEBUG: 'Import of stylelint issues' skipped because there is no related file in current project
12:05:35.450 DEBUG: 'Ruby Sensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project
12:05:35.451 DEBUG: 'Import of RuboCop issues' skipped because there is no related file in current project
12:05:35.451 DEBUG: 'SimpleCov Sensor for Ruby coverage' skipped because there is no related file in current project
12:05:35.451 DEBUG: 'FindBugs Sensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project
12:05:35.452 DEBUG: 'GroovySensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project
12:05:35.452 DEBUG: 'CodeNarc' skipped because there is no related file in current project
12:05:35.452 DEBUG: 'GroovySurefireSensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project
12:05:35.452 DEBUG: 'Groovy CoberturaSensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project
12:05:35.452 DEBUG: 'Groovy JaCoCo Coverage' skipped because there is no related file in current project
12:05:35.453 DEBUG: 'PHP sensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project
12:05:35.453 DEBUG: 'Analyzer for "php.ini" files' skipped because there is no related file in current project
12:05:35.454 DEBUG: 'Import of PHPStan issues' skipped because there is no related file in current project
12:05:35.454 DEBUG: 'Import of Psalm issues' skipped because there is no related file in current project
12:05:35.455 DEBUG: 'AbapSquidSensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project
12:05:35.484 DEBUG: 'Generic Test Executions Report' skipped because one of the required properties is missing
12:05:35.485 DEBUG: 'CFamily' skipped because there is no related file in current project
12:05:35.486 DEBUG: Sensors : C# Project Type Information -> C# Analysis Log -> C# Properties -> HTML -> Text Sensor -> VB.NET Project Type Information -> VB.NET Analysis Log -> VB.NET Properties -> Python Sensor -> Cobertura Sensor for Python coverage -> PythonXUnitSensor -> JaCoCo XML Report Importer -> CSS Rules -> ThymeLeaf template sensor -> Python HTML templates processing -> Serverless configuration file sensor -> AWS SAM template file sensor -> javabugs -> pythonbugs -> JavaSecuritySensor -> CSharpSecuritySensor -> PhpSecuritySensor -> PythonSecuritySensor -> JsSecuritySensor
12:05:35.492 INFO: Sensor C# Project Type Information [csharp]
12:05:35.500 INFO: Sensor C# Project Type Information [csharp] (done) | time=9ms
12:05:35.500 INFO: Sensor C# Analysis Log [csharp]
12:05:35.529 DEBUG: Project 'myproject': Property missing: 'sonar.cs.analyzer.projectOutPaths'. No protobuf files will be loaded for this project.
12:05:35.530 INFO: Sensor C# Analysis Log [csharp] (done) | time=30ms
12:05:35.530 INFO: Sensor C# Properties [csharp]
12:05:35.531 DEBUG: Project 'myproject': Property missing: 'sonar.cs.analyzer.projectOutPaths'. No protobuf files will be loaded for this project.
12:05:35.531 DEBUG: Project 'myproject': No Roslyn issues reports have been found.
12:05:35.531 INFO: Sensor C# Properties [csharp] (done) | time=1ms
12:05:35.531 INFO: Sensor HTML [web]
12:05:35.537 INFO: Sensor HTML [web] (done) | time=6ms
12:05:35.537 INFO: Sensor Text Sensor [text]
12:05:35.577 DEBUG: '' generated metadata with charset 'US-ASCII'
12:05:35.577 INFO: 9 source files to be analyzed
12:05:35.618 DEBUG: 'dry_functions/' generated metadata with charset 'US-ASCII'
12:05:35.667 DEBUG: 'dry_functions/' generated metadata with charset 'US-ASCII'
12:05:35.677 DEBUG: 'dry_functions/' generated metadata with charset 'US-ASCII'
12:05:35.688 DEBUG: 'dry_functions/' generated metadata with charset 'US-ASCII'
12:05:35.691 DEBUG: 'dry_functions/' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8'
12:05:35.694 DEBUG: 'dry_functions/' generated metadata with charset 'US-ASCII'
12:05:35.714 WARN: Invalid character encountered in file /atlassian/mybambooagent/xml-data/build-dir/myjob-JOB1/data_prep/anac_propostas/ at line 1472 for encoding US-ASCII. Please fix file content or configure the encoding to be used using property 'sonar.sourceEncoding'.
