Change the SonarQube quality metrics

I am using SonarQube Developer Edition v8.8.

Is there a way to update the sonarQube metrics ratings ?
For example: the sonar metric defined for Sonar Security is:
The Security Review Rating is a letter grade based on the percentage of Reviewed (Fixed or Safe) Security Hotspots.

A = >= 80%
B = >= 70% and <80%
C = >= 50% and <70%
D = >= 30% and <50%
E = < 30%

I want to change the ratings to let’s say

A = >= 60%
B = >= 40% and <60%
C = >= 30% and <40%
D = >= 20% and <30%
E = < 20%

Is this possible ? If so how ?

Hi @Sunder_Singh_Bora ,

Welcome to SonarSource community :sonarsource: !

Currently, it is not possible to shift the Security Review Ratings bands to different letter grade definitions. However, you can modify the Quality Gate to review only fail when a condition is worse than an A or B etc.

Is there a reason why you would want a project to have less security than 80%? By shifting it down from 80% as an A to 60% as an A, then you are implying that weaker security is acceptable.