Connected Mode Error : Your SonarQube server has version 8.0.0... should be greater or equal to 9.9

Using SonarQube Cloud (, and VS Code on Win 11, I would like to get the connected mode working.

First SonarQube comes with this suggestion…

So I proceed with ‘Use Configuration’. I set the server URL to, which let’s me generate a token, I paste it…

Finally I click the bottom button to Save and Bind… This gives me this error (see bottom right)

I am using the cloud version, so I assumed it would be up to date automatically…
What am I doing wrong here ?

The repository is public so you can take a look at Strooom/BME688-ML-v1-SW at develop

Hello, thanks for reporting this!

SonarQube Cloud and SonarQube Server have slightly different behavior in terms of connected mode synchronization.

When connecting to SonarQube Cloud, you should use the “Add SonarQube Cloud Connection” action:

Or if you already have existing connection settings, use the “Connect to SonarQube Cloud” action from the “…” menu:

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