Code Coverage is 0% in Sonarqube for Mockito tests

I developed some Mockito tests using jenkins pipeline and will see the report through SonarQube using this jenkins script:

sh '  mvn sonar:sonar -Dsonar.sources=src/main/java -Dsonar.css.node=. 
-Dsonar.login=admin   -Dsonar.password=sonar'

I don’t get any single error but the Coverage percentage is still 0% and the number of lines is not changing after adding my tests.

I’m starting to think that this may be due to to my project having two folders.

Folder 1: /src/main/{artefact-id}… containing the entities, services ect…

Folder 2: /src/test/{artefact-id}… containing the Mockito tests …

I’m leaving below my mokito class and my Pom.xml file:

MockitoClass for tests:

@SpringBootTest(classes = AchatApplication.class)

public class StockServiceImplMock {

    @Mock(lenient = true)
    StockRepository stockRepository;
    StockServiceImpl StockSer;

    Stock stock = new Stock(1L,"stock 8", 12, 5);
    List<Stock> listStocks = new ArrayList<Stock>() {
            add(new Stock("stock 1", 1, 1));
            add(new Stock("stock 2", 1, 1));
            add(new Stock("stock 3", 1, 1));

    void retrieveStock() {
        Stock stock1 = StockSer.retrieveStock(0L);

My pom.xml file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
        <relativePath /> <!-- lookup parent from repository -->

            <url> </url>






I suggest starting here, to make sure you actually have a coverage report being generated:

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