(Michel Zehnder)
January 3, 2019, 3:31pm
We had a PR today which we were not able to change the status of issues to won’t fix. There was no drop-down.
It looks to be similar to this issue, but it says there it is resolved:
I have developers that are pushing pull request related builds to Sonar Cloud and we started seeing issues appear for “Make sure that exposing this HTTP endpoint is safe here”. We have followed the guidance in the documentation to review the code and make sure it is safe, but in a pull request, the option to “Detect” or “Clear” is not available causing this to be scan to block completion of our pull request. This is a new issue we encountered yesterday and cannot overcome it because the platform…
Can you help us out here?
We’re using VSTS/Azure DevOps together with SonarCloud.
(Nicolas Bontoux)
January 3, 2019, 3:46pm
Hey Michel,
This is resolved indeed, and it related to issues found by SonarCloud native analysis engine. In your case here it seems (per the roslyn
flag on the issue) that the issue does come from an external analyzer. So the recommendation you should refer to here is the following:
This kind of issues is now reported thanks to a new feature that is available on SonarCloud. SonarCloud automatically imports issues generated by the third-party Roslyn analyzers that are configured on your solutions.
This makes you see, in SonarCloud, the same issues you have locally in Visual Studio.
You can deactivate this behavior for your projects: Administration > General Settings > External analyzers > C# Ignore issues from external Roslyn analyzers.
Out of curiosity, why don’t yo…
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