Configure sonarqube details in aws secrets manager


Please help me any one, how to configure sonarqube details in side aws secrets manager.?

Thank you,
Chiranjeevi Kunchala

You’ll need to be more specific. :slight_smile: What kind of details?

Hi Colin,

Sorry, i have not mentioned my query clear.

Actually my query is, is there any way to sonarqube integrate between AWS code build and AWS ECR

Eg: AWS code build–>sonarqube–>AWS ECR

If there is any way to do that, will you please provide reference link or document.

Thank you,
Chiranjeevi Kunchala

I can’t speak to AWS ECR, but there are two interesting blog posts for AWS CodeBuild.

Integrating SonarCloud with AWS CodePipeline using AWS CodeBuild (for SonarCloud, but can probably be adapted for SonarQube)

Integrating SonarQube as a pull request approver on AWS CodeCommit

Otherwise, no specific integration from SonarSource, but our Documentation on Analysing Source Code can get you started in any environment.

Hi Colin,

Thank you for shared info.

Chiranjeevi Kunchala