Can sonar scane both c files and kts files together in one ndk project?

I tried to use sonar to scan the ndk sample “hello-jni” ,which containsed .pkts and .c files.

I added sonarqube plugin to the file (build.gradle),and it returned “build sucess”.
But I found the report in sonarqube server,it was only about the kts files, nothing about c files.

What can I do to scan the C files and kts files together in one project?


Hello @liuxl,

Did you have a look at the doc on how to configure your C analysis?


Thanks for your reply.

Yes,I use build-wrapper-linux-x86-64 and sonar-scanner to scane C project when the project is all about C files.

When the project is mixed with C and kts, can they be included in one report?

In the ndk project, the commad “gradle sonarqube” can comply and build all the files,but analyse kts files only. Here is a report.
I can scane the C files alone and get a new report.
Can these two report combined in one report ?