12:05:35.733 DEBUG: 'data_prep/anac_propostas/' generated metadata with charset 'US-ASCII'
12:05:35.752 DEBUG: 'data_prep/convivencia_migracao/' generated metadata with charset 'US-ASCII'
12:05:35.754 INFO: 9/9 source files have been analyzed
12:05:35.765 INFO: Sensor Text Sensor [text] (done) | time=228ms
12:05:35.765 INFO: Sensor VB.NET Project Type Information [vbnet]
12:05:35.779 INFO: Sensor VB.NET Project Type Information [vbnet] (done) | time=14ms
12:05:35.779 INFO: Sensor VB.NET Analysis Log [vbnet]
12:05:35.815 DEBUG: Project 'myproject': Property missing: 'sonar.vbnet.analyzer.projectOutPaths'. No protobuf files will be loaded for this project.
12:05:35.816 INFO: Sensor VB.NET Analysis Log [vbnet] (done) | time=37ms
12:05:35.816 INFO: Sensor VB.NET Properties [vbnet]
12:05:35.816 DEBUG: Project 'myproject': Property missing: 'sonar.vbnet.analyzer.projectOutPaths'. No protobuf files will be loaded for this project.
12:05:35.816 DEBUG: Project 'myproject': No Roslyn issues reports have been found.
12:05:35.816 INFO: Sensor VB.NET Properties [vbnet] (done) | time=0ms
12:05:35.816 INFO: Sensor Python Sensor [python]
12:05:35.831 WARN: Your code is analyzed as compatible with python 2 and 3 by default. This will prevent the detection of issues specific to python 2 or python 3. You can get a more precise analysis by setting a python version in your configuration via the parameter "sonar.python.version"
12:05:35.856 DEBUG: Input files for indexing: [, dry_functions/, dry_functions/, dry_functions/, dry_functions/, dry_functions/, dry_functions/, data_prep/anac_propostas/, data_prep/convivencia_migracao/]
12:05:35.859 INFO: Starting global symbols computation
12:05:35.879 INFO: 9 source files to be analyzed
12:05:37.769 INFO: 9/9 source files have been analyzed
12:05:37.770 INFO: Starting rules execution
12:05:37.796 INFO: 9 source files to be analyzed
12:05:39.596 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.599 DEBUG: Expression ListLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.608 DEBUG: Expression SubscriptionExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.609 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.621 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 21 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:39.621 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.621 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.622 DEBUG: Expression SubscriptionExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.622 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.622 DEBUG: Expression SubscriptionExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.622 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.622 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 24 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:39.622 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.622 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.623 DEBUG: Expression SubscriptionExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.623 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.623 DEBUG: Expression SubscriptionExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.623 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.623 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 26 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:39.623 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.623 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.624 DEBUG: Expression ListLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.626 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.626 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 30 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:39.626 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.626 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.626 DEBUG: Expression NameImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.627 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.628 DEBUG: Expression NameImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.628 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.628 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 39 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:39.628 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.629 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.630 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.630 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.630 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.630 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.630 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.639 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.639 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.640 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.640 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.640 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.641 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.641 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.641 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 105 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:39.641 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.641 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.641 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.641 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 104 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:39.641 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.642 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.642 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 106 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:39.642 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.642 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.642 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 109 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:39.642 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.642 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.642 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 110 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:39.642 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.642 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.642 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 113 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:39.643 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.643 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.643 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.643 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 112 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:39.643 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.643 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.643 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 111 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:39.643 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.643 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 111 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:39.643 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.643 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.643 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 114 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:39.643 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.644 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.644 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 118 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:39.644 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.644 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.644 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.644 DEBUG: Expression ListLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.644 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.644 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.644 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.644 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 125 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:39.644 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.644 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.645 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.645 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 124 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:39.645 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.645 DEBUG: Expression ListLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.645 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.645 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.645 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 126 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:39.645 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.646 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.646 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.646 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 131 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:39.646 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.646 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 131 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:39.646 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.646 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.646 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.646 DEBUG: Expression SubscriptionExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.646 DEBUG: Expression SubscriptionExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.646 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.646 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 136 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:39.646 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.647 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.647 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 139 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:39.647 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.647 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.647 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 140 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:39.647 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.647 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.652 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.652 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 143 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:39.653 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.653 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.653 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 144 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:39.653 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.653 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.653 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 150 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:39.653 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.653 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.653 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 150 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:39.653 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.653 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.653 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.654 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.654 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 148 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:39.654 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.654 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.654 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.654 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 147 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:39.654 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.654 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 147 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:39.654 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.654 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 147 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:39.654 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.654 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.654 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 152 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:39.654 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.654 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.655 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 153 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:39.655 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.655 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.655 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 155 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:39.655 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.655 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.655 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 156 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:39.655 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.655 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.655 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 157 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:39.655 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.655 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.655 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.655 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 159 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:39.656 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.656 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.656 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.656 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 161 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:39.656 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.656 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.656 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.656 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 163 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:39.656 