Coverage reports are empty in Maven multi-module project


We are using Jacoco’s aggregated report for a Maven multi-module project as described in Java test coverage | SonarQube Server Documentation, also including the “…/” fix for the sonar.coverage.jacoco.xmlReportPaths property that we found in other topics in this community.

The root pom.xml contains these:


and this:


And the module with the report contains this:


Using mvn clean verify I can confirm that the report is generated just fine and the coverage is about 56%.

When I ran mvn sonar:sonar, I can see that the report is being picked up:

sonar_scanner.log (44.1 KB)

However, in, I see that the coverage is 0.0%:

What am I missing?

Thank you in advance!

It turns out that the problem was related with this old plugin I had in the <pluginManagement> section:


Once I removed that everything started to show up like a charm in

I can’t explain it but I thought I should share the “fix” to the community because I can see it affects at least several people.

Wow, that would have been hard to figure out. Thanks for sharing!

Have you checked to see if there’s a difference in the coverage report generated when you update the maven-jar-plugin?

No, I haven’t but I assume it will look the same, since I’m using the latest maven version and it is already pulling down the latest version of the plugin.

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