Coverage not showing for Pr's

I am not able to get the coverage report on migrating to Sonar Cloud. The report works for the first time the project is created but for Pr’s and merges it always shows 0.00% code coverage

Can anyone help? I am using Jenkins that run the scanner. The cli is latest version 6.xxxx

Can anyone help here please ?

Team can you please assist here ?


Welcome to the community!

Do your PRs have (covered) code changes?


Is there a way to check that in github ?

I have posted another issue with more details. It will be great if you can take a look and suggest


The best way would be to look at the PR in GitHub.

Since you’ve indicated your new thread is this same question with more details, I’m going to combine the threads. Please don’t post multiple threads for the same question.


  • ALM used Github

  • CI system used is Jenkins

  • Scanner command used when applicable - /opt/sonar-scanner-linux/bin/sonar-scanner -Dsonar.organization=xxxxxx -Dsonar.projectKey=xxxxxxxx-Dsonar.projectVersion=1.1.0-20240918145148 -Dsonar.javascript.lcov.reportPaths=./coverage/ -Dsonar.javascript.node.maxspace=4096

  • Languages of the repository - Nodejs and TypeScript

  • Error observed - No errors reported but there is no coverage report shown on Sonar Cloud on the changed files

  • Steps to reproduce
    - Create a PR branch with few changes on nodejs/type script files
    - Install sonarscanner with 6.xxxxxx version and run the below commands

             /opt/sonar-scanner-linux/bin/sonar-scanner -Dsonar.organization=xxxxxx -Dsonar.projectKey=xxxxxxxx-Dsonar.projectVersion=1.1.0-20240918145148 -Dsonar.javascript.lcov.reportPaths=./coverage/ -Dsonar.javascript.node.maxspace=4096
  • Potential workaround - None found

Attached Logs of Sonar Cloud Analysis

20:40:09  [2024-09-18T14:55:09.097Z] 14:55:09.084 INFO  Sensor cache published successfully
20:40:09  [2024-09-18T14:55:09.097Z] 14:55:09.090 INFO  Time spent writing ucfgs 279ms
20:40:10  [2024-09-18T14:55:10.027Z] 14:55:09.786 INFO  Analysis total time: 1:14.262 s
20:40:10  [2024-09-18T14:55:10.027Z] 14:55:09.788 INFO  SonarScanner Engine completed successfully
20:40:10  [2024-09-18T14:55:10.283Z] 14:55:10.147 INFO  EXECUTION SUCCESS
20:40:10  [2024-09-18T14:55:10.283Z] 14:55:10.148 INFO  Total time: 1:24.723s
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // withSonarQubeEnv
[Pipeline] timeout
20:40:11  [2024-09-18T14:55:11.317Z] Timeout set to expire in 1 hr 0 min
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] waitForQualityGate
20:40:11  [2024-09-18T14:55:11.359Z] Checking status of SonarQube task 'xxxxx' on server 'SonarQube'
20:40:11  [2024-09-18T14:55:11.456Z] SonarQube task 'xxxxxx' status is 'SUCCESS'
20:40:11  [2024-09-18T14:55:11.456Z] SonarQube task 'xxxxx' completed. Quality gate is 'OK'
20:40:12  [2024-09-18T14:55:12.003Z] SonarQube task 'xxxxxx' status is 'SUCCESS'
20:40:12  [2024-09-18T14:55:12.295Z] SonarQube task 'xxxxxx' completed. Quality gate is 'OK'
[Pipeline] echo
20:40:12  [2024-09-18T14:55:12.305Z] SonarQube analysis result: OK

Attached Report


Please provide the full analysis log starting from the analysis command itself.