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.656 DEBUG: Expression NameImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.656 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.656 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 164 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:39.656 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.656 DEBUG: Expression NameImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.656 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.657 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 165 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:39.657 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.657 DEBUG: Expression NameImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.657 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.657 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 166 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:39.657 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.657 DEBUG: Expression NameImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.657 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.657 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 167 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:39.657 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.657 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.657 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 168 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:39.657 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.657 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.657 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 169 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:39.657 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.657 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.658 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 171 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:39.658 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.658 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.658 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 173 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:39.658 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.658 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.658 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 174 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:39.658 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.658 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.658 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.658 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 172 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:39.658 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.658 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.658 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 176 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:39.658 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.658 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.658 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 177 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:39.658 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.659 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.659 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 179 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:39.659 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.659 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.659 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 180 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:39.659 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.659 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.659 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.659 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 182 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:39.659 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.659 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.659 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.659 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 184 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:39.659 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.659 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.660 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.660 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 186 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:39.660 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.660 DEBUG: Expression NameImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.660 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.660 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 187 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:39.660 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.660 DEBUG: Expression NameImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.660 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.660 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 188 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:39.660 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.660 DEBUG: Expression NameImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.660 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.660 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 189 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:39.660 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.660 DEBUG: Expression NameImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.660 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.660 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 190 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:39.660 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.661 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.661 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 192 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:39.661 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.661 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 192 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:39.661 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.661 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.661 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.661 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.661 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 198 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:39.661 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.661 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.661 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 198 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:39.661 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.661 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.661 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.661 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 198 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:39.661 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.662 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.662 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 199 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:39.662 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.662 DEBUG: Expression NameImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.662 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.662 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 200 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:39.662 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.662 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.662 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 202 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:39.662 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.662 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.662 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 203 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:39.662 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.662 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.662 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.663 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 201 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:39.663 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.663 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.663 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 205 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:39.663 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.663 DEBUG: Expression NameImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.663 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.663 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 206 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:39.663 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.663 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.663 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.663 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 209 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:39.663 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.663 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.663 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 210 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:39.663 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.664 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.664 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 212 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:39.664 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.664 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 212 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:39.664 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.664 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.664 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.664 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.664 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.664 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.665 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.665 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.665 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 238 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:39.665 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.665 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.666 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 242 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:39.666 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.666 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.666 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 242 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:39.666 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.666 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.666 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 242 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:39.666 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.666 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.666 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 243 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:39.666 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.666 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.666 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 244 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:39.666 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.666 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.667 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 245 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:39.667 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.667 DEBUG: Expression NameImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.667 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.667 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.667 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 251 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:39.667 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.667 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.667 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.667 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.667 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.667 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.667 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.667 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 252 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:39.667 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.668 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.668 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 253 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:39.668 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.668 DEBUG: Expression NameImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.668 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.668 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.668 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.668 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.668 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.668 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.668 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.669 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.669 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.669 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.669 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.669 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.669 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.669 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.669 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.669 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.669 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.669 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.670 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.670 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.670 