ERROR: Cannot generate ucfg for file

Must-share information (formatted with Markdown):

  • SonarQube Enterprise Edition 9.1
  • org.sonarsource.scanner.maven:sonar-maven-plugin =

I am getting these ERROR messages during scanning.

[ERROR] Cannot generate ucfg for file /home/jenkins/workspace/.../maven-module/target/sonar/jsp/org/apache/jsp/WEB_002dINF/views/imports/ for method at line X
java.lang.NullPointerException: null

I have tried to exclude the target folder, but it still tries to scan only these types of files. I have also tried to exclude **/* files, but that doesn’t work either. I’m very confused how to get rid of these.


This seems to have been reported before, but no resolution was given. The SONARJAVA-3693 ticket says that the fix version was 7.1 , but we are running in 9.1, so we should be fixed:

Hey there.

The fix first included in v7.10 of our Java analyzer was embedded in SonarQube v9.4 (with v7.11 of the analyzer). You should upgrade your SonarQube version.

Thank you!
So, does v7.10 fix the EXCLUSIONS part, or does it fix the ERROR itself?
Meaning, will I need to still have **/* in my exclusions?