15:58:15  [2024-09-14T10:13:15.056Z] + python3 ./coverage/ --base-dir . --output ./coverage/coverage.xml
[Pipeline] cobertura
15:58:15  [2024-09-14T10:13:15.330Z] [Cobertura] Publishing Cobertura coverage report...
15:58:15  [2024-09-14T10:13:15.330Z] 
15:58:15  [2024-09-14T10:13:15.628Z] [Cobertura] Publishing Cobertura coverage results...
15:58:15  [2024-09-14T10:13:15.628Z] 
15:58:15  [2024-09-14T10:13:15.641Z] [Cobertura] Cobertura coverage report found.
15:58:15  [2024-09-14T10:13:15.641Z] 
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // withDockerRegistry
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // withEnv
[Pipeline] fileExists
[Pipeline] withSonarQubeEnv
15:58:16  [2024-09-14T10:13:16.117Z] Injecting SonarQube environment variables using the configuration: SonarQube
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] sh
15:58:16  [2024-09-14T10:13:16.427Z] + /opt/sonar-scanner-linux/bin/sonar-scanner -Dsonar.organization=varda-ag -Dsonar.projectKey=xxxxxxx -Dsonar.projectVersion=0.1.0-20240914101122 -Dsonar.javascript.lcov.reportPaths=./coverage/
15:58:16  [2024-09-14T10:13:16.428Z] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dmaven.ext.class.path="/home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ag_gsdp-frontend-services_PR-584@tmp/withMaven7644690d/pipeline-maven-spy.jar" -Dorg.jenkinsci.plugins.pipeline.maven.reportsFolder="/home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ag_gsdp-frontend-services_PR-584@tmp/withMaven7644690d" 
15:58:16  [2024-09-14T10:13:16.684Z] 10:13:16.680 INFO  Scanner configuration file: /opt/sonar-scanner-
15:58:16  [2024-09-14T10:13:16.684Z] 10:13:16.683 INFO  Project root configuration file: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ag_gsdp-frontend-services_PR-584/stage-build/
15:58:16  [2024-09-14T10:13:16.971Z] 10:13:16.696 INFO  SonarScanner CLI
15:58:16  [2024-09-14T10:13:16.971Z] 10:13:16.697 INFO  Java 17.0.11 Eclipse Adoptium (64-bit)
15:58:16  [2024-09-14T10:13:16.971Z] 10:13:16.698 INFO  Linux 5.10.219-208.866.amzn2.x86_64 amd64
15:58:16  [2024-09-14T10:13:16.971Z] 10:13:16.722 INFO  User cache: /home/jenkins/.sonar/cache
15:58:17  [2024-09-14T10:13:17.578Z] 10:13:17.502 INFO  JRE provisioning: os[linux], arch[x86_64]
15:58:20  [2024-09-14T10:13:20.845Z] 10:13:20.272 ERROR [stderr] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dmaven.ext.class.path="/home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ag_gsdp-frontend-services_PR-584@tmp/withMaven7644690d/pipeline-maven-spy.jar" -Dorg.jenkinsci.plugins.pipeline.maven.reportsFolder="/home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ag_gsdp-frontend-services_PR-584@tmp/withMaven7644690d" 
15:58:21  [2024-09-14T10:13:21.407Z] 10:13:21.148 INFO  Communicating with SonarCloud
15:58:21  [2024-09-14T10:13:21.407Z] 10:13:21.156 ERROR [stderr] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dmaven.ext.class.path="/home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ag_gsdp-frontend-services_PR-584@tmp/withMaven7644690d/pipeline-maven-spy.jar" -Dorg.jenkinsci.plugins.pipeline.maven.reportsFolder="/home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ag_gsdp-frontend-services_PR-584@tmp/withMaven7644690d" 
15:58:21  [2024-09-14T10:13:21.671Z] 10:13:21.507 INFO  Starting SonarScanner Engine...
15:58:21  [2024-09-14T10:13:21.671Z] 10:13:21.508 INFO  Java 17.0.11 Eclipse Adoptium (64-bit)
15:58:22  [2024-09-14T10:13:22.643Z] 10:13:22.574 INFO  Load global settings
15:58:22  [2024-09-14T10:13:22.899Z] 10:13:22.876 INFO  Load global settings (done) | time=304ms
15:58:22  [2024-09-14T10:13:22.899Z] 10:13:22.880 INFO  Server id: 1BD809FA-AWHW8ct9-T_TB3XqouNu
15:58:23  [2024-09-14T10:13:23.155Z] 10:13:23.074 INFO  Loading required plugins
15:58:23  [2024-09-14T10:13:23.155Z] 10:13:23.075 INFO  Load plugins index
15:58:23  [2024-09-14T10:13:23.155Z] 10:13:23.138 INFO  Load plugins index (done) | time=64ms
15:58:23  [2024-09-14T10:13:23.155Z] 10:13:23.139 INFO  Load/download plugins
15:58:24  [2024-09-14T10:13:24.521Z] 10:13:24.349 INFO  Load/download plugins (done) | time=1210ms
15:58:24  [2024-09-14T10:13:24.777Z] 10:13:24.722 INFO  Found an active CI vendor: 'Jenkins'
15:58:24  [2024-09-14T10:13:24.777Z] 10:13:24.728 INFO  Load project settings for component key: 'xxxxxxx'
15:58:25  [2024-09-14T10:13:25.032Z] 10:13:24.788 INFO  Load project settings for component key: 'xxxxxxx' (done) | time=59ms
15:58:25  [2024-09-14T10:13:25.032Z] 10:13:24.792 INFO  Process project properties
15:58:25  [2024-09-14T10:13:25.032Z] 10:13:24.798 INFO  Project key: xxxxxxx
15:58:25  [2024-09-14T10:13:25.032Z] 10:13:24.799 INFO  Base dir: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ag_gsdp-frontend-services_PR-584/stage-build
15:58:25  [2024-09-14T10:13:25.032Z] 10:13:24.799 INFO  Working dir: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ag_gsdp-frontend-services_PR-584/stage-build/.scannerwork
15:58:25  [2024-09-14T10:13:25.032Z] 10:13:24.801 INFO  Load project branches
15:58:25  [2024-09-14T10:13:25.032Z] 10:13:24.921 INFO  Load project branches (done) | time=120ms
15:58:25  [2024-09-14T10:13:25.032Z] 10:13:24.924 INFO  Check ALM binding of project 'xxxxxxx'
15:58:25  [2024-09-14T10:13:25.032Z] 10:13:24.977 INFO  Detected project binding: BOUND
15:58:25  [2024-09-14T10:13:25.032Z] 10:13:24.977 INFO  Check ALM binding of project 'xxxxxxx' (done) | time=53ms
15:58:25  [2024-09-14T10:13:25.032Z] 10:13:24.978 INFO  Load project pull requests
15:58:25  [2024-09-14T10:13:25.288Z] 10:13:25.101 INFO  Load project pull requests (done) | time=123ms
15:58:25  [2024-09-14T10:13:25.288Z] 10:13:25.104 INFO  Load branch configuration
15:58:25  [2024-09-14T10:13:25.288Z] 10:13:25.105 INFO  Load branch configuration (done) | time=2ms
15:58:25  [2024-09-14T10:13:25.288Z] 10:13:25.113 INFO  Load quality profiles
15:58:25  [2024-09-14T10:13:25.849Z] 10:13:25.571 INFO  Load quality profiles (done) | time=458ms
15:58:25  [2024-09-14T10:13:25.849Z] 10:13:25.577 INFO  Load active rules
15:58:30  [2024-09-14T10:13:30.016Z] 10:13:29.227 INFO  Load active rules (done) | time=3651ms
15:58:30  [2024-09-14T10:13:30.016Z] 10:13:29.305 INFO  Organization key: varda-ag
15:58:30  [2024-09-14T10:13:30.016Z] 10:13:29.306 WARN  The property 'sonar.login' is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Please use the 'sonar.token' property instead when passing a token.
