Does SonarLint store any information about code it analyze?

Please provide

  • Operating system: Windows
  • SonarLint plugin version:
  • Programming language you’re coding in: Java
  • Is connected mode used:No
    • Connected to SonarCloud or SonarQube (and which version):NA

And a thorough description of the problem / question: Does Sonarlint store any information from the code it analyzes for it’s improvement or learning?

Hello @Ashfaq2679 and welcome to the Sonar community forum!
SonarLint does not transmit any part of your code to us or to any other party, it only collects some anonymous data and statistics (like the version of your IDE, the rules have detected issues etc). You can see an example of the data being sent from SonarLint to our telemetry system under IntelliJ settings → SonarLint → About.

I hope that helps.

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