Email Notification from SonarCLoud

Hi, I am trying to integrate Github with SonarCloud. My source code is residing in GitHub. I am performing Autoscan, so that whenever there is a push performed on the GitHub, SonarCloud will automatically scan the code. I need to send the report as notification after each scan. I am unable to see this feature in SonarCloud.

Can anyone help me with this??


You can find our notification features if you click on your avatar, then My Account, then Notifications (or this direct link).

To get notification after each analysis, I think you can add the project, and then activate New quality gate status.

I hope you will find a suitable option there for your use case!


Activating New quality gate status send notification only for quality gate status of master branch, how can we get notified for quality gate status of pull requests.

Hi @shruti_rao, welcome to the community!

Currently we do not send notifications for the quality gate status of pull requests. An alternative for that is the pull request decoration, documented here. Depending on your ALM, you will have various options to get notified through the ALM.

I hope this helps!

Hi janos,

i got the notification plugin but i my concern is i will send the notifications other email id’s.

why because my organization is very large. so please suggest me.