15:58:30  [2024-09-14T10:13:30.016Z] 10:13:29.316 INFO  Preprocessing files...
15:58:32  [2024-09-14T10:13:32.533Z] 10:13:32.143 INFO  4 languages detected in 627 preprocessed files
15:58:32  [2024-09-14T10:13:32.533Z] 10:13:32.143 INFO  556 files ignored because of inclusion/exclusion patterns
15:58:32  [2024-09-14T10:13:32.533Z] 10:13:32.144 INFO  83010 files ignored because of scm ignore settings
15:58:32  [2024-09-14T10:13:32.533Z] 10:13:32.159 INFO  Loading plugins for detected languages
15:58:32  [2024-09-14T10:13:32.533Z] 10:13:32.159 INFO  Load/download plugins
15:58:35  [2024-09-14T10:13:35.050Z] 10:13:34.742 INFO  Load/download plugins (done) | time=2584ms
15:58:35  [2024-09-14T10:13:35.050Z] 10:13:34.915 INFO  Load project repositories
15:58:35  [2024-09-14T10:13:35.306Z] 10:13:35.070 INFO  Load project repositories (done) | time=154ms
15:58:35  [2024-09-14T10:13:35.306Z] 10:13:35.075 INFO  Indexing files...
15:58:35  [2024-09-14T10:13:35.306Z] 10:13:35.075 INFO  Project configuration:
15:58:35  [2024-09-14T10:13:35.306Z] 10:13:35.076 INFO    Excluded sources: **/build-wrapper-dump.json, public/**,, */, **/, src/**/__tests__/**/*, src/keplerExtension/index.js, src/**/keplerPlaybackControlComponent.js, src/**/keplerBaseLayer.js, src/index.js, src/__mocks__/**/*, src/setupTests.js, src/**/KeplerMapContainerComponent.js, src/**/KeplerDrawingEditorComponent.js, src/keplerExtension/configurations/handleStyle.js, src/keplerExtension/configurations/featureStyle.js
15:58:35  [2024-09-14T10:13:35.569Z] 10:13:35.517 INFO  627 files indexed
15:58:35  [2024-09-14T10:13:35.569Z] 10:13:35.520 INFO  Quality profile for css: Sonar way
15:58:35  [2024-09-14T10:13:35.569Z] 10:13:35.521 INFO  Quality profile for docker: Sonar way
15:58:35  [2024-09-14T10:13:35.569Z] 10:13:35.521 INFO  Quality profile for js: Sonar way
15:58:35  [2024-09-14T10:13:35.569Z] 10:13:35.521 INFO  Quality profile for json: Sonar way
15:58:35  [2024-09-14T10:13:35.569Z] 10:13:35.521 INFO  ------------- Run sensors on module xxxxxxx
15:58:35  [2024-09-14T10:13:35.825Z] 10:13:35.596 INFO  Load metrics repository
15:58:35  [2024-09-14T10:13:35.825Z] 10:13:35.687 INFO  Load metrics repository (done) | time=91ms
15:58:35  [2024-09-14T10:13:35.825Z] 10:13:35.691 INFO  Sensor cache enabled
15:58:36  [2024-09-14T10:13:36.081Z] 10:13:35.838 INFO  Load sensor cache
15:58:36  [2024-09-14T10:13:36.337Z] 10:13:36.231 INFO  Load sensor cache (1 MB) | time=394ms
15:58:36  [2024-09-14T10:13:36.928Z] 10:13:36.823 INFO  Sensor HTML [web]
15:58:36  [2024-09-14T10:13:36.928Z] 10:13:36.827 INFO  Sensor HTML [web] (done) | time=4ms
15:58:36  [2024-09-14T10:13:36.928Z] 10:13:36.827 INFO  Sensor JaCoCo XML Report Importer [jacoco]
15:58:36  [2024-09-14T10:13:36.928Z] 10:13:36.868 INFO  'sonar.coverage.jacoco.xmlReportPaths' is not defined. Using default locations: target/site/jacoco/jacoco.xml,target/site/jacoco-it/jacoco.xml,build/reports/jacoco/test/jacocoTestReport.xml
15:58:36  [2024-09-14T10:13:36.928Z] 10:13:36.868 INFO  No report imported, no coverage information will be imported by JaCoCo XML Report Importer
15:58:36  [2024-09-14T10:13:36.928Z] 10:13:36.868 INFO  Sensor JaCoCo XML Report Importer [jacoco] (done) | time=41ms
15:58:36  [2024-09-14T10:13:36.928Z] 10:13:36.869 INFO  Sensor IaC CloudFormation Sensor [iac]
15:58:36  [2024-09-14T10:13:36.928Z] 10:13:36.925 INFO  0 source files to be analyzed
15:58:37  [2024-09-14T10:13:37.185Z] 10:13:36.968 INFO  0/0 source files have been analyzed
15:58:37  [2024-09-14T10:13:37.185Z] 10:13:36.969 INFO  Sensor IaC CloudFormation Sensor [iac] (done) | time=100ms
15:58:37  [2024-09-14T10:13:37.185Z] 10:13:36.969 INFO  Sensor IaC AzureResourceManager Sensor [iac]
15:58:37  [2024-09-14T10:13:37.185Z] 10:13:37.023 INFO  0 source files to be analyzed
15:58:37  [2024-09-14T10:13:37.185Z] 10:13:37.024 INFO  0/0 source files have been analyzed
15:58:37  [2024-09-14T10:13:37.185Z] 10:13:37.024 INFO  Sensor IaC AzureResourceManager Sensor [iac] (done) | time=55ms
15:58:37  [2024-09-14T10:13:37.185Z] 10:13:37.024 INFO  Sensor Java Config Sensor [iac]
15:58:37  [2024-09-14T10:13:37.185Z] 10:13:37.068 INFO  0 source files to be analyzed
15:58:37  [2024-09-14T10:13:37.185Z] 10:13:37.068 INFO  0/0 source files have been analyzed
15:58:37  [2024-09-14T10:13:37.185Z] 10:13:37.068 INFO  Sensor Java Config Sensor [iac] (done) | time=44ms
15:58:37  [2024-09-14T10:13:37.185Z] 10:13:37.068 INFO  Sensor JavaScript/TypeScript analysis [javascript]
15:58:39  [2024-09-14T10:13:39.101Z] 10:13:38.605 INFO  Detected os: Linux arch: amd64 alpine: false. Platform: LINUX_X64
15:58:41  [2024-09-14T10:13:41.616Z] 10:13:41.098 INFO  Using embedded Node.js runtime
15:58:41  [2024-09-14T10:13:41.617Z] 10:13:41.098 INFO  Using Node.js executable: '/home/jenkins/.sonar/js/node-runtime/node'.
15:58:43  [2024-09-14T10:13:43.506Z] 10:13:43.427 INFO  Memory configuration: OS (15411 MB), Node.js (1584 MB).
15:58:46  [2024-09-14T10:13:46.023Z] 10:13:45.728 INFO  Found 0 tsconfig.json file(s): []
15:58:46  [2024-09-14T10:13:46.023Z] 10:13:45.739 INFO  Creating TypeScript program
15:58:46  [2024-09-14T10:13:46.023Z] 10:13:45.739 INFO  TypeScript configuration file /tmp/tmp-523-DxPUEMWwCQLO
15:58:46  [2024-09-14T10:13:46.023Z] 10:13:45.739 INFO  368 source files to be analyzed
15:58:47  [2024-09-14T10:13:47.971Z] 10:13:47.580 INFO  Starting analysis with current program
15:58:56  [2024-09-14T10:13:56.219Z] 10:13:55.739 INFO  67/368 files analyzed, current file: src/common/components/MoreLessInfoComponent.js
15:59:06  [2024-09-14T10:14:06.274Z] 10:14:05.740 INFO  192/368 files analyzed, current file: src/dataAvailability/components/AvailabilityIndexChartComponent.js
15:59:16  [2024-09-14T10:14:16.275Z] 10:14:15.740 INFO  312/368 files analyzed, current file: src/dataComparison/hooks/useComparisonResultPresenterHook.js
15:59:20  [2024-09-14T10:14:20.511Z] 10:14:20.068 INFO  Analyzed 368 file(s) with current program
15:59:20  [2024-09-14T10:14:20.511Z] 10:14:20.070 INFO  368/368 source files have been analyzed
15:59:20  [2024-09-14T10:14:20.511Z] 10:14:20.070 INFO  Hit the cache for 0 out of 368
15:59:20  [2024-09-14T10:14:20.511Z] 10:14:20.072 INFO  Miss the cache for 368 out of 368: ANALYSIS_MODE_INELIGIBLE [368/368]
