SonarQube Version: 9.9
Newcode config set: 50 days
Enabled Clean as code Feature but we haven’t observed any difference on PR metrics.
Document mentioned it will work on newcode basis, but it not happing it will treat as 50 days code as new code.
Quality gate:
Coverage: 80
Duplicated Lines (%) - 3
Maintainability Rating - A
Reliability Rating - A
Security Hotspots Reviewed - 100
Security Rating - A
Uncovered Lines - 50
Please suggest any other options we need to enable.
The definition New Code for a pull request analysis is always the difference between the source branch and the target branch (the lines of code changed in the PR). Nothing more, nothing less.
Created new PR with existing file some new lines added but it’s not visible on Sonar dashboard exact changes on coverage section on new code.
Can any one help how we can check exact changes on sonarqube.