Custom Sonar rule for enforcing labels on Bigquery table while someone is trying to create table

The documentation includes general guidance on adding coding rules, including which languages support adding custom rules, and general guidance on how to go about it.
If the docs don’t answer your question, please tell us: We want a sonar rule for enforcing labels on GCP Bigquery table while someone is trying to create table from Bigquery SQL.

  • What language are you writing rules for?N/A
  • What have you tried, and what’s your challenge / stumbling block

Please share the relevant code snippet, along with any error messages you’re encountering:

Are you suggesting that this rule should be built into SonarQube? Are you asking somebody to develop a custom rule for you? More details, please. :slight_smile:

Thanks for your reply. I want to know whether there is any such rule present at the moment,and if not will it be possible to add a new rule.

Sandipan Dey.

Thanks. Today – there are no rules targeting BigQuery (and I doubt anybody on our side has ever used it).

I’m moving your post to the Suggest New Rules category.