15:59:20  [2024-09-14T10:14:20.511Z] 10:14:20.072 INFO  Sensor JavaScript/TypeScript analysis [javascript] (done) | time=43003ms
15:59:20  [2024-09-14T10:14:20.511Z] 10:14:20.072 INFO  Sensor CSS Rules [javascript]
15:59:20  [2024-09-14T10:14:20.511Z] 10:14:20.077 INFO  100 source files to be analyzed
15:59:21  [2024-09-14T10:14:21.908Z] 10:14:21.676 INFO  100/100 source files have been analyzed
15:59:21  [2024-09-14T10:14:21.908Z] 10:14:21.677 INFO  Hit the cache for 0 out of 0
15:59:21  [2024-09-14T10:14:21.908Z] 10:14:21.677 INFO  Miss the cache for 0 out of 0
15:59:21  [2024-09-14T10:14:21.908Z] 10:14:21.677 INFO  Sensor CSS Rules [javascript] (done) | time=1604ms
15:59:21  [2024-09-14T10:14:21.908Z] 10:14:21.677 INFO  Sensor JavaScript/TypeScript Coverage [javascript]
15:59:21  [2024-09-14T10:14:21.908Z] 10:14:21.677 INFO  Analysing [/home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ag_gsdp-frontend-services_PR-584/stage-build/./coverage/]
15:59:21  [2024-09-14T10:14:21.908Z] 10:14:21.777 INFO  Sensor JavaScript/TypeScript Coverage [javascript] (done) | time=100ms
15:59:21  [2024-09-14T10:14:21.908Z] 10:14:21.778 INFO  Sensor CSS Metrics [javascript]
15:59:22  [2024-09-14T10:14:22.170Z] 10:14:22.017 INFO  Sensor CSS Metrics [javascript] (done) | time=240ms
15:59:22  [2024-09-14T10:14:22.170Z] 10:14:22.018 INFO  Sensor IaC Docker Sensor [iac]
15:59:22  [2024-09-14T10:14:22.170Z] 10:14:22.084 INFO  1 source file to be analyzed
15:59:22  [2024-09-14T10:14:22.426Z] 10:14:22.195 INFO  1/1 source file has been analyzed
15:59:22  [2024-09-14T10:14:22.426Z] 10:14:22.195 INFO  Sensor IaC Docker Sensor [iac] (done) | time=177ms
15:59:22  [2024-09-14T10:14:22.426Z] 10:14:22.195 INFO  Sensor Serverless configuration file sensor [security]
15:59:22  [2024-09-14T10:14:22.426Z] 10:14:22.196 INFO  0 Serverless function entries were found in the project
15:59:22  [2024-09-14T10:14:22.427Z] 10:14:22.197 INFO  0 Serverless function handlers were kept as entrypoints
15:59:22  [2024-09-14T10:14:22.427Z] 10:14:22.197 INFO  Sensor Serverless configuration file sensor [security] (done) | time=2ms
15:59:22  [2024-09-14T10:14:22.427Z] 10:14:22.197 INFO  Sensor AWS SAM template file sensor [security]
15:59:22  [2024-09-14T10:14:22.427Z] 10:14:22.198 INFO  Sensor AWS SAM template file sensor [security] (done) | time=1ms
15:59:22  [2024-09-14T10:14:22.427Z] 10:14:22.198 INFO  Sensor AWS SAM Inline template file sensor [security]
15:59:22  [2024-09-14T10:14:22.427Z] 10:14:22.199 INFO  Sensor AWS SAM Inline template file sensor [security] (done) | time=1ms
15:59:22  [2024-09-14T10:14:22.427Z] 10:14:22.199 INFO  Sensor TextAndSecretsSensor [text]
15:59:22  [2024-09-14T10:14:22.427Z] 10:14:22.199 INFO  Available processors: 2
15:59:22  [2024-09-14T10:14:22.427Z] 10:14:22.199 INFO  Using 2 threads for analysis.
15:59:22  [2024-09-14T10:14:22.683Z] 10:14:22.675 INFO  The property "sonar.tests" is not set. To improve the analysis accuracy, we categorize a file as a test file if any of the following is true:
15:59:22  [2024-09-14T10:14:22.683Z]   * The filename starts with "test"
15:59:22  [2024-09-14T10:14:22.683Z]   * The filename contains "test." or "tests."
15:59:22  [2024-09-14T10:14:22.683Z]   * Any directory in the file path is named: "doc", "docs", "test" or "tests"
15:59:22  [2024-09-14T10:14:22.683Z]   * Any directory in the file path has a name ending in "test" or "tests"
15:59:22  [2024-09-14T10:14:22.683Z] 
15:59:22  [2024-09-14T10:14:22.971Z] 10:14:22.690 INFO  Using git CLI to retrieve untracked files
15:59:22  [2024-09-14T10:14:22.971Z] 10:14:22.890 INFO  Analyzing language associated files and files included via "sonar.text.inclusions" that are tracked by git
15:59:23  [2024-09-14T10:14:23.270Z] 10:14:22.983 INFO  474 source files to be analyzed
15:59:29  [2024-09-14T10:14:29.971Z] 10:14:29.621 INFO  474/474 source files have been analyzed
15:59:29  [2024-09-14T10:14:29.971Z] 10:14:29.622 INFO  Sensor TextAndSecretsSensor [text] (done) | time=7422ms
15:59:29  [2024-09-14T10:14:29.971Z] 10:14:29.622 INFO  Sensor JavaSecuritySensor [security]
15:59:29  [2024-09-14T10:14:29.971Z] 10:14:29.625 INFO  Enabled taint analysis rules: S2076, S2078, S2083, S2091, S2631, S3649, S5131, S5135, S5144, S5145, S5146, S5147, S5334, S5496, S5883, S6096, S6173, S6287, S6350, S6384, S6390, S6398, S6399, S6547, S6549
15:59:29  [2024-09-14T10:14:29.971Z] 10:14:29.625 INFO  Load type hierarchy and UCFGs: Starting
15:59:29  [2024-09-14T10:14:29.971Z] 10:14:29.625 INFO  Load type hierarchy: Starting
15:59:29  [2024-09-14T10:14:29.971Z] 10:14:29.626 INFO  Reading type hierarchy from: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ag_gsdp-frontend-services_PR-584/stage-build/.scannerwork/ucfg2/java
15:59:29  [2024-09-14T10:14:29.971Z] 10:14:29.626 INFO  Read 0 type definitions
15:59:29  [2024-09-14T10:14:29.971Z] 10:14:29.627 INFO  Load type hierarchy: Time spent was 00:00:00.001
15:59:29  [2024-09-14T10:14:29.971Z] 10:14:29.627 INFO  Load UCFGs: Starting
15:59:29  [2024-09-14T10:14:29.971Z] 10:14:29.628 INFO  Load UCFGs: Time spent was 00:00:00.000
15:59:29  [2024-09-14T10:14:29.971Z] 10:14:29.628 INFO  Load type hierarchy and UCFGs: Time spent was 00:00:00.002
15:59:29  [2024-09-14T10:14:29.971Z] 10:14:29.628 INFO  No UCFGs have been included for analysis.
15:59:29  [2024-09-14T10:14:29.971Z] 10:14:29.634 INFO  java security sensor: Time spent was 00:00:00.010
15:59:29  [2024-09-14T10:14:29.971Z] 10:14:29.635 INFO  java security sensor: Begin: 2024-09-14T10:14:29.623953175Z, End: 2024-09-14T10:14:29.634154586Z, Duration: 00:00:00.010
15:59:29  [2024-09-14T10:14:29.971Z]   Load type hierarchy and UCFGs: Begin: 2024-09-14T10:14:29.625376435Z, End: 2024-09-14T10:14:29.627692313Z, Duration: 00:00:00.002
15:59:29  [2024-09-14T10:14:29.971Z]     Load type hierarchy: Begin: 2024-09-14T10:14:29.625436662Z, End: 2024-09-14T10:14:29.627168747Z, Duration: 00:00:00.001
15:59:29  [2024-09-14T10:14:29.971Z]     Load UCFGs: Begin: 2024-09-14T10:14:29.627501666Z, End: 2024-09-14T10:14:29.627557072Z, Duration: 00:00:00.000
15:59:29  [2024-09-14T10:14:29.971Z] 10:14:29.635 INFO  java security sensor peak memory: 285 MB
15:59:29  [2024-09-14T10:14:29.971Z] 10:14:29.636 INFO  Sensor JavaSecuritySensor [security] (done) | time=13ms
