Directory execlusion support for sonarqube lint

I’m using sonarlint for ViusalStudio 2022. I’m not connected to SonarQube server. I’m trying to execlude entityframwork migrations folder from being analyzed. I created file in my root directory beside .proj file. The following is the conent of the file, however it couldn’t manage to exclude this directory. I know this feature is supported at server but my question is that whether this feature is supported for sonarlint.

sonar.exclusions=** / Migrations / ** / *
sonar.verbose = true


Unfortunately, it’s not possible to define exclusions in the IDE for SonarLint for Visual Studio.


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Hello @Mahmoud_abdelsalam,
As Ann mentioned, excluding files or directories in SonarLint is not possible when you’re not connected to SonarQube or SonarCloud. Nevertheless, it is a feature that we’re considering in our product roadmap, you can follow this card to receive updates