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.670 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.670 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.670 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.670 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.670 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.670 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.670 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.670 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.670 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.670 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.670 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.671 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.671 DEBUG: Expression SubscriptionExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.671 DEBUG: Expression SubscriptionExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.671 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.671 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.671 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.671 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.671 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.671 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.671 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.671 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.672 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.672 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.672 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.672 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.672 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.672 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.672 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.672 DEBUG: Expression BinaryExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.672 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.672 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.673 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.673 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.673 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.673 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.673 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.673 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.673 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.673 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.673 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.673 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.673 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.673 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.673 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.673 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.673 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.674 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.674 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.674 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.674 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.674 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.674 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.674 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.674 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.674 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.674 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.674 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.674 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.674 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.674 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.675 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.675 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.675 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.675 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.675 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.675 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.675 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.675 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.675 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.675 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.675 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.675 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:39.675 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.816 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.816 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.816 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.816 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.816 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.816 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 22 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:40.817 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.817 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.817 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 23 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:40.817 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.817 DEBUG: Skipping function hive_get_table at file /atlassian/mybambooagent/xml-data/build-dir/myjob-JOB1/dry_functions/ as it uses a not-yet-supported language feature: TryStatementImpl
12:05:40.817 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.817 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.818 DEBUG: Expression SubscriptionExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.818 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.818 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 53 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:40.818 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.818 DEBUG: Expression SubscriptionExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.818 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.818 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 54 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:40.818 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.818 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.818 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.818 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.819 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.819 DEBUG: Skipping function hive_check_if_same_schema at file /atlassian/mybambooagent/xml-data/build-dir/myjob-JOB1/dry_functions/ as it uses a not-yet-supported language feature: ComprehensionExpressionImpl
12:05:40.819 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.819 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.819 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.819 DEBUG: Expression SubscriptionExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.819 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.819 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 115 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:40.819 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.820 DEBUG: Skipping statement DelStatementImpl.
12:05:40.820 DEBUG: Skipping function hive_ddl_new_table at file /atlassian/mybambooagent/xml-data/build-dir/myjob-JOB1/dry_functions/ as it uses a not-yet-supported language feature: For Statement with more that one element as target list
12:05:40.820 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.820 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.820 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 142 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:40.820 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.820 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.820 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.820 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 143 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:40.820 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.820 DEBUG: Expression SubscriptionExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.820 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.820 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 144 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:40.820 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.821 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.821 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 145 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:40.821 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.821 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.821 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 146 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:40.822 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.822 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.822 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 148 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:40.822 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.822 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.822 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 149 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:40.822 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.822 DEBUG: Expression NameImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.822 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.822 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 150 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:40.822 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.823 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.823 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.824 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.824 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 171 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:40.824 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.824 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.824 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 172 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:40.824 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.825 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.825 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.825 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 210 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:40.825 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.825 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.825 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 211 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:40.825 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.825 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 212 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:40.825 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.826 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.826 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 214 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:40.826 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.826 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.826 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.826 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.826 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.826 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.826 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.826 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.826 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.826 DEBUG: Expression ExpressionListImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.826 DEBUG: Expression ListLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.826 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 248 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:40.826 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.827 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.828 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.828 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.828 DEBUG: Expression TupleImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.828 DEBUG: Expression ListLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.828 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 254 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:40.829 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.829 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.829 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.829 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.829 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.829 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.829 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.829 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.829 DEBUG: Expression ExpressionListImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.829 DEBUG: Expression ListLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.829 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 284 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:40.829 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.829 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.829 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.829 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.830 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.830 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.830 DEBUG: Expression TupleImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.830 DEBUG: Expression ListLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.830 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 295 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:40.830 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.830 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.830 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.830 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 318 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:40.830 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.830 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.831 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.831 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.831 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.831 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.831 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 