15:59:29  [2024-09-14T10:14:29.971Z] 10:14:29.636 INFO  Sensor CSharpSecuritySensor [security]
15:59:29  [2024-09-14T10:14:29.971Z] 10:14:29.636 INFO  Enabled taint analysis rules: S2076, S2078, S2083, S2091, S2631, S3649, S5131, S5135, S5144, S5145, S5146, S5334, S5883, S6096, S6173, S6287, S6350, S6399, S6639, S6641
15:59:29  [2024-09-14T10:14:29.971Z] 10:14:29.636 INFO  Load type hierarchy and UCFGs: Starting
15:59:29  [2024-09-14T10:14:29.971Z] 10:14:29.636 INFO  Load type hierarchy: Starting
15:59:29  [2024-09-14T10:14:29.971Z] 10:14:29.637 INFO  Reading type hierarchy from: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ag_gsdp-frontend-services_PR-584/stage-build/ucfg2/cs
15:59:29  [2024-09-14T10:14:29.971Z] 10:14:29.637 INFO  Read 0 type definitions
15:59:29  [2024-09-14T10:14:29.971Z] 10:14:29.637 INFO  Load type hierarchy: Time spent was 00:00:00.000
15:59:29  [2024-09-14T10:14:29.971Z] 10:14:29.637 INFO  Load UCFGs: Starting
15:59:29  [2024-09-14T10:14:29.972Z] 10:14:29.637 INFO  Load UCFGs: Time spent was 00:00:00.000
15:59:29  [2024-09-14T10:14:29.972Z] 10:14:29.637 INFO  Load type hierarchy and UCFGs: Time spent was 00:00:00.000
15:59:29  [2024-09-14T10:14:29.972Z] 10:14:29.638 INFO  No UCFGs have been included for analysis.
15:59:29  [2024-09-14T10:14:29.972Z] 10:14:29.638 INFO  csharp security sensor: Time spent was 00:00:00.001
15:59:29  [2024-09-14T10:14:29.972Z] 10:14:29.638 INFO  csharp security sensor: Begin: 2024-09-14T10:14:29.636225805Z, End: 2024-09-14T10:14:29.637368687Z, Duration: 00:00:00.001
15:59:29  [2024-09-14T10:14:29.972Z]   Load type hierarchy and UCFGs: Begin: 2024-09-14T10:14:29.636454180Z, End: 2024-09-14T10:14:29.637010283Z, Duration: 00:00:00.000
15:59:29  [2024-09-14T10:14:29.972Z]     Load type hierarchy: Begin: 2024-09-14T10:14:29.636480246Z, End: 2024-09-14T10:14:29.636717401Z, Duration: 00:00:00.000
15:59:29  [2024-09-14T10:14:29.972Z]     Load UCFGs: Begin: 2024-09-14T10:14:29.636847072Z, End: 2024-09-14T10:14:29.636895411Z, Duration: 00:00:00.000
15:59:29  [2024-09-14T10:14:29.972Z] 10:14:29.638 INFO  csharp security sensor peak memory: 285 MB
15:59:29  [2024-09-14T10:14:29.972Z] 10:14:29.638 INFO  Sensor CSharpSecuritySensor [security] (done) | time=2ms
15:59:29  [2024-09-14T10:14:29.972Z] 10:14:29.638 INFO  Sensor PhpSecuritySensor [security]
15:59:29  [2024-09-14T10:14:29.972Z] 10:14:29.638 INFO  Enabled taint analysis rules: S2076, S2078, S2083, S2091, S2631, S3649, S5131, S5135, S5144, S5145, S5146, S5334, S5335, S5883, S6173, S6287, S6350
15:59:29  [2024-09-14T10:14:29.972Z] 10:14:29.639 INFO  Load type hierarchy and UCFGs: Starting
15:59:29  [2024-09-14T10:14:29.972Z] 10:14:29.639 INFO  Load type hierarchy: Starting
15:59:29  [2024-09-14T10:14:29.972Z] 10:14:29.639 INFO  Reading type hierarchy from: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ag_gsdp-frontend-services_PR-584/stage-build/.scannerwork/ucfg2/php
15:59:29  [2024-09-14T10:14:29.972Z] 10:14:29.639 INFO  Read 0 type definitions
15:59:29  [2024-09-14T10:14:29.972Z] 10:14:29.639 INFO  Load type hierarchy: Time spent was 00:00:00.000
15:59:29  [2024-09-14T10:14:29.972Z] 10:14:29.639 INFO  Load UCFGs: Starting
15:59:29  [2024-09-14T10:14:29.972Z] 10:14:29.640 INFO  Load UCFGs: Time spent was 00:00:00.000
15:59:29  [2024-09-14T10:14:29.972Z] 10:14:29.640 INFO  Load type hierarchy and UCFGs: Time spent was 00:00:00.000
15:59:29  [2024-09-14T10:14:29.972Z] 10:14:29.640 INFO  No UCFGs have been included for analysis.
15:59:29  [2024-09-14T10:14:29.972Z] 10:14:29.640 INFO  php security sensor: Time spent was 00:00:00.001
15:59:29  [2024-09-14T10:14:29.972Z] 10:14:29.640 INFO  php security sensor: Begin: 2024-09-14T10:14:29.638458968Z, End: 2024-09-14T10:14:29.639492909Z, Duration: 00:00:00.001
15:59:29  [2024-09-14T10:14:29.972Z]   Load type hierarchy and UCFGs: Begin: 2024-09-14T10:14:29.638639815Z, End: 2024-09-14T10:14:29.639117148Z, Duration: 00:00:00.000
15:59:29  [2024-09-14T10:14:29.972Z]     Load type hierarchy: Begin: 2024-09-14T10:14:29.638670936Z, End: 2024-09-14T10:14:29.638843755Z, Duration: 00:00:00.000
15:59:29  [2024-09-14T10:14:29.972Z]     Load UCFGs: Begin: 2024-09-14T10:14:29.638970461Z, End: 2024-09-14T10:14:29.639007665Z, Duration: 00:00:00.000
15:59:29  [2024-09-14T10:14:29.972Z] 10:14:29.640 INFO  php security sensor peak memory: 285 MB
15:59:29  [2024-09-14T10:14:29.972Z] 10:14:29.640 INFO  Sensor PhpSecuritySensor [security] (done) | time=2ms
15:59:29  [2024-09-14T10:14:29.972Z] 10:14:29.641 INFO  Sensor PythonSecuritySensor [security]
15:59:29  [2024-09-14T10:14:29.972Z] 10:14:29.641 INFO  Enabled taint analysis rules: S2076, S2078, S2083, S2091, S2631, S3649, S5131, S5135, S5144, S5145, S5146, S5147, S5334, S5496, S6287, S6350, S6639, S6680, S6776, S6839
15:59:29  [2024-09-14T10:14:29.972Z] 10:14:29.641 INFO  Load type hierarchy and UCFGs: Starting
15:59:29  [2024-09-14T10:14:29.972Z] 10:14:29.641 INFO  Load type hierarchy: Starting
15:59:29  [2024-09-14T10:14:29.972Z] 10:14:29.641 INFO  Reading type hierarchy from: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ag_gsdp-frontend-services_PR-584/stage-build/.scannerwork/ucfg2/python
15:59:29  [2024-09-14T10:14:29.972Z] 10:14:29.641 INFO  Read 0 type definitions
15:59:29  [2024-09-14T10:14:29.972Z] 10:14:29.642 INFO  Load type hierarchy: Time spent was 00:00:00.000
15:59:29  [2024-09-14T10:14:29.972Z] 10:14:29.642 INFO  Load UCFGs: Starting
15:59:29  [2024-09-14T10:14:29.972Z] 10:14:29.642 INFO  Load UCFGs: Time spent was 00:00:00.000
15:59:29  [2024-09-14T10:14:29.972Z] 10:14:29.642 INFO  Load type hierarchy and UCFGs: Time spent was 00:00:00.000
15:59:29  [2024-09-14T10:14:29.972Z] 10:14:29.642 INFO  No UCFGs have been included for analysis.
15:59:29  [2024-09-14T10:14:29.972Z] 10:14:29.642 INFO  python security sensor: Time spent was 00:00:00.001
15:59:29  [2024-09-14T10:14:29.972Z] 10:14:29.642 INFO  python security sensor: Begin: 2024-09-14T10:14:29.640499753Z, End: 2024-09-14T10:14:29.641515073Z, Duration: 00:00:00.001
15:59:29  [2024-09-14T10:14:29.972Z]   Load type hierarchy and UCFGs: Begin: 2024-09-14T10:14:29.640664903Z, End: 2024-09-14T10:14:29.641166544Z, Duration: 00:00:00.000
15:59:29  [2024-09-14T10:14:29.972Z]     Load type hierarchy: Begin: 2024-09-14T10:14:29.640693104Z, End: 2024-09-14T10:14:29.640851Z, Duration: 00:00:00.000
