We switch recently from Bintray to our own download site.
Be aware that new base url is now https://binaries.sonarsource.com instead of https://sonarsource.bintray.com
All paths and versions of sonarqube and plugins supported by SonarSource have been preserved.
It did cause me a moment of confusion as this of course happened while I was fixing two other failures on a CI pipline that had prevented my Sonar Scanner job running for a couple of hours. Thankfully you had posted updates to the documentation promptly so I could find where the files had run off to.
Hi! So I’ve noticed that binaries.sonarsource.com doesn’t appear to support path MTU discovery. This makes it… difficult… to download from places that have unusually small MTUs, in particular, in docker-in-docker containers. I know I’m 18 months late to the party, but maybe this is something someone could look at? It’s probably just a slightly overzealous firewall somewhere that’s blocking the ICMP errors.