SonarQube Version: 7.9.1
SonarQube Scanner
SonarScanner for MSBuild 4.7.1
I am trying to perform SonarQube scan on a product that has C, C++ and C# code. I have followed all the standard instructions to set up scanning in a Jenkins job but seeing failures.
17:07:19 ERROR: Error during SonarQube Scanner execution
17:07:19 java.lang.IllegalStateException: The "build-wrapper-dump.json" file was found but 0 C/C++/Objective-C files were analyzed. Please make sure that:
17:07:19 * you are using the latest version of the build-wrapper and the SonarCFamily analyzer
17:07:19 * you are correctly invoking the scanner with correct configuration * your compiler is supported
17:07:19 * you are wrapping your build correctly
17:07:19 * you are wrapping a full/clean build
17:07:19 * you are providing the path to the correct build-wrapper output directory
17:07:19 * you are building and analyzing the same source checkout, absolute paths must be identical in build and analysis steps
17:07:19 at com.sonar.cpp.plugin.CFamilySensor.execute(
17:07:19 at org.sonar.scanner.sensor.AbstractSensorWrapper.analyse(
17:07:19 at org.sonar.scanner.sensor.ModuleSensorsExecutor.execute(
17:07:19 at org.sonar.scanner.sensor.ModuleSensorsExecutor.execute(
17:07:19 at org.sonar.scanner.scan.ModuleScanContainer.doAfterStart(
17:07:19 at org.sonar.core.platform.ComponentContainer.startComponents(
17:07:19 at org.sonar.core.platform.ComponentContainer.execute(
17:07:19 at org.sonar.scanner.scan.ProjectScanContainer.scan(
17:07:19 at org.sonar.scanner.scan.ProjectScanContainer.scanRecursively(
17:07:19 at org.sonar.scanner.scan.ProjectScanContainer.doAfterStart(
17:07:19 at org.sonar.core.platform.ComponentContainer.startComponents(
17:07:19 at org.sonar.core.platform.ComponentContainer.execute(
17:07:19 at org.sonar.scanner.bootstrap.GlobalContainer.doAfterStart(
17:07:19 at org.sonar.core.platform.ComponentContainer.startComponents(
17:07:19 at org.sonar.core.platform.ComponentContainer.execute(
17:07:19 at org.sonar.batch.bootstrapper.Batch.doExecute(
17:07:19 at org.sonar.batch.bootstrapper.Batch.execute(
17:07:19 at org.sonarsource.scanner.api.internal.batch.BatchIsolatedLauncher.execute(
17:07:19 at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
17:07:19 at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
17:07:19 at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
17:07:19 at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
17:07:19 at org.sonarsource.scanner.api.internal.IsolatedLauncherProxy.invoke(
17:07:19 at com.sun.proxy.$Proxy0.execute(Unknown Source)
17:07:19 at org.sonarsource.scanner.api.EmbeddedScanner.doExecute(
17:07:19 at org.sonarsource.scanner.api.EmbeddedScanner.execute(
17:07:19 at org.sonarsource.scanner.cli.Main.execute(
17:07:19 at org.sonarsource.scanner.cli.Main.execute(
17:07:19 at org.sonarsource.scanner.cli.Main.main(
17:07:19 ERROR:
17:07:19 The SonarQube Scanner did not complete successfully
17:07:19 06:37:19.985 Post-processing failed. Exit code: 1
17:09:18 ERROR: Execution of SonarScanner for MSBuild failed (exit code 1)
For the C# code, I am seeing these errors prior to the above-mentioned failure -
I should add that the Jenkins build uses junctions/symbolic links to reference some files. This is something which we won’t be able to avoid.