15:59:29  [2024-09-14T10:14:29.972Z]     Load UCFGs: Begin: 2024-09-14T10:14:29.640995334Z, End: 2024-09-14T10:14:29.641030926Z, Duration: 00:00:00.000
15:59:29  [2024-09-14T10:14:29.972Z] 10:14:29.643 INFO  python security sensor peak memory: 285 MB
15:59:29  [2024-09-14T10:14:29.973Z] 10:14:29.643 INFO  Sensor PythonSecuritySensor [security] (done) | time=2ms
15:59:29  [2024-09-14T10:14:29.973Z] 10:14:29.643 INFO  Sensor JsSecuritySensor [security]
15:59:29  [2024-09-14T10:14:29.973Z] 10:14:29.643 INFO  Enabled taint analysis rules: S5334, S5883, S6287, S6105, S5131, S5147, S6350, S6096, S5146, S5696, S2076, S2083, S2631, S3649, S5144
15:59:29  [2024-09-14T10:14:29.973Z] 10:14:29.643 INFO  Load type hierarchy and UCFGs: Starting
15:59:29  [2024-09-14T10:14:29.973Z] 10:14:29.643 INFO  Load type hierarchy: Starting
15:59:29  [2024-09-14T10:14:29.973Z] 10:14:29.644 INFO  Reading type hierarchy from: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ag_gsdp-frontend-services_PR-584/stage-build/.scannerwork/ucfg2/js
15:59:29  [2024-09-14T10:14:29.973Z] 10:14:29.667 INFO  Read 0 type definitions
15:59:29  [2024-09-14T10:14:29.973Z] 10:14:29.667 INFO  Load type hierarchy: Time spent was 00:00:00.003
15:59:29  [2024-09-14T10:14:29.973Z] 10:14:29.668 INFO  Load UCFGs: Starting
15:59:29  [2024-09-14T10:14:29.973Z] 10:14:29.668 INFO  Reading UCFGs from: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ag_gsdp-frontend-services_PR-584/stage-build/.scannerwork/ucfg2/js
15:59:30  [2024-09-14T10:14:30.900Z] 10:14:30.720 INFO  Load UCFGs: Time spent was 00:00:01.073
15:59:30  [2024-09-14T10:14:30.900Z] 10:14:30.721 INFO  Load type hierarchy and UCFGs: Time spent was 00:00:01.077
15:59:30  [2024-09-14T10:14:30.900Z] 10:14:30.721 INFO  Analyzing 2247 UCFGs to detect vulnerabilities.
15:59:30  [2024-09-14T10:14:30.900Z] 10:14:30.721 INFO  Check cache: Starting
15:59:30  [2024-09-14T10:14:30.900Z] 10:14:30.721 INFO  Load cache: Starting
15:59:30  [2024-09-14T10:14:30.900Z] 10:14:30.721 INFO  Load cache: Time spent was 00:00:00.000
15:59:30  [2024-09-14T10:14:30.900Z] 10:14:30.721 INFO  Check cache: Time spent was 00:00:00.000
15:59:30  [2024-09-14T10:14:30.900Z] 10:14:30.721 INFO  Create runtime call graph: Starting
15:59:30  [2024-09-14T10:14:30.900Z] 10:14:30.722 INFO  Variable Type Analysis #1: Starting
15:59:30  [2024-09-14T10:14:30.900Z] 10:14:30.722 INFO  Create runtime type propagation graph: Starting
15:59:30  [2024-09-14T10:14:30.900Z] 10:14:30.881 INFO  Create runtime type propagation graph: Time spent was 00:00:00.158
15:59:30  [2024-09-14T10:14:30.900Z] 10:14:30.881 INFO  Run SCC (Tarjan) on 16398 nodes: Starting
15:59:31  [2024-09-14T10:14:31.169Z] 10:14:30.900 INFO  Run SCC (Tarjan) on 16398 nodes: Time spent was 00:00:00.018
15:59:31  [2024-09-14T10:14:31.169Z] 10:14:30.901 INFO  Tarjan found 16386 strongly connected components
15:59:31  [2024-09-14T10:14:31.169Z] 10:14:30.901 INFO  Propagate runtime types to strongly connected components: Starting
15:59:31  [2024-09-14T10:14:31.169Z] 10:14:30.932 INFO  Propagate runtime types to strongly connected components: Time spent was 00:00:00.031
15:59:31  [2024-09-14T10:14:31.169Z] 10:14:30.932 INFO  Variable Type Analysis #1: Time spent was 00:00:00.210
15:59:31  [2024-09-14T10:14:31.169Z] 10:14:30.968 INFO  Variable Type Analysis #2: Starting
15:59:31  [2024-09-14T10:14:31.169Z] 10:14:30.969 INFO  Create runtime type propagation graph: Starting
15:59:31  [2024-09-14T10:14:31.425Z] 10:14:31.186 INFO  Create runtime type propagation graph: Time spent was 00:00:00.217
15:59:31  [2024-09-14T10:14:31.426Z] 10:14:31.187 INFO  Run SCC (Tarjan) on 16398 nodes: Starting
15:59:31  [2024-09-14T10:14:31.426Z] 10:14:31.200 INFO  Run SCC (Tarjan) on 16398 nodes: Time spent was 00:00:00.013
15:59:31  [2024-09-14T10:14:31.426Z] 10:14:31.201 INFO  Tarjan found 16386 strongly connected components
15:59:31  [2024-09-14T10:14:31.426Z] 10:14:31.201 INFO  Propagate runtime types to strongly connected components: Starting
15:59:31  [2024-09-14T10:14:31.426Z] 10:14:31.223 INFO  Propagate runtime types to strongly connected components: Time spent was 00:00:00.022
15:59:31  [2024-09-14T10:14:31.426Z] 10:14:31.223 INFO  Variable Type Analysis #2: Time spent was 00:00:00.254
15:59:31  [2024-09-14T10:14:31.426Z] 10:14:31.225 INFO  Create runtime call graph: Time spent was 00:00:00.504
15:59:31  [2024-09-14T10:14:31.426Z] 10:14:31.225 INFO  Load config: Starting
15:59:31  [2024-09-14T10:14:31.426Z] 10:14:31.316 INFO  Load config: Time spent was 00:00:00.091
15:59:31  [2024-09-14T10:14:31.426Z] 10:14:31.317 INFO  Compute entry points: Starting
15:59:32  [2024-09-14T10:14:32.368Z] 10:14:32.121 INFO  Compute entry points: Time spent was 00:00:00.804
15:59:32  [2024-09-14T10:14:32.368Z] 10:14:32.121 INFO  All rules entry points : 369
15:59:32  [2024-09-14T10:14:32.368Z] 10:14:32.121 INFO  Slice call graph: Starting
15:59:32  [2024-09-14T10:14:32.368Z] 10:14:32.121 INFO  Slice call graph: Time spent was 00:00:00.000
15:59:32  [2024-09-14T10:14:32.368Z] 10:14:32.121 INFO  Live variable analysis: Starting
15:59:32  [2024-09-14T10:14:32.624Z] 10:14:32.599 INFO  Live variable analysis: Time spent was 00:00:00.477
15:59:32  [2024-09-14T10:14:32.624Z] 10:14:32.599 INFO  Taint analysis for js: Starting
15:59:34  [2024-09-14T10:14:34.008Z] 10:14:33.606 INFO  0 / 2247 UCFGs simulated, memory usage: 207 MB
15:59:35  [2024-09-14T10:14:35.406Z] 10:14:35.315 INFO  188 / 2247 UCFGs simulated, memory usage: 272 MB
15:59:36  [2024-09-14T10:14:36.371Z] 10:14:36.290 INFO  358 / 2247 UCFGs simulated, memory usage: 222 MB
15:59:36  [2024-09-14T10:14:36.668Z] 10:14:36.374 INFO  375 / 2247 UCFGs simulated, memory usage: 250 MB
15:59:36  [2024-09-14T10:14:36.668Z] 10:14:36.374 INFO  Taint analysis for js: Time spent was 00:00:03.774
15:59:36  [2024-09-14T10:14:36.668Z] 10:14:36.374 INFO  Report issues: Starting
15:59:36  [2024-09-14T10:14:36.668Z] 10:14:36.378 INFO  Report issues: Time spent was 00:00:00.003
15:59:36  [2024-09-14T10:14:36.668Z] 10:14:36.378 INFO  Store cache: Starting
15:59:36  [2024-09-14T10:14:36.668Z] 10:14:36.382 INFO  Store cache: Time spent was 00:00:00.004
15:59:36  [2024-09-14T10:14:36.668Z] 10:14:36.383 INFO  js security sensor: Time spent was 00:00:06.741
