DevOps Prepare SonarCloud Analysis Config not recognising organisation key

My organisation’s build pipelines have began failing overnight when trying to run the ‘Prepare Sonar Cloud Analysis’ step.

When running the ‘Fetching analysis configuration settings…’ step the following error is returned;

{“errors”:[{“msg”:“No organization with key \u0027ipsl-sonarcloudkey-devops-lspi\u0027\u0027”}]}

I have checked and can confirm that my company’s organisation key is ‘ipsl-sonarcloudkey-devops-lspi’ and I can connect to the for this organisation with no problems.

None of our configs at this end have changed and the fault appeared to have started overnight.

Hey there.

Is the SonarCloud token in your Azure DevOps Service Connection still valid, and having access to this organization?