343 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:40.831 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.831 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.831 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 344 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:40.831 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.831 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.831 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.831 DEBUG: Expression SubscriptionExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.831 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.831 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 347 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:40.832 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.832 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.832 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 348 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:40.832 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.832 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.832 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 349 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:40.832 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.832 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 349 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:40.832 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.832 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.832 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 350 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:40.832 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.832 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.832 DEBUG: Expression NameImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.832 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.833 DEBUG: Expression SubscriptionExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.833 DEBUG: Expression SubscriptionExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.833 DEBUG: Expression SubscriptionExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.833 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.833 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.833 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.833 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.833 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.833 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 377 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:40.833 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.833 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.833 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 378 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:40.840 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.840 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.840 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.841 DEBUG: Expression SubscriptionExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.841 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.841 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 381 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:40.841 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.841 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.841 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 382 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:40.841 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.841 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.841 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 383 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:40.841 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.841 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 383 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:40.841 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.842 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.842 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 384 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:40.842 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.842 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.842 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 386 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:40.842 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.842 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.842 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.842 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 385 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:40.842 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.842 DEBUG: Expression ListLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.842 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.842 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.842 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 388 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:40.842 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.842 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.842 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.842 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.843 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.843 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.843 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.843 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.843 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.843 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.843 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.843 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 416 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:40.843 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.843 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.843 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 416 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:40.843 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.843 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.843 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.843 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.843 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 415 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:40.843 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.843 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 415 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:40.843 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.844 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.844 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 417 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:40.844 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.844 DEBUG: Expression NameImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.844 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.844 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 418 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:40.844 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.844 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.844 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.844 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.844 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.844 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.844 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 445 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:40.844 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.844 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.844 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.844 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.844 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 444 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:40.845 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.845 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.845 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.845 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 443 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:40.845 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.845 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 443 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:40.845 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.845 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.845 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.845 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.845 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.845 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.845 DEBUG: Expression NameImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.845 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.845 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.845 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.845 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.845 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.845 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.845 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.845 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.845 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.846 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.846 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.846 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.846 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.846 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.846 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.846 DEBUG: Expression BinaryExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.846 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.846 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.846 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.846 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 471 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:40.846 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.846 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.846 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 473 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:40.846 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:40.846 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.509 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.509 DEBUG: Expression NameImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.509 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.509 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.509 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.509 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 26 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:41.509 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.510 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.510 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.510 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.510 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.510 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 27 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:41.510 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.510 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.510 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.510 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.510 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.510 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.510 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.510 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.510 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.511 DEBUG: Expression BinaryExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.511 DEBUG: Expression BinaryExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.511 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.511 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.511 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.511 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.511 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.511 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.511 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.511 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.511 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.511 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.511 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.511 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.512 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.512 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.512 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.512 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.512 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.512 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.512 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.512 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.512 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.512 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 104 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:41.512 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.512 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.512 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.512 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 103 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:41.512 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.512 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.513 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.513 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 102 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:41.513 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.513 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.513 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.513 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 101 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:41.513 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.513 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.513 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.513 