Could not read report from S3 for task AXM0Vsyz9Kn4c5Jad2QU

Any ideas why its failing? Failed today July 9, 2020 12:09PM


I’m having the same issue and also want to know :slight_smile:

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+1 on same issue.

+1 on same issue.

I also posted in the “report a bug” section: Could not read report from S3 for task [hash] when running publish quality gate in Azure DevOps


same issue for us starting today too

Same here

Same issue for us. Looks like it started around 11:42am EST.

Same issue .

Same issue, fix this please :frowning:

Same issue using SonarScanner for MSBuild

+1. Thanks for looking into it Sonar team!

Same issue

I’m not sure it’s helpful, but I sent a tweet to the Sonar Cloud status account. Looks like they have an update now saying there is a problem and they’re investigating:


Their status page now shows “Major Outage” for “Analysis Computation”

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Hi All,

A bug in our last deployment has lead to a problem processing scanner reports. Since then we have mitigated the issue and the service is back to operational, while a real fix is in progress.

You can track the progress on the fix and the status of the service on our status page:

Thank You for signaling the issue (we did detect on our side, but vigilance is always good).

Janos @ SonarCloud Team

@janos will my PRs get unblocked at some point? Or I have to trigger analysis one more time?

You have to trigger them one more time. (You can already do it now.)

Unfortunately, there is no such option on GitHub. So I have to commit some fake commit to trigger analysis.

Can I make a feature request - have a button on GitHub to re-run failed or timed out analysis?