"Component key not found" showing on sonarcloud.io


We utilise SonarCloud Code Analysis as part of our pull request quality gate process running with GitHub Actions. We have started to see a number of “Component key ‘repo:file’ not found” popup messages appearing on the left hand side of the SonarCloud UI. Upon closer inspection, there seems to be one popup related to each entry that has no values in the columns for Security, Reliability & Maintainability.

We are seeing this for projects where we use both automatic analysis and CI-based analysis.
It is also not restricted to one language, we have seen this in both js/ts and C# projects.

Unsure if it is related, but there is a similar post here : Sonarcloud warnings "component key 'repo-name:directory' not found" but there is currently no resolution.


Hey there.

Thanks for the report. I’ve pinged my colleagues working on the other thread to draw attention to this similar case. Maybe it can help us find a reproducer :crossed_fingers:

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We also have the same Issue in our Project. Same “error” appears when i go into my tests. and also the coverage there is not taken into consideration. probably because of that issue. Need a solution please

For me it’s also reproduced when a Pull request adds a new module to a multi-module project.

SonarCloud mentions the new module name in the error message.

Hi there,

I posted some updates on the other thread.


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