Code duplicate with TypeScript

The following example is considered as duplicated code(it seems to me that in java imports are not considered as duplicated code) :

import {Tache} from '@app/shared/model/tache';
import {DossierAffilie} from '../../wf-saisie-nouvelle-demande/shared/model/dossierAffilie';
import {DossierAffilieService} from '../../wf-saisie-nouvelle-demande/shared/service/dossierAffilie.service';
import {AdresseService} from '@app/affiliation-service/wf-saisie-nouvelle-demande/shared/service/adresse.service';
import {AffilieService} from '@app/affiliation-service/wf-saisie-nouvelle-demande/shared/service/affilie.service';
import {GlobalNotificationService} from '@app/shared/service/global-notification.service';
import {Router} from '@angular/router';
import {TacheService} from '@app/shared/service/tache.service';
import {take, takeUntil} from 'rxjs/operators';
import {TiersService} from '@app/affiliation-service/wf-saisie-nouvelle-demande/shared/service/tiers.service';
import {Subject} from 'rxjs';
import {FormGroup} from '@angular/forms';

SonarQube version 7.9.1
SonarTS: 1.9 (build 3766)


I can’t reproduce this with SonarJS 6.1 and SonarTS 2.1 that were released to the SonarQube marketplace yesterday. Can you try upgrading both (Typescript analysis is, as of yesterday, provided by the Javascript analyzer :slight_smile: ) and see if the issue persists?



With the new version it’s OK.

Thank you.