15:59:36  [2024-09-14T10:14:36.668Z] 10:14:36.385 INFO  js security sensor: Begin: 2024-09-14T10:14:29.642487903Z, End: 2024-09-14T10:14:36.383596601Z, Duration: 00:00:06.741
15:59:36  [2024-09-14T10:14:36.668Z]   Load type hierarchy and UCFGs: Begin: 2024-09-14T10:14:29.642724094Z, End: 2024-09-14T10:14:30.720432649Z, Duration: 00:00:01.077
15:59:36  [2024-09-14T10:14:36.668Z]     Load type hierarchy: Begin: 2024-09-14T10:14:29.642753130Z, End: 2024-09-14T10:14:29.646149603Z, Duration: 00:00:00.003
15:59:36  [2024-09-14T10:14:36.668Z]     Load UCFGs: Begin: 2024-09-14T10:14:29.646316343Z, End: 2024-09-14T10:14:30.720241625Z, Duration: 00:00:01.073
15:59:36  [2024-09-14T10:14:36.668Z]   Check cache: Begin: 2024-09-14T10:14:30.720541081Z, End: 2024-09-14T10:14:30.720915781Z, Duration: 00:00:00.000
15:59:36  [2024-09-14T10:14:36.668Z]     Load cache: Begin: 2024-09-14T10:14:30.720565569Z, End: 2024-09-14T10:14:30.720602148Z, Duration: 00:00:00.000
15:59:36  [2024-09-14T10:14:36.668Z]   Create runtime call graph: Begin: 2024-09-14T10:14:30.721052969Z, End: 2024-09-14T10:14:31.225114927Z, Duration: 00:00:00.504
15:59:36  [2024-09-14T10:14:36.668Z]     Variable Type Analysis #1: Begin: 2024-09-14T10:14:30.721738070Z, End: 2024-09-14T10:14:30.931975665Z, Duration: 00:00:00.210
15:59:36  [2024-09-14T10:14:36.668Z]       Create runtime type propagation graph: Begin: 2024-09-14T10:14:30.722495979Z, End: 2024-09-14T10:14:30.880792687Z, Duration: 00:00:00.158
15:59:36  [2024-09-14T10:14:36.668Z]       Run SCC (Tarjan) on 16398 nodes: Begin: 2024-09-14T10:14:30.881338001Z, End: 2024-09-14T10:14:30.900221992Z, Duration: 00:00:00.018
15:59:36  [2024-09-14T10:14:36.668Z]       Propagate runtime types to strongly connected components: Begin: 2024-09-14T10:14:30.900494650Z, End: 2024-09-14T10:14:30.931795907Z, Duration: 00:00:00.031
15:59:36  [2024-09-14T10:14:36.669Z]     Variable Type Analysis #2: Begin: 2024-09-14T10:14:30.968498476Z, End: 2024-09-14T10:14:31.223057833Z, Duration: 00:00:00.254
15:59:36  [2024-09-14T10:14:36.669Z]       Create runtime type propagation graph: Begin: 2024-09-14T10:14:30.968566578Z, End: 2024-09-14T10:14:31.186411373Z, Duration: 00:00:00.217
15:59:36  [2024-09-14T10:14:36.669Z]       Run SCC (Tarjan) on 16398 nodes: Begin: 2024-09-14T10:14:31.186618226Z, End: 2024-09-14T10:14:31.200514231Z, Duration: 00:00:00.013
15:59:36  [2024-09-14T10:14:36.669Z]       Propagate runtime types to strongly connected components: Begin: 2024-09-14T10:14:31.200708929Z, End: 2024-09-14T10:14:31.222856941Z, Duration: 00:00:00.022
15:59:36  [2024-09-14T10:14:36.669Z]   Load config: Begin: 2024-09-14T10:14:31.225264095Z, End: 2024-09-14T10:14:31.316367457Z, Duration: 00:00:00.091
15:59:36  [2024-09-14T10:14:36.669Z]   Compute entry points: Begin: 2024-09-14T10:14:31.316532523Z, End: 2024-09-14T10:14:32.120808676Z, Duration: 00:00:00.804
15:59:36  [2024-09-14T10:14:36.669Z]   Slice call graph: Begin: 2024-09-14T10:14:32.121010068Z, End: 2024-09-14T10:14:32.121026783Z, Duration: 00:00:00.000
15:59:36  [2024-09-14T10:14:36.669Z]   Live variable analysis: Begin: 2024-09-14T10:14:32.121094267Z, End: 2024-09-14T10:14:32.598855432Z, Duration: 00:00:00.477
15:59:36  [2024-09-14T10:14:36.669Z]   Taint analysis for js: Begin: 2024-09-14T10:14:32.599236203Z, End: 2024-09-14T10:14:36.374023020Z, Duration: 00:00:03.774
15:59:36  [2024-09-14T10:14:36.669Z]   Report issues: Begin: 2024-09-14T10:14:36.374180099Z, End: 2024-09-14T10:14:36.377581519Z, Duration: 00:00:00.003
15:59:36  [2024-09-14T10:14:36.669Z]   Store cache: Begin: 2024-09-14T10:14:36.377747666Z, End: 2024-09-14T10:14:36.382511693Z, Duration: 00:00:00.004
15:59:36  [2024-09-14T10:14:36.669Z] 10:14:36.385 INFO  js security sensor peak memory: 407 MB
15:59:36  [2024-09-14T10:14:36.669Z] 10:14:36.385 INFO  Sensor JsSecuritySensor [security] (done) | time=6743ms
15:59:36  [2024-09-14T10:14:36.669Z] 10:14:36.389 INFO  ------------- Run sensors on project
15:59:36  [2024-09-14T10:14:36.669Z] 10:14:36.609 INFO  Sensor Zero Coverage Sensor
15:59:36  [2024-09-14T10:14:36.669Z] 10:14:36.613 INFO  Sensor Zero Coverage Sensor (done) | time=3ms
15:59:36  [2024-09-14T10:14:36.925Z] 10:14:36.704 INFO  CPD Executor 30 files had no CPD blocks
15:59:36  [2024-09-14T10:14:36.925Z] 10:14:36.704 INFO  CPD Executor Calculating CPD for 338 files
15:59:36  [2024-09-14T10:14:36.925Z] 10:14:36.885 INFO  CPD Executor CPD calculation finished (done) | time=180ms
15:59:37  [2024-09-14T10:14:37.182Z] 10:14:37.128 INFO  Analysis report generated in 217ms, dir size=3 MB
15:59:38  [2024-09-14T10:14:38.150Z] 10:14:37.819 INFO  Analysis report compressed in 691ms, zip size=1 MB
15:59:39  [2024-09-14T10:14:39.078Z] 10:14:38.769 INFO  Analysis report uploaded in 950ms
15:59:39  [2024-09-14T10:14:39.078Z] 10:14:38.770 INFO  ANALYSIS SUCCESSFUL, you can find the results at:
15:59:39  [2024-09-14T10:14:39.078Z] 10:14:38.770 INFO  Note that you will be able to access the updated dashboard once the server has processed the submitted analysis report
15:59:39  [2024-09-14T10:14:39.078Z] 10:14:38.770 INFO  More about the report processing at
15:59:39  [2024-09-14T10:14:39.679Z] 10:14:39.385 INFO  Sensor cache published successfully
15:59:39  [2024-09-14T10:14:39.679Z] 10:14:39.391 INFO  Time spent writing ucfgs 933ms
15:59:40  [2024-09-14T10:14:40.272Z] 10:14:40.239 INFO  Analysis total time: 1:15.761 s
15:59:40  [2024-09-14T10:14:40.272Z] 10:14:40.240 INFO  SonarScanner Engine completed successfully
15:59:40  [2024-09-14T10:14:40.833Z] 10:14:40.595 INFO  EXECUTION SUCCESS
15:59:40  [2024-09-14T10:14:40.833Z] 10:14:40.597 INFO  Total time: 1:23.974s
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // withSonarQubeEnv
[Pipeline] timeout
15:59:41  [2024-09-14T10:14:41.997Z] Timeout set to expire in 1 hr 0 min
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] waitForQualityGate
15:59:42  [2024-09-14T10:14:42.035Z] Checking status of SonarQube task 'KCHHHHwBwiq_5D3O1n-PErp' on server 'SonarQube'
15:59:42  [2024-09-14T10:14:42.091Z] SonarQube task 'KCHHHHwBwiq_5D3O1n-PErp' status is 'IN_PROGRESS'
15:59:44  [2024-09-14T10:14:44.041Z] SonarQube task 'KCHHHHwBwiq_5D3O1n-PErp' status is 'SUCCESS'
15:59:44  [2024-09-14T10:14:44.041Z] SonarQube task 'KCHHHHwBwiq_5D3O1n-PErp' completed. Quality gate is 'OK'
[Pipeline] echo
15:59:44  [2024-09-14T10:14:44.050Z] SonarQube analysis result: OK


