C# Rule S6669 ignoring changes to regex format

We are running SonarQube Community Build v24.12.0.100206 and are experiencing the exact same problem as described in https://community.sonarsource.com/t/c-rule-s6669-ignoring-changes-to-regex-format (Create a new issue here just according to the FAQ!)

We have a custom Quality Profile for C# which works great except for rule S6669. The parameter we want to have is ^m?Logger$ but analysis keeps showing code rules violations: Rename this field 'mLogger' to match the regular expression '^_?[Ll]og(ger)?$'.

Is anyone using a customized S6669 rule succesfully?


Welcome to the community and thanks for following directions! :smiley:

I assume you mean this thread. Your link just comes back to your own post.

For clarity, are there other rules where you’ve customized parameters and the new values are used?


Hi @SonarWelcome

We’re investigating the mentioned issue and we will get back to you soon.