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.513 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.513 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.513 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.513 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.513 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.513 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.513 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.513 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.513 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.513 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.514 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.514 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.514 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.514 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.514 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.514 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.514 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 89 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:41.514 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.514 DEBUG: Expression NameImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.514 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.514 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.514 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.514 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 125 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:41.514 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.514 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.514 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.514 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 124 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:41.514 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.514 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.514 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.514 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 123 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:41.514 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.514 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.514 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.514 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 122 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:41.514 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.515 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.515 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.515 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.515 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.515 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.515 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.515 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.515 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.515 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.515 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.515 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.515 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.515 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.515 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.515 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.515 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.515 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.515 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.515 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.515 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.515 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 109 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:41.515 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.516 DEBUG: Expression NameImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.516 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.516 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.516 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 131 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:41.516 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.516 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.516 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 132 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:41.516 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.516 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.516 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 133 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:41.516 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.516 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.516 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 134 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:41.516 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.777 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.777 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.777 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.777 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.777 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.777 DEBUG: Expression ExpressionListImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.777 DEBUG: Expression ListLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.777 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.778 DEBUG: Expression SubscriptionExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.778 DEBUG: Expression SubscriptionExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.778 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.778 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 32 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:41.778 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.778 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.778 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.778 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 35 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:41.778 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.778 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.778 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.778 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 38 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:41.778 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.778 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.778 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 39 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:41.778 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.778 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.778 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.778 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 42 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:41.778 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.778 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.778 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.779 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 45 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:41.779 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.779 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.779 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 46 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:41.779 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.779 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.779 DEBUG: Expression SubscriptionExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.779 DEBUG: Expression SubscriptionExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.779 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.779 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 69 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:41.779 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.779 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.779 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.779 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.779 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.779 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.779 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.780 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.780 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 77 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:41.780 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.780 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.780 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.780 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 80 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:41.780 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.780 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.780 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 81 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:41.780 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.780 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.780 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.780 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 84 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:41.780 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.780 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.780 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.780 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.780 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 88 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:41.780 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.780 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.780 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 89 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:41.780 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.780 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.781 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.781 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 92 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:41.781 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.781 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.781 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.781 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 95 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:41.781 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.781 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.781 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 96 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:41.781 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.781 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.781 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 102 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:41.781 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.781 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.781 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 102 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:41.781 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.781 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 102 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:41.781 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.781 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.781 DEBUG: Ignoring call expression at line 103 because it has either unpacking expression or keyword arguments.
12:05:41.781 DEBUG: Expression CallExpressionImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.781 DEBUG: Expression NameImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.882 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.882 DEBUG: Expression ListLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.882 DEBUG: Skipping function df_data_schema at file /atlassian/mybambooagent/xml-data/build-dir/myjob-JOB1/dry_functions/ as it uses a not-yet-supported language feature: For Statement with more that one element as target list
12:05:41.882 DEBUG: Expression StringLiteralImpl has been translated to unknown function call.
12:05:41.882 DEBUG: Skipping function df_change_data_type at file /atlassian/mybambooagent/xml-data/build-dir/myjob-JOB1/dry_functions/ as it uses a not-yet-supported language feature: For Statement with more that one element as target list
12:05:42.917 INFO: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
12:05:42.917 INFO: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
12:05:42.918 INFO: Total time: 28.684s
12:05:43.234 INFO: Final Memory: 61M/214M
12:05:43.234 INFO: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
12:05:43.234 ERROR: Error during SonarScanner execution

this is a full log of error…

I will test the deactivation of the 23 front rules pointed out in the top answer, as soon as I validate the test return here with the result.

S2076 x OS commands should not be vulnerable to command injection attacks
S2078 x LDAP queries should not be vulnerable to injection attacks
S2083 x I/O function calls should not be vulnerable to path injection attacks
S2091 x XPath expressions should not be vulnerable to injection attacks
S2631 x Regular expressions should not be vulnerable to Denial of Service attacks
S3649 x Database queries should not be vulnerable to injection attacks
S5131 x Endpoints should not be vulnerable to reflected cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks
S5135 x Deserialization should not be vulnerable to injection attacks
S5144 x Server-side requests should not be vulnerable to forging attacks
S5145 x Logging should not be vulnerable to injection attacks
S5146 x HTTP request redirections should not be open to forging attacks
S5147 x NoSQL operations should not be vulnerable to injection attacks
S5334 x Dynamic code execution should not be vulnerable to injection attacks
S6287 x HTTP responses should not be vulnerable to session fixation
S6350 x Constructing arguments of system commands from user input is security-sensitive

out of all the 23 front pointed rules i disabled these 15 and the scan results were successful… now the analysis focused on the point why? why these 15 rules started to break sonar analysis

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