Thanks for the log. I can see the LCov report being picked up:

15:59:21  [2024-09-14T10:14:21.908Z] 10:14:21.677 INFO  Sensor JavaScript/TypeScript Coverage [javascript]
15:59:21  [2024-09-14T10:14:21.908Z] 10:14:21.677 INFO  Analysing [/home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ag_gsdp-frontend-services_PR-584/stage-build/./coverage/]
15:59:21  [2024-09-14T10:14:21.908Z] 10:14:21.777 INFO  Sensor JavaScript/TypeScript Coverage [javascript] (done) | time=100ms

But no further details. Can you add -X to your analysis command line to enable debug logging & share that log? That should give us a better idea of what’s going on.

Ann (665.8 KB)

Attaching the debug reports


Thanks for the debug log. I don’t see anything in it to indicate that coverage import is going awry. So I’m going to come back to the original context: You say coverage isn’t showing up for PRs. Can I have a screenshot of the contents of a PR that should show up with coverage but don’t?


Below is the changed files for a PR

Below is the Sonar Cloud Reports on the Github PR

SonarCloud Property files



Thanks for the screenshots.

I’m not sure where to go from here, so I’m going to flag this for the language experts.


This setup was working on sonarqube and we recently moved to Sonar Cloud . This still works there

1 Like

@ganncamp - Who can help on this ?

can this image be helpful ? Please check below

Dear @widdix123,

Would you mind sharing the content of the LCOV report itself - the one that is being picked by the scanner (/home/jenkins/agent/workspace/e_PS-512-soilhive-slowness-issue/stage-build/./coverage/

There should not be any sensitive information there, but if you don’t want to share it publicly, you can send me a direct message instead.

Thanks in advance,


@eric.morand - This is similar issue that i found SonarCloud not showing coverage on Pull Requests since last update - #5 by jordmax12

I will share you the report soon

Attaching report (47.3 KB)

@eric.morand - attached report

@widdix123 , thanks a lot, I’ve been looking at the reports that you shared with me and they look correct to me.

Re-reading this thread form the top, there are a few things that I would like to clarify:

  • You say that PR coverage doesn’t work as expected, but the scanner command that you shared with us doesn’t provide the required PR information (namely, the branch, the base branch and the PR key) expected by the scanner (according to the documentation). Is there something that I am missing here?
  • I conducted some local testings and I get the same results as you when analyzing a branch that added only some uncovered sources: SonarQube informs me that the coverage of the New Code is 0.0%, which is correct. Can you please check what if you are not in this situation, where your analyzed code only adds some uncovered sources? Based on the screenshot of the PR that you shared, I have the feeling that your PR doesn’t code with tests for the added content, which may explain why the coverage on this added content is declared as 0.0%.

Thanks in advance,
