Disallowing Method only when using a certain version


I’m using Community Edition Version 8.9.1

I’m trying to raise an issue if a certain imported method is used AND its dependency is on a certain version.
The issue should not be raised when the method is used with another dependency version.
Also it should not be raised when the dependency is used on that certain version, but the certain function is not used.

Non-Compliant: Using org.apache.pdfbox.io.RandomAccessBuffer (2.0.2) : readFully()
Compliant: Using org.apache.pdfbox.io.RandomAccessBuffer (2.0.23) : readFully()
Compliant: Using org.apache.pdfbox.io.RandomAccessBuffer (2.0.2) : read()

I already tried using
Track uses of disallowed dependencies
Track uses of disallowed methods

I successfully can either detect the method or the dependency version. However the issue should raise only if both subissues occure.

Is there a way to logical combine rules or another rule that could help me, apart from writing a new Plugin?

I’d be thankfull for any ideas :slight_smile:


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Mh ok, thanks for your answer.

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