Can't show right sonarqube link in Github comment

Must-share information (formatted with Markdown):

  • which versions are you using (SonarQube, Scanner, Plugin, and any relevant extension)
    I am using sonarqube Enterprise Edition* Version 8.9.2 (build 46101) and Github enterprise, Jenkins; I have config integration between them.

  • what are you trying to achieve

Adding pull request decoration to GitHub

  • what have you tried so far to achieve this
    When I create a PR in github, it will trigger jenkins to run pipeline to do sonar scan and quality gate, and it will return scan result to github comment. but the address is wrong, it direct to http://localhost:9000/

Github app config


It sounds like you need to configure SonarQube’s Server base url: Administration → General → Server base URL.

You may need to restart SonarQube for that to fully kick in.


HI Ann

Thank you. It works now.

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