Coverage from SonarQube always is 0%

I’ve been trying to implement SonarQube for C++ manually since the GithubActions and others are not feasible right now on my workspace. Despite it working for the code, when following the tutorials for gcovr and gcov and manually uploading the values as instructed on the tutorials on GitHub the tests coverage still show up as 0%.
Our system is built using CMake with a separate directory for the build and tests.
There are no errors on uploading the reports with sonnar-scanner and using lcov to assert the results they show relevant information from the coverage. Also reading the coverage generated with the --sonarqube command on gcov, it correctly shows my tests coverages. But when checking the coverage on the website it’s stays shows as 0%.
Are the tests coverages a paid feature? Since i’ve been testing i’m sticking to the free version, could this be the problem?

Code coverage is available in all editions / tiers of SonarQube. What do the logs say about importing code coverage?

They show no errors what so ever. I glad to send them if required

Bring 'em on!