Change branch to syncronize

Please provide

  • Operating system: W11
  • SonarLint plugin version:
  • IntelliJ version: CLion 2024.3
  • Programming language you’re coding in: C/C++
  • Is connected mode used: yes
    • Connected to SonarCloud or SonarQube (and which version): SonarQube

And a thorough description of the problem / question:

Hi on our SonarQube server we have 2 branched that are being analyzed. an “origin/master” and an “origin/develop” branch. When I connect SonarLint to our SonarQube server I see the following in the log:

[2024-12-05T09:33:09.497] [SonarLint Local Storage Synchronizer] INFO sonarlint - [SYNC] Synchronizing issues for project '[projectName]' on branch 'origin/master'

The current branch I’m working on (locally) is the “origin/develop” branch, so I would like to know if its possible that we can change which branch is beign synchronized.



Hi Wesley,

First, the current version is 10.13.1. It’s not clear to me that an upgrade will address this, but could you try the upgrade so we can rule that out?

Checking the docs, it seems that only Git is supported for this. Can you confirm that’s what you’re using?


Hi Ann,

Sadly upgrading this SonarQube server is far outside of my control and will effect too many projects. So I cannot rule that out sadly for you.

Yes I’m using git.



Hi Wesley,

I’m asking you to upgrade your local SonarLint instance.


My apologies I missunderstood that, I upgrade sonarlint and I still have the same log.

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Thanks for trying. I’ve flagged this for the experts.


Hello @strife9129, sorry for the relatively late reply.

Could you tell us the name of the current branch you are working on in your IDE? We typically try to resolve the closest branch based on the main branch and all available branches on your SQ:S project.

Hi @nicolas.quinquenel,

The branch I was working on (when last tested) was the the origin/develop branch. This branch also exsists on the SonarQube server. I also tried to go to a ticket branch (branched of from origjn/develop) and both direct to the origin/master branch.

